

But now Ivan knows that it had to be unlocked. Maybe he would get more attributes unlocked like Light or Wood attributes in the future.

<< Host is thinking correctly. The Host can unlock different types of attributes other than your inherent one, which Host needs to find during the meditation session.>>

The System then explained how to sense the attributes from the surroundings that is or are compatible with his body.

"Is that normal? To have more than one attribute." Ivan asked. Before his memories of this world can return back, he needs the System's help to know the common sense of this world.

<<Yes, it's reasonable to have more than one attribute. But such people are in lesser number, and it gets less and less in number if the person has more elemental attributes.>>

"Oh!" Ivan understood. In his first meditation session, he only did a simple meditation to relax and train his mind, but he did not try sensing his surroundings for the elements.

The System advised him to just focus on training his mind for at least a week and then try sensing his inherent element and the newly added Water element, after which he would need to absorb them in his body to become a Mage.

He needs to learn and understand more things like spells, knowledge about magic elements, etc., which are the means to use any of the incorporated elements in his body.

Ivan stood up from his place and walked towards the well. He was feeling thirsty, so he threw the bucket inside the well.


Ivan pulled the rope up that was connected to the bucket.

'If there were a pulley system installed here, it would be much easier to pull the bucket up. Maybe I should tell Sarah about it so that she can make her husband install it. That will make their life easier and also the life of the villagers when it spreads to them.' Ivan thought as he pulled the bucket up, filled with water.

But just as the bucket full of water reached halfway up, the sound of a door slowly opening from the opposite side of Ivan and the well sounded in the dead of night. It was the bathhouse. Someone was coming out of it.


A milky white hand reached out for the clothes that were placed near the wooden door.


Naina looked up in the direction of the sound; her eyes met with Ivan standing on the other side of the well, looking at her wide-eyed and with his mouth half-open.

A single glance alone caused him a great shudder. Ivan felt all the blood in his body rush to his head.

That thin waist, that silk-like hair was hanging across her shoulders, those long, graceful legs, and those twin hanging milky-globes, 'My God!'… Ivan saw everything.

He lost his composure in an instant, and his eyes became fiery hot. Even his breathing gradually turned heavier and heavier. No matter how many adult videos and Playboy magazines he had read and watched on earth, it was all for naught when he faced the naked body of a girl.

Her full and round breasts, her perfectly flat stomach, that little bush right between her beautiful legs… Ivan could see everything!

There was no resistance in his mind at all. He became stumped like a state, unable to move his eyes away from Naina, who was leaning in front to pick up the clothes placed on the ground in front of the door.

Naina's mind was blank as a white paper when she noticed Ivan. She never expected him to be standing out of the bathhouse or even in the backyard, but then she suddenly remembered her state.

It was only then that Naina came to her senses as she quickly stood up straight and attempted to cover her body with her hands, but unfortunately, it was already too late...

She had come out without any clothes on her body. Naina became flustered and stepped back into the bathhouse to hide from Ivan's eyes.

Thankfully, she didn't scream, but even after she disappeared from the door, Ivan was still standing in the same position, his eyes wholly unfocused, and if someone looked down at his pants, they would see something rising to make a tent in it.

But Ivan wasn't aware of it; he was merely spellbound and unable to think of anything other than the picture flashing in his head.



Naina's scream and then the sound of something falling hard brought Ivan out into the real world.

In her hurry, when Naina stepped back inside the bathhouse, she forgot that the floor was wet. Her feet slipped, causing her to fall on her back with a bang.

Ivan quickly circled around the well and rushed towards the door, but he stopped just as he was about to enter it.

His face was full of hesitation. They had enough awkward moments already between them in a single day. Going inside now would only further embarrass Naina. Still, he needed to go inside and see if she was alright. In his bid to make a decision, he heard Naina groaning in pain.

"Ah, Dammit!..." Ivan cursed before he quickly found excuses in his mind, 'I have already seen what could be seen. There should be no problem in entering the bathhouse and looking at her naked body, I mean, to save her. Yeah, see if she is hurt or not.'

Ivan noticed the pair of female clothing neatly placed on the ground; he picked them up and then rushed inside the bathhouse.

Seeing that Naina was holding her waist in pain with her body arched upwards, Ivan almost had a nosebleed then and there because of the erotic scene. Still, he somehow controlled himself and threw the clothes on Naina to cover her private parts before going any closer.

Asking her if she was alright would be a dumb question even after seeing how much pain she was inflicted upon falling.

Ivan could only say, "It's alright, the pain will go away in a moment; here drink this, it might help."

Ivan took out a half-empty bottle of Healing Potion and then helped Naina drink it. If any other person saw Ivan wasting a precious bottle of extraordinary-grade Healing potion for minor injuries, they would definitely go all out to kill this wastrel.

The pain receded quickly, and Naina's expression soothed as the healing potion took effect. Her body also relaxed, and when she opened her eyes, she found Ivan already turned his back to her.

Naina sighed in relief, but her face had already become redder than an apple in shame and embarrassment.

There was a pin-drop silence for quite some time in the bathhouse. No one talked.

Ivan could minutely hear Naina breathing rapidly behind him and then the rustling of clothes.

'Taking just a little peek shouldn't hurt anyone' Ivan wanted to look back very badly, but he couldn't turn his head around.

Not being able to gather courage, Ivan thought of going out so that she can adequately get dressed, but just as he tried to stand up, a hand reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overreacted... Thank you for helping me." Naina said in a barely audible voice.

1st chapter of the day.

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