
The Wolf cry

“Look at me, honey.” The lady whispered to the trembling child who quietly turned her neck to stare at her mother’s bleeding face. “Run and hide.” She instructed with her shaking voice and trembling limbs that held onto the shoulders of the child while she spoke. Dai nodded but she couldn’t move her limbs and neither could she leave her mother. “When the sky turns light greyish…” her mother stuttered looking behind at the rustling bush. “Call out Wolf and I will find you, now go!!.” Dai didn’t have time to nod before her mother pushed her to run, she ran as far as she could and hid behind a tree, with her back against it, her heart racing in fear and her body shivering. She sat with her face buried between her knees, she counted from the digit “1…” in a tone lower than a whisper till she felt the morning dew perching on her skin she raised her head slowly in fear only to see the grey sky her mother had told her about. “Wolf!!.” Dai screamed while she stumbled back on her feet. She took the first step as the words ran out of her mouth at the sight of dead bodies and blood. “Wolf!!.” She cried hopeful that her mother had won the game. “Mummy!, wolf!!!!. Wolf!!!.” She continued. Dai stood in the middle of the field of dead creatures with no idea what to do. She turned her neck snappy to the sound of gentle paws that moved towards her and behind its shadow followed many of its kind. **** Tied between her steamy hot sexual relationship with the Alpha and her fated love with his Son her mate. Dai is confused about how the moon goddess could mate her to both father and son. Who would she reject? the Son? Or the father?

Gabby_Vincent · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The moon light

Dai's POV

I held my dress gently while walking down the stairs, I looked down at the people at the hall.

"Here comes the bride!!." Baer smiled as he watched me descend from the stairs.

"Come on down Princesse." He winked at me with an outstretched hand that I grabbed at the first opportunity.

"Did you have to say that? Now everyone is staring!!." I whispered.

He kissed my cheek politely which shocked me. What was he doing?, he is the son of the Alpha for goodness sake!!, how could he be so childish in front of everyone.

"I see your son has found his mate!." I overheard a man whisper to Alpha Jamie.

Baer held me as we walked down the hall to an unknown destination, my eyes wandered around as we both bowed to great older werewolves at every step we took. 

Baer began to knock on the walls gently with his ears down as we proceeded down the hallways. I felt this was a strange act of his but didn't say a word. He knocked from the first brick to the tenth brick which made an echo lick sound then he paused and pushed four fingers into it. 

He pulled  me into a hidden dark room which made me upset.

"Why did you bring me here?!,why is it dark!." I yelled out my questions.

"Relax!, the lights are on now." I sighed in relief.

My eyes are widened in shock as I walked forward into the bright light of this mysterious room, no it wasn't a room, it was an entire chamber.

"This!, is my side of the castle." He waved his hands in the air as he told me with such a broad smile on his face.

His side?.

"Why did you bring me here?." I inquired to know.

He turned around and walked towards me, I felt my heart racing for some reason I didn't know about. He placed his hands on the wall that cought me in the middle.

"What are you doing?!!."

I closed my eyes in shock when he came closer, his lips met mine, he licked my lips gently before he kissed me, his tongue invaded my mouth. I felt myself giving in to his pressure.

I stood on my toes and wrapped my hands around his neck as I kissed him passionately more than I had ever kissed his father. His hands slid down to my waist and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist while our lips were still in a beautiful harmony.

"Stop!!, we shouldn't be doing this." I mumbled.

How could I have kissed him?, he is Alpha Jamie's son for Goddess sake Dai!! 

"Why?, are you seeing anyone?." Baer  asked me with a puzzled look on his face.

I tried pulling myself out of his arms. "No!, I mean yes…, no no no!!." What was I saying?.

How could I even say I was having sex with his father and his father claims I was his mate and not Baer's mother?.

"Who is he?." I pushed myself out of his arms in fear.

He never spoke in such a tone before.

I heard the sound of a loud bell ringing.

"It's time for the main course of the event." I stuttered.

He nodded. "I am sorry for scaring you." He whispered.

We both walked out of the hidden chambers, we walked hand in hand into the hall of 'Mates' as it is popularly called by everyone around. 

"Why did you stop?." Baer asked me when he noticed I had stopped walking.

"I am not a werewolf, I can't find my mate like you werewolves do." I explained to him with a smile on my lips.

I watched him sigh and let go of my hand, he walked into the circle right after every other young werewolf and Lycan had found their mates, as the next Alpha of the pack he walked in specially. 

He stood at the middle of the circle alone waiting for the moon goddess to show him his mate, the reflection of the moonlight fell on the open moon water right in front of him. 

I couldn't take my eyes off him, I caught myself wishing I was his mate but how could I wish such a thing?. How could I tell him I have had sex with his father several times. 

"Dai?." I heard my name gasped by a female and I immediately came back to reality.

"Yes?." I asked in confusion.

I watched Baer run towards me, his hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. He spinned around with me in his arms while everyone cheered except the girl who had stormed out of the hall.

"Put me down!." I pleaded.

"You're my mate!." He announced to me as he set me back on my feet.

I stepped back, turning my neck to stare at his father who was in shock, how? How could I be mates to a father and son?. 

"How?." I asked him.

"Your scent, when we kissed the spark I felt and the moonlight confirmed it, when the moonlight fell on the moon water fountain the only person I saw was you." He explained with my hands in his hands.

"What kiss?." His father stepped forward with a frown on his face.

Baer smiled and then moved over to his father. "She's my mate dad!, just as I had told you."

"A true Alpha knows his mate with or without the moonlight ceremony." One of the elders cheered and the rest followed.

"How?, I don't understand." I stuttered.

An elderly woman smiled at me and walked up to me. She was the lady who conducted the ceremony since I had been brought to the pack house to live here as a member of the pack.

"It means the goddess has blessed you! And Baer with the gift of love." She smiled sweetly.

'I f•ck his dad!!.' My jaw dropped at the thought.