
The Wolf's Fated Mate

"I'd rather be caught by a hunter than be whipped by a mate," he said nonchalantly, searching for a shirt. "You'll mate eventually, Damien. If you don't find her, she'll find you. It's destiny, there's no escaping it." Damien scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'll probably hate her when the pull starts. In fact, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Whoever falls for me is in for a rough ride."

Annabellegrenville · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Wolf Sparring Showdown

Lucian crashed into the side of the cabin, producing a resounding thump that reverberated through the building's foundation. Shaking off the impact, he swiftly regained his footing and darted towards Damien, who was crouched on the ground.

"You'll have to move faster than that, you little mutt," Damien taunted, provoking a growl from Lucian. With a sudden leap, Lucian launched himself into the air, but Damien reacted swiftly, seizing the younger boy by the neck and flinging him to the side.

Lucian whimpered, frustrated by the uneven match. "This isn't fair. He's already the prince, why do I have to spar with him during the full moon? He's ten times stronger, and he never tires out," he complained.

The rest of the pack, in their human forms, stood at the sidelines, watching the battle with amusement. Logan, still recovering from his own sparring session, nursed his sore muscles while the others eagerly awaited their turn to shift and expend their excess energy.

Groaning, Logan placed an ice bag on his aching muscles. "It's his own fault, you know. If he found his mate, he'd be channeling his energy into her instead of taking it out on us."

"You're just whining because you tagged out after five minutes, and you haven't found your mate yet," Kael retorted, leaning against the patio table.

Aiden chuckled as he observed Lucian being tossed around in their backyard. He felt the uncomfortable stiffness in his own muscles, a side effect of the full moon, but he had learned to manage it better than most. Yet, when the moon finally ascended, the pain would intensify twofold.

"This is ridiculous. Just go find your mate and stop bothering the rest of us," Lucian barked angrily, his words laced with frustration.

Aiden could only imagine the biting remarks the smartass was making, further fueling their prince's anger. Ethan, his eyes sparkling, watched the two combatants. Despite frequently clashing with the prince, he couldn't help but admire Damien's exceptional fighting skills.

He was always methodical and precise in his movements, never rushing himself. He patiently waited for his opponent to initiate an attack before striking back. He observed Lucian, anticipating his plans before swiftly countering them. Although they had different perspectives on mates, Ethan hoped to become as skilled a fighter as their prince one day, despite lacking royal blood.

Lucian rolled onto his stomach, signaling his surrender, prompting both boys to shift back into human form. "Damn it!" Lucian groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Why did you have to be so aggressive? We're already in so much pain with the full moon." Damien glanced at him, maintaining a serious expression. Damien enjoyed goofing around with the boys, but when it came to sparring, he never lost focus. He devoted all his energy to fighting, leaving no mental capacity to pay attention to the weather.

"Who's up next? Zev?" Damien asked, his gaze fixed on the small boy. Zev's eyes widened as he looked between the bruised Lucian and the unscathed Damien. The prince hadn't even broken a sweat. "Um... you know what? I think I'll skip this round," Zev said, shifting his attention towards Logan. Aiden grinned and stepped onto the field to drag Lucian's exaggeratedly limp body to the side.

Kael straightened up, ready to offer himself as the next opponent, when Ethan spoke up. "I'll do it."

Kael raised an eyebrow but stepped back. Ethan and Damien had forgiven each other after their heated conversation, but in the wolf world, conflicts were resolved through physical confrontation. If they could fight without causing serious injuries, then all would be forgiven. This was what the two of them needed.

Damien's eyes twitched for a moment before he nodded and shifted back into a wolf. Ethan casually tossed his shirt aside and followed suit, transforming as well.

Damien observed the small, brownish wolf trotting towards him, and he couldn't help but notice the flash of purple in its eyes. He's so small, Damien thought.

The large black wolf glanced uneasily at his Alpha, who made no move to intervene. "You sure, pup?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Damien noticed the mischievous grin on Ethan's face. "Bring it, prince," he replied with a grunt, accepting the challenge.

And so, the two wolves lunged at each other, engaging in a lively spar. Ethan may have lacked raw strength and size, but he made up for it with his agility and speed. He weaved through Damien's legs effortlessly, dodging attacks as long as he anticipated them. The two exchanged small hits, their playfulness evident, until Damien began to grow restless.

"What's wrong? Miss your mate? Oh wait, you don't have one. I forgot," Ethan taunted through their pack's telepathic communication ability.

Everyone watched in anticipation as Damien's eyes glowed with anger. He snarled and pounced on Ethan, gripping the smaller wolf's neck and flinging him into the air. Logan gasped at the height Ethan reached, fearing the pup would break his neck upon landing.

Logan stood up, ready to catch the falling wolf, but Kael stopped him. "Just wait for it," he said calmly.

Damien watched Ethan soar through the air, a terrified yelp escaping his muzzle. He crouched down, silently counting to ten before swiftly racing beneath the falling pup. A triumphant bark escaped Damien when he felt Ethan's body land safely on his broad back. He could hear the younger wolf whimpering, but it only made Damien's tongue loll out in satisfaction.

"That's what you get for mouthing off, pup," Damien playfully taunted.

Aiden placed a reassuring hand on Logan's shoulder. "Have a little faith in your prince next time, will ya?" he remarked with a chuckle.

Ethan opened his eye and let out a relieved exhale as he realized he was still alive. He hopped down from Damien's back, and the two of them transformed back into their human forms.

"That wasn't cool," Ethan whined.

Damien smirked and ruffled the boy's hair as they both walked back to the pack. Kael had a smile on his face, relieved to see that everything was good between them.

Damien clapped his hands together, rubbing them with anticipation. "Aiden? Kael? Who's up for the next challenge?"

"We should actually head in soon; it's getting late," Kael said, shaking his head.

"Since when does sunset equal a curfew?" Zev frowned.

Meanwhile, Logan started styling Zev's hair into a mohawk. "Yeah, but today's October 31st. It's not just any night."

"It's Halloween in the human world, isn't it?" Lucian said, sounding annoyed.

Kael nodded. "Yup, which means humans are more likely to venture out into the woods, looking for a little scare. We need to keep a close eye on our house and avoid attracting any unwanted attention. So, having matches out here isn't a good idea. It might be hard to explain why five of us are watching two supernatural wolves fight."

Damien scowled. "Fucking humans ruin everything. They think this stupid holiday gives them an excuse to run around dressed like idiots, trying to scare each other. And we have to deal with humans sticking hair on their faces and calling themselves 'werewolves.' Just another reason why humans should go extinct."

Zev tilted his head, contemplating. "It kind of works for us, though. If anything weird happens to us, we can always blame it on Halloween. Like if our eyes start to wolf out."

"And honestly, who's going to believe some drunk teenager claiming they saw boys turn into wolves on Halloween of all nights?"

Aiden smirked, a rare mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "My thoughts exactly."

Kael squinted, his Alpha instincts kicking in. "What are you thinking, Aiden?"

Aiden smirked and glanced at all of them. "Who wants to party with the humans?"