
The Wolf's Fated Mate

"I'd rather be caught by a hunter than be whipped by a mate," he said nonchalantly, searching for a shirt. "You'll mate eventually, Damien. If you don't find her, she'll find you. It's destiny, there's no escaping it." Damien scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'll probably hate her when the pull starts. In fact, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Whoever falls for me is in for a rough ride."

Annabellegrenville · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Behind the tough Exterior

The McCall sisters were as different as two people could be, but they got along perfectly. Mia had short, black hair and loved wearing bright colors, while Ava had long, blonde hair and preferred to dress in dark hues. Mia was bubbly and innocent, while Ava was colder and more intimidating. Ava had struggled in school, and even at university, while Mia had been a beloved alumna. When people found out that Ava was attending the same school, they expected another sweet and polite McCall sister, but Ava was nothing like that.

Instead they were met with a girl who wore leather jackets, biker boots, had a few tattoos, never smiled, had eyes that looked like they wanted to murder and was rarely seen speaking more than 3 words to her peers. People refused to believe that they were related. Ava never complained about her school life or ever acted like anything was wrong so

Mia went about a year before she saw it with her own eyes. She had gone to pick Ava up from university once. Mia got a scholarship so they had extra money to let her live in residence but Ava declined the offer. She'd rather commute. When Mia spotted her younger sister's ash blonde hair striding out of class she was about to wave, to get her attention, when something amazing happened.

When Ava began to walk, the students parted to make way for her to pass through. Mia was surprised by Ava's reaction, or rather lack of one. Despite the gossip and whispers, Ava remained composed and walked through the path with her head held high, ignoring the stares and rumors. Mia overheard the rumors being spread about Ava, including accusations of sleeping with a teacher and being expelled for punching a boy who needed plastic surgery. Other rumors suggested that Ava was a member of a gang, and that she was taken in by Mia and looked after like a sister. Although Ava gave off an air of toughness, Mia knew that she was a kind and caring person who would do anything for her friends.

She had a tough exterior, but underneath she was kind and compassionate, often going out of her way to help others. If you made it past her initial barrier, you were in for a loyal and caring friend. When Mia confronted Ava about the gossip, Ava shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. But Mia could see the hurt in her eyes, the pain of being ostracized and judged by her peers. Despite the passing of time, the rumors continued to swirl around her, and Mia suspected that's why Ava seemed to have a frozen heart, when in reality, she was just hurt by the constant gossip and judgment from her peers.

Mia furrowed her brows and draped her arm around her sister, "You sure you want me to go? I can still call and cancel if you're not okay with this."

Ava gave Mia a comforting pat on the back before rising from her seat. "You leave in an hour, and I'm going with you to the airport. That's final."

Without another word, Ava exited Mia's room and retreated to her own. She let out a soft sigh and perched herself on the bed. Ava couldn't imagine what it would be like without Mia by her side. Since she was born, it had always been the two of them against the world. They didn't have their parents, so they only had each other.

Even when everyone else turned on Ava, she knew Mia would always have her back. Mia's absence during the day for work didn't matter, because she would always be back by the time Ava returned from school.

The hours they spent together in front of the TV, indulging in their favorite snacks, were the only moments Ava found school bearable. Now, without Mia, Ava would be on her own, and the thought terrified her.

As Ava gazed up at the grey sky, a sharp crack of lightning jolted through her body. She relished the rain, watching as it coated the streets and the street lamps glimmered like candles. Ava felt the anger in the sky and the pelt of rain against the glass.

The way the weather could evoke emotions similar to a human's amazed Ava. It made her feel warm and snug, as if she ought to snuggle up under a blanket and drift off to sleep to the melody of the rain and thunder. "It's pouring cats and dogs out here. Be cautious on your way back. Looks like it's not going to let up anytime soon," Mia cautioned as she drove Ava's old pickup truck to the airport. Ava merely hummed in response, watching the streetlights grow brighter as they arrived. "Well, here we are," Mia exhaled, pulling into the departure lot.

Ava wordlessly exited the car to retrieve the luggage. Mia shook her head at Ava's cold demeanor. She knew her sister wasn't being rude on purpose, but it was her way of shielding herself from unnecessary emotional encounters. "I hope she learns to open up while I'm away," Mia thought, joining Ava to help her carry the remaining bags. An attendant approached them with a trolley to assist with the bags. Once everything was secure, Mia turned to Ava, who was gazing off into the distance with a clenched jaw.

"Ava McCall, look at me," Mia commanded in an authoritative tone. Ava slowly lifted her eyes, revealing a frightened, vulnerable expression that melted Mia's heart. It was as if they had been transported back ten years to when Ava had gotten lost in the woods during a game of hide and seek, weeping uncontrollably. "My baby sister," Mia thought, hugging Ava, who hesitantly embraced her back.

"I'll miss you, baby sis, but you'll be fine on your own. You're a tough cookie," Mia said, pulling away to examine Ava's face.

You have a good head on your shoulders, but you're also a bit hard-headed," Mia remarked to her younger sister, who snorted in response. "Seriously, though, give people a chance after I'm gone.