
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · 都市
25 Chs

You are Not All That You Have

Kat's eyes opened slightly. She was unbelievably week and couldn't even turned her head to the side. Her vision blurry, she blank a few times to try to straighten out the picture. She was laying in the bedroom that her and Richard had shared at one point. There was a doctor by her side and a nurse.

She could feel needles in her arm as they drew blood. She could feel the IV needle in her arm and she could hear the monitor peeping off to the side.

She wasn't sure how good of a sign the beeping meant, but she did know that she was alive.

Kat tried to grunt out a word but got nothing. Her throat was so dry that she couldn't utter anything.

She tried to gather some spit to moisten her throat, but to no avail. The nurse must have seen her struggling because she grabbed a cotton swab and dampened it with some water. She firmly placed the piece of cotton to her lips and dabbed gently.

The soothing sensation of a few drops entering between her close lips felt like heaven. She was alive, she thought. It must not have been her time to go, is what she tried to reason to herself.

Kat didn't have any tears because it had not dawned on her just yet, that she had tried to take her own life. She was actually grateful to be alive because she couldn't believe how stupid she was for a momentary lapse of depression. She had so much to live for, she knew.

"Hi, Mrs Gibbs, do you remember how you got here?" The doctor asked.

"Mrs Gibbs, you took too many sleeping pills and unfortunately drank it with alcohol. Thankfully, your lovely husband was there in time to help you before it was too late."

How ironic, she thought. The same man who tries to kill her every night actually is the one to save her.

"How long.....?" Kat couldn't get the rest of the sentence out from her lips, however, thankfully the nurse seemed to understand what she meant.

"You were out for three days Mrs. Gibbs". The nurse continued to explain since she apparently knew the next question Kat was going to ask.

"We will be taking out the IVs later on tonight. You will still be a little weak and wanting to throw up, but that will be OK. You'll only be able to eat liquids for a few days, but make sure you eat plenty with protein to be able to regain your strength."

And with that they continued taking her vitals, and when they were all done, they left her alone in the room.

Kat set alone in her bedroom. There was no sign of Richard. There was no sign of anyone else for that matter. Which led cat to believe that he had told no one and made sure to cover everything up.

Kat woke back up around 9 PM when she heard the front door open and slam. She heard a young woman's giggle, and Richard's laughs. Elise and Richard were back at it again. She wasn't sure if they had spent every night here at her house together while she was unconscious but from the sounds of it, it seemed that way.

Without even so much as a glance into Kats opened bedroom door, they walked past in a passionate embrace down the hallway to one of the spare bedrooms.

She laid in bed with her eyes, watching the ceiling. Moans from the other room, got louder and louder. She knew it was mostly fake because Richard wasn't even that big in size.

She knew that even in one of her darkest times that they were still trying to hurt her. That fake bitch Elise was loud on purpose.

Lifting herself up slowly from the bed, Kat needed to go to the bathroom. So weak and afraid that she might hit the ground at any moment, she slowly steadied herself. She leaned on the nightstand next to her bed until she caught her breath.

Then she slowly made her way to the dresser that was next to the bathroom door.

That seemed to be a little too much for her, because she felt very dizzy and slammed into the dresser knocking off a picture frame that was there on the top. She Looked down at the cracked glass of the picture frame that faced up to her.

It was a picture of her little daughter, Illiana.

My God, she thought, how stupid was she? She had a one-year-old baby girl.... and she had tried to take her life!

It's suddenly dawned on her all at one time.

She burst into an uncontrollable sob. Tears stained on her cheeks as she sunk down to the floor next to the broken picture frame. Kat picked up the picture frame that was on the floor and with broken glass and all, hugged it to her chest. She rocked back-and-forth hysterically as she cried her heart out.

She couldn't control her body as it was so weak, and now with her crying even more, made her weaker. Knowing she wouldn't be able to lift herself, and she didn't have the strength to hold it in, Kat ended up urinating on herself on her bedroom floor.

She was hysterical. Almost screaming crying over the loud moans that didn't stop on her accord.

She would find a way out, she swore.

She would never try that route again. She had to for her daughter!

Children always make the parent's will stronger, don't you think?

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