
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · 都市
25 Chs


Richard made his way out of the door and waited until he was out of hearing to vent to Elise. How dare that arrogant son of a bitch try to embarrass him in front of HIS team?

He had heard several rumors of how ruthless the young CEO could be. However, that still did not phase him because he knew with his power and rank that no matter what, that young bastard needed him.

Richard had created a foolproof plan on the marketing of the product that he was presenting today. He was more so upset at the fact that the CEO dared to call out his product as last year's imitation.

"Call a meeting to my office right now." Richard demanded to Elise. It was apparent on his face that he was more than angry. Elise, understanding the gravity of the situation, scurried off to gather the team.

What shocked Richard even more then the young CEO calling him out, was that his bitch of a wife was beside him. He had been trying to get a hold of her all morning, but to no avail. This never happened before. It seemed as though he did not train her well enough, he thought.

Well, she has another thing coming. If she thought she was safe behind his skirts, then she was clearly wrong. She probably was thinking that she can fuck her way from him. Yet again, another thing wrong.

" Mr. Gibbs." Richard have been so preoccupied with his thoughts that he realize he had walked in a full circle. He was now back in front of the meeting room. Wolf stood directly infront of him. Katalina was a few steps behind him with his head bowed.

"Is there anything I can help you with Mr. Gibbs?" The young CEO asked. His arms were slightly raised as though he had been interrupted mid demonstration.

Richard, gathering his thoughts, cleared his throat and looked over at his secretary Lyma. She had been eyeing him the entire meeting as though everything he said was a pure joke. He definitely misread this young bitch for a properly training woman. One of Rich's ideal women who know their place. But he was wrong about his previous assumption apparently.

"Mr. Gibbs?"

"Ah, yes, Mr. Wolf…I actually had a rather personal question for my dear wife you have there."

Did Richard see Wolf's eye twitch or was it just his imagination. So she hadn't told the man that she's married, huh?

"Will you be home at a reasonable time tonight? Or shall I come fetch you?…"

Wolf stared between the two as silence filled the hall. Richard tried his hardest not to show his menacing glare as he stared at his dumb broad. He took one step forward and clenched his jaw as he saw her jump slightly. How dare she try to play weak here?



Both Wolf and Kat simultaneously answered.

Wolf was not sure what he had just witnessed but he didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that this punk called her 'wife'. Nor the thought of them living together.

What haunted him even more was the look Richard gave her and the reaction she gave in return.

He could tell that the executive was placing on a false smile. No matter how hard he tried to show a smile of endearment Wolf saw right through that farce.

From the moment Richard appeared she was tense. Their relationship definitely had secrets to it. Whether she was trying to be a good wife? Whatever it may be, he was invested now? Why not use that title of CEO to throw his weight around.!

"Excuse me?" Richard turned to look slightly up at Wolf.

"I apologize. I had been meaning to discuss this with you. You see, Ms Hunter is my new personal assistant. I will need her assistant heavily in these next few weeks. I do hope you will understand."

"I presume she will be late…then?"

"No. Unfortunately she won't be late."

"Good…then I expect you home at 9pm. We have much to talk about." Richard walked over and flung his arm around Kay's shoulders. Wolf could've sworn he saw her flinch. He was too busy looking at her faces with those big brown eyes closed tight. Was she upset?

"Forgive me, but she has been arranged to stay at my guesthouse. She won't be home at all. At least not for the next few weeks."

Wolf straightened himself up and placed his hands in his pants' pockets. He tried his hardest not to show the grin that creeped up on his lips. He wasn't going to give this opportunity up this easily.

"What?!" Richard damn near yelled the question.

"Mind your volume, Mr. Gibbs." Lyma reminded him as she checked behind to make sure no one else heard the outburst.

"I apologize. Ms. Hunter has been assigned to clean up your mess."

Wolf stepped closer to Richard and and slowly grabbed the hand that was dangled over her shoulders. He took it off from her under the pretense of shaking his hand.

"Ms. Hunter can now pay for your lack of competence. It's a win win situation right? "

Wolf continued before Richard could open his mouth for a rebuttal.

"Good. I'm glad you won't refuse my so generous offer. Thankfully Ms. Hunter has persuaded me that you are worth keeping within my company. Despite the recent urge to fire you."

Wolf turned on his heels to begin again down the hallway but halted as Richard attempted to get the last word in.

"You keep saying Ms. Hunter, Ms. Hunter. But I'll have you corrected. Her name is Katalina Gibbs."

Wolf stopped and glanced back over his shoulder.

"Alright then." Wolf agreed before fully turning to face him.

"Ms. Katalina. Let's go shall we?"

And with that the three made their way down the hallway again.