
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · 都市
25 Chs

I Want You

It was everything that Wolf had imagined.

He watched as the beautiful young woman skimmed his office, obviously impressed by the choice and decorations. He studied her expressions on her face as she went from curious to doubtful and then back to curious again, as her eyes swept the room.

And when her eyes finally rested on him she stumbled back quite a bit.

She barely laid eyes on him, but recognized him.

Her deep, brown eyes were wide opened. He could see through her expressions that she had a lot of questions going through her head.

He noticeably saw her throat tense as she took a deep breath, and gulped down air. She nervously played with a loose strand at her temple and attempted to realign it behind her ear.

" Miss Hunter?" Wolf pretended like he didn't know her and instead tried to get her attention again.

"Yes? I'm Katalina Hunter. Y..you…you wanted to see me?"

"Yes I've wanted to see you for quite some time now."

He could see the shocked expression crawl across her face. He knew that she thought he was talking about for two years he'd been wanting to meet her.

"But you have not been in the office for quite some days now," he toyed with her, hiding a grin.

"Oh!…" obviously shocked that he didn't mean what she was thinking he meant.

"Have a seat so we can talk."

Following his order, she bowed her head as she made her way over to the sofa. He soon followed behind her to sit directly across.

He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and started directly at her. Her gaze didn't lift from the coffee table. She avoided his prying eyes firmly as though she were afraid to look at him again.

Her hands were tightly grasped in her lap. Her thumb kept nervously rubbing her other thumb.

"Let's talk about why I called you here." He said. He leaned back into the sofa and spread both of his arms nonchalantly across the back of it.

Her eyes threatened to steal a glance upwards towards him but halted midway to his face. She lowered them back down to the coffee table with a slight nod.

Why was she acting like a timid shy little girl? She had always shown nothing but confidence with her head held high. A proud woman.

"Why are you wanting to leave the company?"

"Be..because of…ummm..something personal…."

My God she was stuttering!?

"Personal?" His voice got lower as he cocked his eyebrow up in question.

"Umm yes. I don't…ehhh… wish to speak about it."

She continued looking down like a little puppy.

"I understand that you just recently suffered a loss in your career path. Trust me, it was not my direction. I had no knowledge of it."

She slightly looked up at him as she let out a very shaky breath. Why was she shaking?

" Since you don't want to talk about it, I'll continue with the real reason why you are here."

He waited for her to look up at him but it never happened. Her gaze stayed locked on the coffee table between them. His patience was starting to run thin. THIS was not the woman that he had thought about over the last two years. He disdained shy, timid women. They always looked as though their world would come crashing down around them as soon as someone rose their voice at them.

"Look at me."

She blink a few times but did not budge.

"Ms. Hunter, look….at me when I am speaking to you."

She jumped a tad bit when he raised his voice but she looked up nonetheless. She was now looking at him with wide eyes. He noticed that her chest had stopped moving as though she were holding her breath.

"I want you." He said, before finishing his sentence. He wanted to see her reaction first.

A small gasp released from her lips. Her eyes fluttered for a moment. Her hands that were clasp on top of her lap, tightened. He could feel her eyes lower from his own down to his lips.

He wasn't too sure if she were trying to grasp the meaning behind his words, or if she was reminiscing.

Then again, he had never had a woman look so scared at the thought of "reminiscing" with him. Most women would attempt at it before he even asked.

"I want you to be my personal assistant, that is."