
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · 都市
25 Chs

Golden Heels

Kat followed along obediently behind the CEO. They made their way to the meeting room. From the conversation that she heard Lyma discussing with the CEO she figured that he had called the meeting with one of the teams.

They stopped several times as they gathered some of the executives on their way there. Kat could barely keep up with the tall man who stood at about six foot two. Or was it more?


Kat grunted as she crashed into Wolf's back. Kat had been so entranced in the height of this magnificent man that she didn't realize that he had stopped before her.

"I..I'm sorry, I didn't see.."

Wolf raised his index finger in the air to silence her. He turned around slowly and peered down at her. Even in her heels the top of her head barely came up to his neck. She took a quick glance up at him as he stood face to face with her. He slowly bent his head down towards her.

"Sir, I'll brief her on what you discussed." Lyma stepped forward, trying to intervene but was silenced immediately.

"You will do no such thing." Wolf did even so much as blink towards Lyma. He was focused on Kat.

"Katalina Hunter. You have two weeks to get your head…out of your ass. Or I will make sure that you never set foot back into another company again. Do you understand?"

His voice was low and stern. He meant business. Kat guessed that her zoning out the last few hours didn't go unnoticed. Although this position was suddenly dumped upon her she still had to perform. All he was asking so far was for her to pay attention.

"Y-yes sir." Kat clasped her hands tightly together in front of her. She didn't dare to look up at him, so she kept her eyes pinned to his black loafers that stuck out below his suit pants. For several moments after he still held his gaze upon her without saying a word which made her dig her nails into the palm of her hand.

"Stop." Wolf reached his hand out to grab hers to make her stop, digging her nail into her palm. What should have been a selfless act made Kat jump back swiping his hand from hers. Her eyes were wide.

Wolf's eyebrows were raised as though he were just startled as she was.

Before he could speak, a young lady by the name of Maureen came to inform them that the meeting room was ready. Without further ado, he turned on his heels and headed behind the young lady with both Lyma and Kat following.

As they neared a meeting room Kat could see a very familiar figure standing at the rooms entrance. The woman was dressed in a red blazer, an all white jumpsuit, and a familiar pair of gold and white heels.

There were her shoes! Kat recognize those. Because she had bought them after her first promotion, and swore that she would wear them when she reached a more powerful position within the company. And there stood the devil wearing her shoes. Elise.

Kat froze in place as she realized that Elise was attending the meeting.

This could only mean that…. Richard would be there. And after his disturbing text message this morning he would be even more shocked to see her there.

"Kat!" A loud whisper came from Lyma as she nudged her side. She then only realized that she had been staring directly at Elise for a few minutes.

Elise must have noticed because she had a surprise reaction on her face from seeing her with the CEO and his secretary.

Kat watched as the woman nodded her head in greeting towards Wolf and headed into the meeting room.

Wolf followed behind.

" OK so real quick listen and listen closely I only have one minute to explain to you what you need to do in here. Although I will be taking care of any of the notations you also need to be aware of what is said during the meeting. Make sure you notate down any dates times and what they are associated with. that's the most important."

Lyma rambled off all of the instructions in one breath. Without taking a moment to ensure that Kat understood she turned on her heels and walked into the room.

After taking a deep breath, Kat too followed.