
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · 都市
25 Chs

Fourteen Days

Kat couldn't believe her ears.

He wanted her?! There was no way she could've heard that correctly. Although they did have a past, she was almost sure that everything will change now that they were boss an employee.

The entire time the Young CEO was talking, Kat was trying to figure out how things got to this. In the entire time she worked for a wolf enterprise she never thought to look up how the CEO looked. She was sure there must have been articles right? But she was always so used to working long hours and then having to go home to take care of a baby.

She rarely used her phone besides work. She never looked at the news or even turned on the tv!

Wait! Something wasn't right! Why were there no pictures around the office?

Omg!! Does this man recognize her or not?!

Kat munched on her lips as she tried to gather her head around this sudden realization. She was so lost and didn't understand where everything started.

"I want you to be my personal assistant, that is."

Kat's eyes dove down to his lips. She could see a slight grin tug at the corners. Was this some sort of sick joke?! Her inner self wanted to bust free and scream at him to stop toying with her, but she was afraid that woman was too scared to come back.

"Ummm…I'm leaving the company, sir." She said extremely slowly, trying to reiterate that.

"That's not what I said." His voice grew a little grim. He leaned forward.

"For your last two weeks. You will be my personal assistant."

"I only have 10 days left."

"No." His gaze turned very cold as though he didn't want to hear what she was saying at all.

"No?" She gulped as she felt the tension rise in the room.

"You promised me fourteen days and that is what you will give me."

Kat didn't take into consideration that she had not technically been back to work since she turned in her two weeks notice. Apparently, he did. With one look in this man's eyes she knew that he meant business.

"I think that I'll be just fine in the office with the team…"

"I didn't ask you what you thought."

She could feel him become more and more dissatisfied with her answers. She thought it would be best to just shut up.

"You will be beside me for these fourteen days…"

The door suddenly opened and Lyma was standing there with a box of supplies.

"You will be stationed at the desk outside of my office. She will brief you on your assignment."

Kat didn't dare to utter a word. Instead she just stared at him. Shocked. She was already very used to men not letting women get a say in. Thanks to Richard, she was very used to POWERFUL men getting their way.

"Why are you sitting there staring at me?" He questioned. She quickly looked down back at the coffee table. This must have aggravated him.


Although he didn't yell the words, the sternness behind them prompted for Kat to jump up. She raced towards Lyma and out the door without even a second glimpse behind her.

She waited outside the door while the two carried on conversation. She couldn't hear what was said on the other side, but she dared not peep in. Finally after a few moments Lyma came back out with the box she was carrying.

She then handed the box over to Kat. It was her stuff! All of the documents and paperwork that she was working on downstairs had been packed up.

Lyma motioned for cat to place her things on the desk.

" Go ahead and unpack." Lyma's facial expression seemed a bit worried. She was in deep thought about something, Kat could see. Was it about her? Did the conversation that the two just had pertain to her?

Kat unpacked her things as quickly as she could. She could tell by Lyma's facial expressions that she was waiting to brief her on her new assignment. Her last assignment with Wolf Enterprise.

Kat sat in the desk chair signaling that she was done and turned to Lyma.

"You are assigned as personal assistant to Jiovanni Wolf, CEO to Wolf Enterprise. First I will start with his morning routine. He wakes up at 5am every morning, drinks a cup of black coffee on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays. Monday he drinks a protein shake with peanut butter powder. Wednesday, it's green tea with squeezed fresh lemon. Friday's he drinks an americano with three shots of espresso….. are you writing this down?"

Lyma had rambled off so quickly that Kat just started at this woman in awe. She had no idea what it meant to be his personal assistant, because if his secretary knew all of this, then she could only imagine what the personal assistant should be responsible for.

Kat scrambled to get a notebook and pen as Lyma didn't give a moment to spare. She continued with his morning, followed by his daily work out regimen. Then she went to speak on his favorite meals, what he liked and disliked.

The conversation went on for what it seemed like two hours. How the secretary wasn't out of breath was a wonder to Kat.

When the conversation was over the two women just stared at each other.

"So, what do you think?" Lyma asked, trying to break the silence.

"Well, the CEO does live a remarkably busy life."

"Yes, he does."

"And what is my assignment?" Kat asked. Still very confused at why she had to know all of this about her boss.

"Because you will be with him 24/7 for the next 14 days. Assisting him with all of his daily needs."

The notebook and pen crashed to the floor as they fell out of her hands.

"24/7!? You mean…..day…. And night?!" Although the words were said, they still weren't understood.

"Ah! Yes! I almost forgot." Lyma reached into her purse and tossed over a set of keys that Kat barely caught.

"Keys to his home! You'll need those!"

Kat stared down at the keys in her hand as though they were scorpions ready to sting her with their tail if she dared move.

"Pack up any clothes that you might need for your stay. You'll be sleeping in his guest bedroom at his home. "

The keys jingled as they dropped to the ground beside the notebook and pen.