


23 Chs


The cave calm silence echoed, the silver ray of moonlight sneak into a luxurious looking room giving it a dim light as set of crimson candles flinkered along the touch of cool smoothie wind.

The scene then showed a figure of a sleeping lady which could been seen lying on a king -size -bed, decorated with black rose petals that complimented her long silky hair. Her sexy red gown reveal the perfect pairs of long slim legs, and a beautiful perfect fit body, a shape any woman would dream to have.

The lady dense eyelashes guivered , revealing the sets of light blue eyes which held a daze look.

" W-where am I? "

Those glossy dark shade pink lips parted with an huffy sound; the lady shake her head gently trying to get rid of the dizziness, she was currently feeling.

The red decorated ceiling greeted her vision, the type that would never belong to a poor man. Deep, red color decorated with black roses and different crystals.

Hera blinked in daze. She felt a little tired, swaying to the side as she question her vision. Everything seemed to be swirl blurring.

" What thee * Chain shaking *"

Her eyes widened in surprise, trembling slightly.

The cold iron touch she felt on her hands and legs. Hera felt panic as she felt a faint throb at the back of her head .

Images of her been abducted filled her vision, made her even more scared. She was a poor commoner who was trying to find basic need for herself and sick grandmother.

Her expression became more worrying at the thought of her sick grandmother alone; More importantly, is how to escape this place?

A painful wince came out of her lips, followed by struggling sounds of chains which only got tighter by each struggle.

"She let out a pain moan, breathing heavily. Her wrists were hurting bad, that she was pretty sure it's bleeding.

Yet, no damn in h*** , would she accept her current predicament.

" My lord, This way please"

( Some one is coming!?) Hera thought as she quickly pretend to be at sleep, ignoring the pain of chains she felt.

The door suddenly opened widely as a man wearing a large coat over his body walked in, with every footsteps he made Hera could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she tightly held her gown from the side.

The man approached her, and when he was close enough his lip curve into a wry smile, his deep fathom ember eyes stared at the lady in front of him. for a moment he was dazzled by her beauty, but just then he noticed the mess and blood stains on the bed.

"That made him sneered coldly... do I look like a fool you can play with!..I no you are already awake!.

His growling voice startled Hera, before she could open her eyes, she felt a huge hand grad her by the neck , making her choke her breath.

P-please let go of me, you are straggling me, she said trying her best to pull away from his grip, tears slipped from the corner of her eyes. She couldn't really move that mush due to the chains and his strength leaving her with no choice but to beg for his mercy; regardless of Hera cry for compassion he didn't stop.

"While helplessly struggling, she felt her breath tightening, as her hands slowly started to give up. The man just smacked and let go of the helpless Hera, who gasp for air.

Before she could recover from what just happened, she was pinned Forcely to the bed by the man, who bent closer to her, using one of his hand to hold her face while the other one was slowly unzipping her dress.

" You can call me Carson...that was the only thing she heard before the sounds of chains breaking,filled the room.

Hera was lost for words, as she felt his hand on her thigh, before she knew what was happening her legs were spread open and was being licked by the man who said his name was Carson

" L-let go of me, you can do this! let go of me! I beg you Cars.... Mmm. " I screamed but he had already place his hands on my mouth, I looked up and my eyes meet with the red eyes of Carson that showed the Hunger of my blood.

It was at that moment I realized he was a vampire.

I felt his cold toung lick my neck, followed by the shape pain, then every thing went blank.

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