


23 Chs



Hearing the man's trimbling but yet Sinster twisted voice.

We both turned around, staring at the man who had his face close to the floor as blood drip down....

I will end you!

His head slowly raised up, as his blood red eyes fixated at both of us.

Both of you....!

Body shivering furiously, as he struggled to stand back on his feets his body leap though the glowing bulb that bust with tremendous force, as he charge at us with a monstrous beak.

Still standing next Carson, my eyes widened in horror.

She looked at the man, reflecting her shadows inside those blood red eyes...i couldn't move.

Why do my body fill numb!? why is difficult for me to move?...it's because..of fear." I said with quivering voice.

I stared at the man aiming towards us with trimbling eyes still unable to move, it felt like something was controlling me.

But just then I felt a strong hand wrapped around my waist pulling me away... it was Carson.

" Don't let him use you!

"What... !?

I watched as the man thrashed against the wall. Broken pieces made from wood and glass turned into dust and scatted across the the ground.

Blood flowed all over the floor, the whole room fell silent.

His skin was a horrible red, his black hair drapped down and covered his face.

His head dropped down as if he were dead.

I stood in front of the dip hole, all of the warm blood inside me disappear in an instant. A chill rushed over my front and back, up to my spine.

"Human..."! humph!

"Carson who was resting with his back on the door with his eyes closed suddenly opened it widely as he called out to me.

"Hera! watch out...!



Countless glass shards flew towards me, every thing happened in a quick slow motion.

My face grew pale, eyes tightly shut.

"That's enough...both of you!

Every thing fell into stiff silent.

I slowly opened my eyes.

Then suddenly the room was filled with crashing sounds of glass.

"What... happened? with trembling lips I stuttered those words.

"What's going on in here... !?

A deep muscular smell hit my nostril, making me realize that , i was in the strong embrace of a another handsome man.

His short platinum blonde hair, pair of emerald-green cold eyes seems to melt a little, his tall slender muscular build filled with elegance and another kind of magical feeling.

Making me a little calm.

Are you all right.....!? he said calmly before looking away. His pupils radiating a cold black light as he stared at the black haired man who was emanging out of the shadow, his eyes still as bloody red.

His left hands holding a glass shard in a tight grip, Blood dripped from the glass drop by drop onto the ground as he walked pass us.

His crimson pupil crash with the pupil of the man holding me before looking away.

"Get out of my room.. now! his voice was so faint it was inaudible" but I was able to read the movement of his lips.

His body was already a bloody mess.

A bloody trail formed around him as he walked showing no signs of pain, I could see the disgust and hatred in the eyes of Carson and the man holding me.

"You disgust me... Gray!

The bloody figure paused briefly, but he barely turned his head a little, before walking out of the room deep into the darkness.

(They really do hate each other)

My blue eyes looked down.

The handsome man, lips curled into a smile, glance at the huge black cello, then approch it.

He stare at the cello that emits a dark aura...!

I pull my self back, but Carson aggressively grab me by the wrist and pulled me closer to him.

His grips tightened, as he lean closer to my neck, staring at the bite marks.

I could feel his warm breathing down my neck.

I shivered as I felt his cold tumb brushed my neck.

"..I'll suck so deeply you won't be able to tell this was... Grays bite marks"

" What, wait.... Ah! "

His face came closer with his mouth slightly opened, revealing the sharp fangs that pierce into my skin.

" ...No...


"Look, your blood is already overflowing.

Aah! Ngh! * over and over again his fangs, keep piercing my neck*

It hunts.

I want to get him off me, but the strength....in my body is gone.

( If Carson wasn't holding me...i would have collapsed by now...

My body is getting hot.....

What's this feeling.....

I'm Sorry for disturbing...but you two had been summoned down stairs.

Carson raised his head looking pissed as he glared at the butler standing at the door with his hands behind his back, his head bowed.

Tch...! by Who...!?

" By Dayn.....

I weakly turned my head, my gaze ment with the gaze of the butler.

( It was the butler with scared face!)

Carson frowned his browns.

"I'll be right behind your." now get lost..!

The butler smile gradually faded and he put on a serious face.

Yes sir!

The butler turned, and left but not before trowing a glimsp at me. his eyebrows tightened slightly before walking away.

My eyes looked down.

Carson looked at me and grab me by the arm... Let's go. "