
The Witcher World

Reborn into the world of the witcher as an peasant orphan our protagonist does his best to survive with only a single book to his name and being just an ordinary human how will he make his way through this world? MC will not be a witcher as that is too clichéd but nobody said he can't be powerful. Almost forgot that I won't do some shitty harem or basic romance. This will be based on the games since it is what most witcher fans are most exposed to. Writing this in my free time.

LazykidwithaBeard · ゲーム
15 Chs

1—The Witcher

In a cheap rental apartment block a young man walks up the stairs, past the elevator that has been out of order since he first moved here, towards his apartment door.

Pinching his nose with his free hand to avoid the horrid odour while holding his grocery bag with the other. He didn't complain about the smell as it was why the rent was so cheap, vagrants use this place as a public urinal on the way back from the popular bar nearby along with a sewer grate that gets blocked every month.

If one could ignore the stench of raw sewage with months old piss then they could practically live here for free, though of course the smell would seep through under the front door on hot days but the young man never complains.

Working for the minimum national wage in the local store wasn't exactly his dream job so he could only be stoic about it besides the money he saves from not paying full rent goes towards his only passion in life... video games. His favourite game he was currently playing was The Witcher 3.

He would stay up late on days he didn't have work to play it and spend every idle moment day dreaming about it to escape the depressing wage slave everyday cycle.

Though exhausted from his unpaid overtime he was afraid to put his cheap grocery bought processed food on the dirty floor despite his arms being tired. He unlocks the door to his place. He quickly enters and closes the door behind him to stop the outside smell from getting in too much.

Taking off his pollution mask he strides in to the kitchen puts the food in the microwave for his dinner.

Walking to the couch while throwing off his clothes he strips down to his underwear and lands comfortably on his sofa that after years of use has conformed to his body shape.

He isn't embarrassed at his current appearance as its not like anybody else is here to see him. No family member to welcome him home and certainly no lover. The thought of even managing to get a girlfriend while living in this dump makes him chuckle.

Thinking back over the events of the work day he shouts...

"Fuck my life!"

Today he had worked hard all day and even did overtime to cover for his colleague who was ill only to be fired by the store manager after his supervisor placed the blame of his own mistakes onto him.

Taking a deep breath he reaches for a cigarette from the table before stopping and remembering he quit to save money...

Cursing inwardly the young man sits up straight to look at his game console but is left staring at his large gut so large it obscured his view developed from years of living like this.

He hated this fat gut of his it always reminded him of the previous him, who was carefree popular and excelled at sports, who was even the soccer captain for his school. The contrast from the past him and him now would always leave him depressed.

"Where did it all go wrong?"

Not even his family visited him anymore. The young man knew what they thought of him even if they didn't say it openly. He was even removed from the family group chat on instant messenger.

The young man couldn't blame his father or even his stepmother for how he lived now. If he had money he could probably start anew but that was close to impossible at this point.

Despite all his life experiences he wouldn't take his own life he knew there were others who lived through worse and can still smile so he decided to live his life to the end for better or worse perhaps one day things will turn for the better.

'Maybe this is the character development arc of my life?' Asking such ridiculous questions inwardly he breaths out listlessly.

He visited his father's house last week and overheard him ruminating with his stepmother on transferring the family inheritance to his step sister he went back home when he heard that deciding never to visit his 'family' again.

Even now, after being fired he still believes that things won't be like this forever.

"Better find a job soon..." He remarks to himself.

Swallowing down his mirth he leans over to switch on the console.

Putting in the disc for The Witcher 3 he sees the familiar logo of CDPR and start up menu with the fan favourite witcher Geralt of Rivia on his knees meditating by a campfire.

The young man, who looks a lot older than he actually is, tightens his sweaty grip on the controller, a smile gracing his pimpled mug.


A/N: I will write mostly in 3rd person perspective + won't mention his name as it is confusing to have two names he will get a new name and only use that one. 799 words without this author's note.