
The Witcher: The Divine Hunter

Luo Yi, a high school dropout in his original world, was isekaied into a fantasy world. Starting out as a weak boy named Roy in the village of Kaer, Lower Posada, he was determined to grow stronger, no matter what it took. The first step toward becoming a legend was to kill. And his first kill was... a rooster. 'You gain 1 EXP.' Of course, Roy had his own cheat system like all the other isekai protagonists. His first step to becoming a legend started now…

Leohart · ゲーム
515 Chs

Chance Encounter

Chapter 227

The skies of an unknown corner of the land were dyed red. Crimson whirlpools dotted the heavens, as if they were stars, as if they were the rain of meteors that would shower the land on the end days. A silhouette plummeted from the skies above, heading straight for the ground, but a great web that covered the land caught it.

The web stretched as far as the eye could see. Every single line in it was a hundred times larger than any regular web. Piles of bones dotted the web. There were the bones of mice, humans, beasts, and even great creatures like giants, whales, and even dragons.

The web kept stretching into the distance. The silhouette struggled to break free, but just like someone who was stuck in quicksand, the web tightened the more he struggled. It climbed up his ankle and engulfed him just a moment later, turning him into a cocoon. Only his eyes were visible from the outside.

The silhouette seemed to have triggered a signal, and the web started to rumble. A shadow appeared before him. When he looked up, what greeted his eyes was a spindle-shaped structure covered in black fur. Eight spindly, razor-sharp legs protruded from the sides, and the great creature moved.

The great creature screeched, its voice ringing out in the web. Eventually it reached a crescendo. Its voice sounded like a man and a woman at the same time. The silhouette felt horror squeezing his heart as the voice sang. It was as if a hundred voices were mashed together and forced to sing. "Grayba…"

The creature's abdomen retracted backward, revealing a gigantic lion's head. Greed and cunning contorted its face, and it stuck out its barbed tongue at its prey.


"You there, kid? Spacing out again?"

"Sorry, Auckes. Didn't sleep well last night." Roy rubbed his eyes, still looking spaced out. "I had a nightmare last night. Never seen something like that before."

"Witchers don't have nightmares." Auckes cocked his eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, I see. You're at that age. You need enough release or you're going to dream a lot. Did you dream of a two-hundred-pound woman grinding against you?"

"Shut up, fool." Serrit held his forehead. "We have an injured knight here. There's no time for jokes."

It was an ungodly hour in the morning. The witchers had just left Coral's house. Serrit was pushing a cart, and Mars was lying in it. His injuries were the worst out of the three. His chest was covered in bandages, and his face was as white as paper. He was half-awake and mumbling under his breath. His colleagues were luckier than he was. They had splints holding up their limbs, and Auckes and Roy were holding up one of them each. They were also wide awake, though a bit weak.

"It's called humor. Something you don't have." Auckes looked away and smiled at the guy he was holding up. "It's a rough life. Gotta add some spice into it or it'll be a bland dish, don't you think, Zerrin? Feels a lot better with me by your side, doesn't it? Even the pain is going away, right?"

"Um…" Zerrin coughed and nodded stiffly.

Serrit sighed. He gave up on convincing his brother to shut up, then he turned to Roy. "About that nightmare of yours… I think there's another way to see it." Serrit said, "Your instincts are always dead on. I don't see you dreaming about anything trivial. This nightmare might be an omen. You should take it more seriously."

Roy nodded and was about to go into the details of his nightmare, but his pendant started vibrating, and he tensed up. Two ladies came into this alleyway. One was wearing a red low-cut dress, while the other was in a similar dress, though yellow in color. They were gorgeous, and a pendant hung before their chests. The slit on their dresses flaunted their skin beneath, and it gleamed under the sunlight.

Darn. Never thought this would happen.

Auckes looked down and kept quiet for once. He was not in the mood to stare. Instead, he pretended nothing was wrong and tried to slip past the women. They approached the ladies and were assailed by the scent of perfume. It reinvigorated them, but the witchers could smell something else in the perfume as well.

"Witcher!" The petite sorceress turned around when they went past each other. She touched the ankh before her chest, her eyes shining. "I know you."

"Sorry. I'd love to know a gorgeous lady like you, but we've never met before," Auckes answered and tried to keep going ahead, but the sorceress stopped them.

"No, I'm sure we've met," the sorceress said. "I'm not that old. We met back at the Isle of Thanedd at the northwest of Gors Velen." She turned to her companion. "Do you remember that incident, Triss?"

"Of course. Vividly." The sorceress with maroon hair had a singsong voice. She came to her companion and looked at the witchers. "They tried to sneak into Aretuza but were captured instead."

Keira pointed at Auckes and Serrit. "If I'm right, these two are Serrit and Auckes. There was another one called Letho. He's that bald witcher. They tried to barge into Aretuza without permission, but unfortunately, the academy's teachers caught them." The sorceress was reminded of that funny scene, and she chuckled. "But they didn't mean any harm. Instead, they even gave the academy a great student, so they were released the next day."

"Your memory is perfect, Miss Keira." Auckes smiled bitterly. Not even he could feel jolly now. Being caught by a bunch of sorcerers was not a proud incident. "Sorry, but it's not the time to catch up. We have to leave now."

"Hold on. Who is this handsome young man? I'm certain I haven't seen a witcher this young lately." Keira circled the young witcher, touching him with her dress and hair. She was walking like a cat, but Roy could see the flame of passion burning in her eyes. It reminded him of how prostitutes would sell themselves to potential clients.

The young witcher remained silent.

"This is our newest brother. Roy of the Viper School," Serrit introduced him.

"Your reputation precedes you, Roy. You're Casiga's savior." Keira looked at him again and smiled. "Hm, Casiga of Aldersberg and Thelma of Cintra. You gave Aretuza two potential sorceresses! They should give the Viper School an award and name them a friend of Aretuza!" Keira extended her hand at the young witcher.

Roy shook it. He felt a little surprised knowing that they had already helped two poor girls so far.

"Are you trying to get these knights treated?" Keira nodded at Triss. Triss made a gesture, and before the witchers could do anything, she started chanting an incantation. The sapphire pendant before her chest buzzed, and the light of magic covered the knights, scanning all their wounds.

The witchers let go of their swords' hilts.

Keira explained, "No need for doctors. Triss is a great healer. She's the best doctor you can find."

Roy was reminded of something funny. Triss Merigold might be a great healer, but she was allergic to magic, so she could never heal herself with her own magic.

Triss said, "They're healing up well. All they need now is rest, but I can heal the one on the cart if you want."

The witchers looked at one another.

"What are your terms then, Miss Triss?" Auckes asked.

"Terms?" Triss looked at the witchers and shook her head. "I know your rules, witcher, but I need no coins for this, nor do you need to help me with anything. You did send the poor girls to the academy and freed them of their suffering. This is just a return favor."

The sorceresses were reminded of their own dark past for a moment.

The witchers heaved a sigh of relief. It was great that someone wanted to help for free. They led the sorceresses to the nearest room.

"It won't take long. Just wait right here." Triss started chanting.


"If I may ask, Miss Keira, why are you two here in the trade quarter?"

"Call me 'consultant.'" Keira puffed her chest and extended her hand at the witchers. "Just a few days ago, Foltest named me Vizima's royal consultant."

The witchers kissed the back of her hand as per custom.

"I'm here to see a friend." She bit her lip, and the air seemed to drop a few centigrades. "Do you know the name Lytta Neyd?"

"Ahem." The young witcher had a weird look on his face. "I don't think you'll see her here. Coral is still in Kerack."

"Coral?" Keira noticed how Roy addressed Lytta, and she was surprised. "She let you call her that? Oh, I see. So you're as important to her as her favorite lipstick is." Keira had a look of interest on her face. "Never thought that uptight old bat would make a friend, and out of a witcher, no less. You're young. She has good taste." Keira was starting to look at Roy like he was some sort of merchandise.

Roy's face fell. "It is rude to talk about a sorceress behind her back, consultant."

"Oh, someone's angry. Looks like she and you have a far deeper relationship than I thought." She chuckled. "Don't get mad. There's a reason I called her an old bat. You know she has an angelfish tattoo, right? Read some Skellige history books and you'll know why I called her old."

"It does not matter." Roy shook his head. "There's no difference between a sorceress who has lived for two centuries and one who has lived for one. Time does not mean much for witchers either."

"Ah, so young and impulsive. If you're going to stand guard for them, I'd best be going about my business now." She turned around and faced Serrit and Auckes. "So, have you considered my proposal?" Keira pushed a lock of her hair back, staring at Auckes. "Vizima is a big city. It's a lot more lavish here compared to the village area. I heard they even have a rose fountain…"


Roy rested his chin on his hand, sitting with the wounded knights as they watched Triss cast her healing spell on Mars. Colorful balls of light swam on her fingers, and potions kept flying out of her satchel. They formed a circle, spinning around Triss as if by magic. Roy could recognize some of the potions, but most of them were advanced potions.

The knights were in a trance. Triss was beautiful enough, and it was more like she was dancing instead of casting a spell. Zerrin eventually started to drool.

Roy spaced out for a moment. Triss used to only exist in another dimension. Kaer Morhen, the hot springs, the lighthouse, and Toussaint's vineyards. He only saw her in the game during his playthrough, but now she was standing right in front of him, and just an arm's length away too. He was starting to feel like this was a dream.

Reminiscence passed by in an instant. She pointed ahead, and the potions in the containers covered Mars' wounds in an unbelievable way and entered them. Eventually, Mars regained some color and stopped mumbling. He fell into a deep sleep instead.

Triss wiped the sweat off with a white handkerchief. Her skin was not really fair, but it was smooth, and it glowed after she worked hard to heal the knight. The morning sun draped her in a golden cover, dazzling the eyes of those who saw her. "He's alright now, but he'll have to stay in bed for a month. He can't do anything strenuous, and make sure the wounds don't come in contact with water."

Roy nodded. He, Zerrin, and Agorn helped out and adjusted Mars' position so he could lie down better.

"Thank you, Miss Merigold."

Triss smiled, her beauty mark and freckles dancing. She looked as lively as a teenage girl. "I thought all witchers were old men who were bigger than bears, until I met you."

"I've never seen a sorceress as young as you."

"You seem to know me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you look at me like I'm an old friend," Triss said curiously.

I don't remember my eyes coming with the talk function, Roy thought. "I know you, to an extent. Geralt told me about you. You're Yennefer's friend. He said you were a young and talented sorceress."

"Yennefer, huh? She hasn't introduced me to her lover yet. I wonder how they're doing." Triss pursed her lips, then she smiled at the witcher and extended her hand to him. "Let's start from the top. Witcher, I am Vizima's royal consultant, Triss Merigold of Maribor."

Ah, so Triss hasn't seduced Geralt yet.

"Can I have a discount if I need your services next time?"

"Of course. I'm Roy of the Viper School." Roy held her hand and kissed the back of it.

For some reason, the moment he kissed her hand, she blushed, and goosebumps popped up all over her body. She even trembled a little.