
Chapter 69: Title below.

<i><b>Power can corrupt, but with ambitions, they mix up together into real poison. </b></i>

Albert looked into the soldier's eyes with a dangerous glint. "Be a good boy and tell me about the reason behind your presence here."

The man in front of Albert was shaking in fear and pain that he was feeling right now. With his teeth hammering against each other he replied, "We g-g-got an o-o-order"

"Go on, don't stop" whispered Albert, not breaking the eye contact between them.

"Rhyd ordered us to get rid of all the kids in those places. He said that they were an annoyance that won't matter in the big picture," explained the soldier with his eye getting wet, while a puddle of piss mixed with blood formed under his body.

Albert clicked his tongue and dropped the soldier's face into fondue made out of his own juices face down.

"So that was this shit once again, well what can I expect from nobles, found one that is decent, but he was overthrown by his subordinates to get more influence and wealth." Through Albert to himself. With a sigh, he let the soldier meet with his friends that had a party on the swamps.

Walking out of the room with Rami in his hands, Albert walked to the chair and placed her there looking at the kids that didn't dare to say a single word after seeing what Albert was capable of.

Selost went in front of all the kids that were terrified and said with his eyes towards the floor and his tightly clenched fists that pierced his skin, letting a small trail of blood run down and drop to the floor.

With a lot of effort, he pushed words out of his mouth "Don't hurt them, I will do whatever you ask me to, but leave all of them alone" spoke a small kid brave enough to open his mouth.

Albert felt a bit dumbfounded and, pointing towards himself, inquired, "Why do I need any of you?"

"Because you killed all the soldiers and now you need to get rid of all witnesses," explained Selos with his voice breaking from time to time.

"Huh" walking closer to the kid that got terrified of him, slowly approaching. The kid still stood unmoved, tightly closing his eyes, waiting for something bad to happen.

*Cuff on the nape*

Albert brush the boy on his nape and said slightly annoyed, "I was the one to save you brat, stop being too emotional"


Albert thought 'How the hell do I need to deal with a bunch of scared kids that are terrified of me? Well, I know the right person to do that for me!'

Albert was gone for a minute or so, before appearing before the kids once again, but this time there was a person next to him, who dropped to the ground from the sudden move that came from Albert.

"What the fuck Albert," said Baldwin, having his breath heavy and stomach twisted.

"Well, have fun," awkwardly replied Albert and went away almost instantaneously leaving both kids and Baldwin stunned.


It took August another 3 days to recover enough to stay on his legs and walk around. He heard the news that Albert told him about the situation in the Kovir and Povis, so he took a trip there along with Baldwin.

Albert assisted them in getting on the streets of the Lan Exeter. They teleported there, wearing hoods, and made their way towards the centre of the city where a lot of people usually spend their days.

Baldwin went alone, while August took a higher position and observe from above. His injuries still hurt, but in this kind of matter, time is something they don't have a chance to waste.

August took a spot on one of the roofs that were easily accessible.

Baldwin walked into the middle of the square and shouted.

"People of Kovir and Povis, Rhyd, had been lying to all of us! He was the one to take over the country and set up his plans to kill both Estril and Baldwin Thyssen! He is the culprit for all the things that had happened to our once great country! People of Kovir and Povis, Rhyd, is nobody but a backstabber and liar that usurped power over the kingdom!"

Slowly people gathered around, but this was a risky step to take. There was a high chance that he could be killed, but he took the chance and speak to the people of his country, of his kingdom and see if they will be clever enough to understand or foolish enough to let his words pass right through their brains.

With people's attention, it also attracted the attention of the soldiers that almost immediately reported that someone is attempting to cause havoc in the city.

Baldwin covered himself under the hood to stay hidden from the crowd that was slowly gathering around him. But the effect of his act started to act as a bomb. The more he spoke, the more people gathered around. People cared about their prince and therefore if there were some kind of alternative news to the one that was spread around by Rhyd, they will jump to listen to them.

In half an hour, almost the entire square was filled with people. But one more person was walking in the circle of soldiers that pushed all the people away from his path as he made his way towards the Baldwin that continued speaking.

He spoke about Rhyd being greedy for more power, more influence and wealth and decided to betray his own friend and kill him as well as kill his only successor in an attempt to usurper the throne.

Finally, Rhyd was able to reach the place where Baldwin stood and without a single bit of hesitation on his face, with frustration and anger in his voice, he order "Soldiers! Capture this man! He is guilty of spreading false rumours about the event that happened, as well as ruining the reputation of your king!"

Soldiers went ahead and got a grip on the hood that was covering Baldwin's face and pulled it with their strength, making it rip in parts revealing the one that spoke.

There stood Baldwin with a nasty smile on his face. He said with a smirk, "Happy with what you see, pig?"

Baldwin looked at Rhyd who had his mouth open and eyes wide from shock seeing Baldwin alive, despite the report that he received, that nobody left the cave. He thought that neither Baldwin nor August could not kill the giant and were eaten alive.

The people around almost instantaneously whispered to each other, saying that prince Baldwin was here. Some have tears in their eyes, some were shocked to be lied to, and some were furious toward Rhyd for his words.

Feeling how he was losing control over the situation, Rhyd took control of his emotions and ordered in a strict and overbearing voice, "Arrest him! He is not Baldwin, he is an impostor from sorcerers!"

Soldiers looked unsure of what to do. They had their faces twisting in different emotions. They could not deny the order from the king, but at the same time, they would be dead if they attack someone from the royal family.

Rhyd's words also confused a lot of people around. Some didn't want to trust him, some were doubting his words, and some foolishly believed in his words.

August was looking from above when he spotted some people that were wearing hoods slowly making their way towards the place where Baldwin stood. Shooting in the crowd would be too dangerous since the people were packed up tightly and there was a high chance of hitting someone else.

So he did the only choice he found obvious. He shot the arrow close to Baldwin, doing it that way to see that someone is trying to kill a prince.

August arrow made its way close to Baldwin's foot, stunning most of the people around.

Soldiers that were hesitating about their next actions a second ago surrounded Baldwin in the circle and shouted, "Someone is trying to kill Prince! Protect him!"

Rhyd lost his temper seeing their actions and shouted with all the power he had in his voice, "Idiots, kill him!"

Nobody listened. Soldiers stood their ground around Baldwin and guarded him.

Baldwin, feeling secure, showed a smile and turned towards Rhyd. He furrowed and spoke. "One thing I didn't expect is you killing my father. Not only did you kill him, but you were also greedy enough to try to kill me with dirty plans of yours. Going as far as hiring Witcher and Sorcerer to do so"

"Liar!" shouted Rhyd with his eye twitching "I didn't do such a thing, Estril was my friend, how could I be responsible for his death" argued Rhyd slightly shaking.

With a deep breath to calm down, Baldwin replied, "Let me tell you pig. My father was noble enough to give an opportunity to the loyal man he once had. Man, that worked without sleep, a man that always tried his best. My father was clever enough to pay you for all your effort and made you the one responsible for an entire region of Povis giving you wealth, authority and fame, but nooooo, it was not enough for you, you wanted to have more and more and more!"

"Shut up, brat!" Shouted Rhyd, getting angry. "What do you know about anything in life!" almost screamed Rhyd with his entire body shaking like a leaf on the wind.

"I worked my fucking ass out like a slave, day and night trying to please your fucking father! But you know what he rewarded me with? Fucking more work! I was sent to manage the entire Povis and live beside freaking miners. I deserved more than your bastard father had rewarded me with!" Rhyd exploded, flooding the entire crowd with a lot of complaints that were coming out of his mouth.

"And you know how much time I spend planning all of this? Fucking years! I had to build my own loyal force, I had to raise kids from a young age, and I had to teach them and educate them so they are only listening to my commands. I had to spend almost all of my money just to get this plan to work. I had to work much more and all of this is just to take what I rightfully deserve! None of you is worth a title of the king!" continued Rhyd furiously, with his saliva flying in all directions and with eyes that were going crazy.

Baldwin looked at the man with hate and pity, without creating a long talk, without saying a lot of words he just shook his head and said "You might be a good person back in the time, but in an attempt in reaching the top and getting more power you lost your way and poisoned your heart."

With a deep breath, Baldwin ordered, "Arrest him and put him in the dungeon"

Soldiers obeyed. By now nobody had a question about Rhyd's genuine face. Everyone saw him speaking about his own sins which were enough to convince even the dumb people.

Baldwin looked towards one of the roofs and smiled in August's direction who replied with a small smirk and nod.


Well, quite a long chapter.

Hopefully, you enjoyed it.

This is almost the end of the ark in Kovir and Povis

Please support the story, I need daily take in of power stone.


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