
Chapter 6: The King and Queen of Cidaris

(Castle Cidaris, Duchy of Cidaris, Kingdom of Cidaris, Northern Kingdoms, The Continent, Witcher-Verse)


(King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris POV)


The time had come for Aethan to Marry Adda. All the invitations had been sent, and all had been invited. This event had little expense spared, the alcohol had arrived, the meals were being prepared, and the decorations had been completed. This was a big event, not just for the political implications. But because it was such a big event, all eyes were on it, including Imperial Eyes.

Aethan had given the Order, and Keira together with Letho, Gezras, and Ivo would break into the Nilfgaardian Capital city and rescue a certain Nilfgaardian General's family with Cantarella and a few associates, additionally, there were…rumours of discontent and riots were rife in various Nilfgaardian territories. It was a web of intermediaries and various middlemen, but Aethan had caused a lot of chaos in the Kingdoms through such people. A nice benefit was that he had thrown the economic stability of various Nilfgaardian Territories into chaos. The fact that the very same chaos had begun creeping towards Verden and Kerack without his prompting had been a good thing. 

Because it gave Aethan a chance to introduce new trade laws and thus increase the profits of the Trade League and paint the league in the light of helping people benefit from the chaos rather than suffer from it. The fact that merchants were climbing over each other trying for either a seat at the table of the League's leadership or to be placed under its banner allowed Aethan and the League to benefit.

If a merchant wanted to join the League then they had to be vetted extensively, and all aspects of their business were investigated. If they had any dodgy deals or criminal associations they were denied membership unless they could present an argument which satisfies the leadership of the League as to why they had such associations. At which point they'd be granted a conditional and probationary membership for five years. If at any point during those five years of probationary membership, they were caught doing under-the-table deals with criminal elements their membership was severed and they were arrested by the City Guard and had their goods seized and received heavy fines.

If they were caught at least a year after their probationary membership was ended and they were granted full membership in the league, they were instead given a warning and had one strike placed against them. If they were caught a second time, they faced substantial fines and a significant loss of privileges, if they were caught a third time they were jailed.

One of the new trade laws that Aethan had put out was that any merchant who willfully and knowingly conducts deals with criminal elements is subsequently just as culpable for whatever crimes were committed using what was sold by them as the people who did the crimes. Aethan in particular had been cracking down harshly on smuggling, The smugglers were given a choice, lose a hand and face a lengthy prison sentence or start working for the intelligence service. In exchange for their service, and so long as they didn't do anything too illegal and didn't actively subvert the more stringent trade laws, the smugglers were allowed to make a profit and even received a monthly stipend of about a thousand Novigradian Crowns.

Eventually, it had gotten to the point that all of the smugglers working for them decided to take inspiration from Aethan and formed a smugglers cartel. The leadership of said cartel took orders from the National Cidarian Intelligence Services Investigations branch. That branch was one of the seven under the wider organisation, but it was one of the big three within that tree. The Internal Security Bureau and Military Intelligence Section were the others.

Speaking of which, the man he'd hoped for the latter position…was within the Castle. Bernad Ducat, also known as Thaler, was posing as a member of the servants. Aethan had ordered for Thaler watched and would have the man detained eventually, just for a little chat. But Thaler wasn't the only one in the Castle that was identified as a spy, just the most notable. Sooner or later, the Intelligence Service would detain, question and either turn or execute the spies depending upon their affiliations and personalities and their methods. There were several other distinguished guests within the castle, not simply just Kings and Queens, but men and women of note such as the Sorceresses Philippa Eilhart, Triss Merigold, Sabrina Glevissig, Margarita laux-Antille, Fringilla Vigo, Francesca Findabair, Ida Emean aep Sivney, Yennefer of Vengerberg, and the like were in attendance as were guests such as the likes of Elgan of Verden, Vysogota of Corvo, Duchess Anna Henrietta, Sigismund Dijkstra, Vernon Roche, Jan Natalis, and The Witchers Vesemir, Eskel, Coen, Keldar, Gaetan, Kolgrim, Warritt, and Voren of Dillingen. It wasn't easy getting the Witchers to attend, but it was less easy getting a message to them. Luckily Aethan knew the general locations of the Keeps. But of the Witchers in attendance, he already had Keldar in his cabal of Witchers, so it was unnecessary to head to Kaer Seren.

But today was a day of marriage and alliances, and Aethan would seal his first alliance himself. Marrying Adda locked down his biggest neighbour, as not just an ally and friend, but family. Marrying Atthis into Lyria and Rivia, Margaery to Aedirn, and Eellie to Hengfors gave him allies further north and in the east. It also ensured that he had alliances against Kaedwen, Angren, Mahakam, Tir Tochair and Redania.

Aethan hadn't yet seen Adda, but he was letting himself be seen. He'd greeted each King personally, as well as Queen Meve, and he made sure to place Atthis next to Prince Villem, Margaery next to Prince Stennis, and Eilliana next to Prince Nievallar. But Aethan had also asked for Anna Henrietta to join him for a drink. She'd brought Princesses Fiona and Isabelle with her, and Aethan knew at once what the answer to the question he needed answering was.


(POV Shift: Duchess Anna Henrietta of Toussaint)


Anna Henrietta hadn't seen Aethan for about four or five years, during that time her husband had died, and she retained her title as was her right as the sole remaining heiress of the Toussaintois Ducal Dynasty, and the fact that the Emperor was her cousin didn't hurt her rights to remain the Duchess. 

In the Empire, a Northern Monarch was not very popular, but in Toussaint? King Aethan was celebrated, and while still a prince he fulfilled the duties of a Knight-Errant and won the Grand Tourney three times. The Toussaintois people adored him because of his valour and Courage. And Anna Henrietta herself adored King Aethan.

The man was a fantastic lover, and he could be discreet. He'd share meals and wine with her husband, then get him flat drunk and end up ploughing her right next to his drunken sleepy form. His actions against Count Crespi were a large part of why the people of Toussaint adored him. Exposing the Count as the man he was and killing him in Honorable Combat had further endeared them to him.

But Aethan's relationship with her was different to her other various lovers, they shared something together unlike any other.

''They're mine…aren't they? Fiona and Isabelle? They're my daughters?'' Aethan asks her, and Annarietta takes a long sip of her wine, before releasing a short sigh.

''Yes.'' She tells him simply, there was no point in denying it, Aethan was too perceptive for that.

''Who else knows?'' Aethan asks her.

''No one. I passed them off as Raymund's offspring easily enough, you and Raymund share some similar characteristics after all.'' Anna Henrietta says.

''Let's keep it that way, but…someday tell them the truth. I've missed you Anna, but I hope you understand I won't be able to bed you again.'' Aethan tells her, and Annarietta doesn't begrudge him that, he's trying to be loyal to the woman he's about to marry. If only Raymund were as loyal, he might still be alive. Then again perhaps not, she would've ended up killing him herself eventually. Apoplexy just sped it up.

Then again, someone would've likely beat her to that as well, Raymund was loved little…by anyone, least of all his own family. His own brother after all tried to kill him several times over the years.

''Very well.'' Anna Henrietta agress. ''So long as you make an appearance at the next Grand Tourney, of course.'' Anna Henrieta adds.

''You can count on it that I'll certainly try, failing that someone will represent Cidaris. Enjoy the ceremony, Anna.'' Aethan tells her, but as a parting shot, he gently gropes her behind before departing. He did so enjoy that.


(POV Shift: Princess Adda ''The White'' Dezmoiden of Temeria)


Today was her day.

Adda never expected anyone of note to wish to marry her…or anyone at all really. But King Aethan…he chose her. That meant a lot to her, she wasn't as smart as most Princesses, but she was learning fast. She struggled every day, but she was learning and growing stronger by the day.

Her father seemed happy and sad at the same time. But she saw that he was happy for her and sad to see her go, she loved him for it, but this was her day.

Ever since the pact had been made, Adda had been reading up on Cidarian history, culture, traditions, and the nuances of Cidarian speech. For six months, she'd studied this in addition to her own studies, but she'd also - at the request of her father - read the various reports on Aethan. From the reports of his time at Oxenfurt to his time in Toussaint as a Grand Tourney winner, and finally the circumstances and rumours around his campaign against the Count of Ebeltoft. She wasn't sure if she liked the methods he'd used against Count Ebland, but her father said that he could not blame the then-prince for protecting his family at any cost.

So why should she hold it against the man she was about to marry if her father wasn't going to? After all, her father was allowing her to marry him, so maybe there was more to the reports than was indicated. Plus, she heard there were Witchers in the castle, eight of them! A Witcher saved her life and now because of that Witcher, she was able to marry the King. But why were there so many Witchers? She'd have to ask her husband-to-be about that eventually, but first, she had to bathe, have her hair brushed and styled, and then have the various scents applied to her.

Not to mention the dress she would be wearing.

So beautiful!


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had about three hours to kill before the ceremony began, he'd spent the first speaking and chatting with the various monarchs and high-level nobles invited. The second was currently to be spent talking with distinguished guests, but Aethan spoke to but a few before secluding himself for a short time and calling on the Witchers present to join him.

''Cat of Poviss, named for my departed teacher. I've called each of you hear because I have an offer. I wish to rebuild the Witcher Schools into one unified School whose loyalty is to the people. You'll take coin for monsters, but I'll pay you to protect the people of my Kingdom and beyond from all manner of beasts. Be it a monster or a man. I already have several of your brethren joined me, as Keldar can attest. I have a Griffin, a Cat, a Viper and a Bear. But the latter three are currently on a mission.'' Says Aethan.

''I can't speak for the other Schools, but the School of the Wolf is barely standing. We don't even have the means to create new members of our Order…not that we want too.'' Says Eskel.

''We do, the usurper might have destroyed our school, but we didn't make the habit of putting our secrets in the open. Our Keep has hundreds of secret rooms and passages.'' Says Warrit.

''Same for the Bear, Haern Caduch is buried under a lot of snow, but we still know how to make Witchers, the trouble is I don't see how much use I'd be, I have the one hand.'' Says Voren.

''I invited Elgan of Verden, a mage with the necessary skill to design you a prosthetic. Moreover, I have a Master Elven Swordsmith who will forge your swords and repair them for you. I'm working to recruit a Master Smith soon enough for armour as well. As for your diagrams, I know the locations of where to find lost diagrams, however, my first big test for you is critical. I need you to finish a job a member of the School of the Wolf left unfinished. I believe you are familiar with him Witcher Vesemir. Reinald.'' Says Aethan and Vesemir looks shocked.

''Reinald has been presumed dead for centuries.'' Says Vesemir.

''He's possessed actually, a Red Miasmal possessed him and Reinald has been keeping it at bay. Be advised you must find all of Reinald's notes in order to truly defeat the Miasmal. Before I send you on to your mission, however, I'm giving you all the locations of lost witcher diagrams, each of you will pair up and seek out the lost diagrams of your order. Oh, and Vesemir? One last thing, the father of my bride, I'd like for you to meet him, Eskel as well.'' Says Aethan.

''Why the hell should we trust you? Kings and Queens are no different than common folk. You hire us for a job, we complete it, you pay us, and for what? So you can spit on our work right after?'' Gaetan asks.

''Because I always keep my word, and because I would not be getting married today were it not for the School of the Wolf. My bride used to be a Striga.'' Says Aethan.

''How'd a wolf manage to cure a Striga? Those things are near impossible to cure on account of the complexity of the curse and the fact that no two curses resulting in a Striga are the same?'' Warritt asks.

''If you ever meet Geralt of Rivia, you can ask him.'' Coen says.

''At any rate, I've decided on who you'll pair up with. Each of you has been selected because your experiences and skillsets line up well with each other and match well with the particular series of diagrams you'll be attempting to locate. Gaetan, you'll pair with Keldar, I'm sending you after the diagrams for the School of the Bear, Voren you'll pair up with Eskel, and you two will go after the School of the Wolf Diagrams. Vesemir will be paired up with Gerring, you two will pursue the diagrams of the School of the Griffin. Coen, you and Warritt will go after the Cat School Diagrams. I'm sending a man of mine with each of you, my Intelligence Service will take care of your information and monetary needs. When Letho of Gulet, Ivo of Belhaven, and Gezras of Leyda get back I'll send Ivo and Gezras after Viper School Gear. But for the moment please enjoy the festivities, I have my swordsmith awaiting you tomorrow morning, and he'll perform whatever you need, all costs covered.'' Aethan says, and there is some grumbling as the Witchers leave, but Vesemir and Eskel stay.

''King Foltest of Temeria? What business do we have with him?'' Eskel asks.

''His daughter, Princess Adda - who will soon be my Queen - was cured by Geralt of Rivia. However, there was another matter I had to discuss with you as it directly concerns Geralt and Princess Cirilla. When you see your brother from the School of the Wolf next, tell him this… Emperor Emhyr var Emreis is Duny and I have in my Castle a Fake Ciri ready to deliver to var Emreis if need be.'' Says Aethan.

''That's essentially a death sentence if it goes wrong.'' Says Eskel.

''Unlikely. Not a lot of people are aware of the fact that Emhyr is Cirila's biological father. Hmm, speaking of which, if you ever meet the Bard Dandelion tell him that if he so much as looks at Princess Fiona or Princess Isbelle with Lust, I'll have his lute shoved so far up his arse he'll choke on the strings. At any rate, I'm not going to give fake Ciri to Emhyr for free.'' Says Aethan.

''Meaning?'' Vesemir asks.

''I could take the take her as my Concubine as my Religion permits. The problem is that Kerack and Verden lie between me and Cintra. I'd be unable to claim it even with Temerian support. But I could offer Emhyr a way to claim Cintra through this false Cirilla with the caveat that I can keep my claims on Cintra in exchange for marrying a member of his family to one of my children. Along with the promise to remain a free and independent Kingdom.'' Says Aethan.

''Why not just invade your southern neighbours? You've got the wealth and men to do it.'' Eskel asks.

''I have the men and wealth to take Kerack. But Verden? I don't have the men for a sustained occupation, and frankly, even if I did, it would boil down to whether or not the Verdenian Army fell in line. If a majority of the Generals in charge backed me? It would count for a lot if I tried to seize power in Verden. But a lot of them are hardliners loyal to King Ervyll. I suppose I could try and get to their replacements, but I just don't have the time for that and they don't command as much respect.'' Says Aethan, and it was the truth, even if he had paid off a half dozen already.

''So basically for the moment, you wish for us to greet King Foltest in lieu of Geralt.'' Vesemir surmises.

''Pretty much, yes. At any rate, I've-'' Aethan was cut off as a servant rushed to him and bent down to whisper in his ear.

''My King, the Princess of Ofir has arrived with her entourage and awaits you at your earliest convenience.'' She whispers.

''Have Cantarella meet them, have her inform them I'm currently indisposed but I would like for the Princess to join me at the High Table during the Feast. I'll meet with them when I am able to.'' Aethan instructs.

''Yes, my liege.'' The Servant says departing.

''I assume your enhanced sense picked up on that? Eh, no matter. Look just greet Foltest, mention your history and relationship to Geralt of Riv, and answer whatever questions he has. At any rate, I have a lot of people to greet…now including an Ofiri Princess it seems.'' Aethan mutters before seeing himself out.


(POV Shift: Witcher Vesemir, Master Witcher of the School of the Wolf)


''Well? What did you make of that?'' Vesemir asks.

''He seems genuine, and his body didn't change at all like it would if he was lying. But what did I make of that? Honestly, I don't know. He says he wants to reform the Witcher Schools into one unified School to protect the People from Monsters be they man or otherwise… But why? Monsters are a dying threat, and at most bandits can be dealt with easily.'' Eskel replies.

''True, but war is always on the horizon. War breeds corpses for Necrophages and breeds corruption of all kinds. Nilfgaard will never be satisfied by just having Cintra. They were only stopped by the combined might of the Northern Kingdoms, and Geralt of course. But clearly, the King expects war to happen again soon.'' Says Vesemir.

''Maybe that's while he's married the Temerian Princess? Give the Temerian King a chance for one of his grandchildren to inherit the Temerian Throne?'' Suggests Eskel, and Vesemir hums thoughtfully.

''It's not impossible, plus it would make King Foltest indebted to him. However, let us not forget the King is also a blood relative of Ciri. Ciri's Grandmother and King Aethan's grandmother were sisters after all. So Aethan carries the potential for the Elder Blood in his genes, and it seems he's trying to hide Ciri from Emhyr. I think we should investigate. This False Ciri he speaks of, one of us should see for ourselves whether or not she looks like who King Aethan claims her to look like.'' Vesemir suggests.

''Then it should be me, no offence but you'll have more to talk about with King Foltest than me, plus not saying you're old, but my reflexes are quicker and sharper.'' Says Eskel, causing Vesemir to snort derisively.

''Fair enough, but listen well Eskel. Do not kill anyone, this King knew where Kaer Morhen was, he sent a messenger to us directly, right to our front door. Could be one of the other Witchers he'd claimed to employ told him, but I don't recognize their names. So the question I have, is how did he know exactly where to find us?'' Says Vesemir.

''You think there might be a traitor?'' Eskel asks.

''Not necessarily, but let us not forget, Berengar is still out there somewhere. It's possible he told King Aethan where to find Kaer Morhen, or it's possible he wrote it down and forgot he had and King Aethan happened to find it. Then there's Coen, I doubt he'd willingly tell anyone who wasn't a Witcher or someone who he trusted where to find Kaer Morhen, but the possibility is there.'' Says Vesemir.

''No way Coen would betray us like that! Until today, he thought he was the last of the Griffin School, and as for Berengar? No way Berengar betrayed us. He hated our lot in life sure, but he'd never betray us.'' Says Eskel.

''All I'm saying is be careful, get in and get out quietly and quickly. Incapacitate guards and servants if you must, but try not to kill them. The King invited us to his wedding personally, no point in offending him by killing his people.'' Vesemir cautions.

''Do I look like Lambert to you?'' Eskel asks, causing Vesemir to chuckle.

''Anything is possible, I've seen men try and play it carefully only to accidentally kill the person they're trying to subdue. Listen, wait, and watch is all I'm saying.'' Says Vesemir.

''Fair enough, I'll see what I can find out.'' Says Eskel, as he nods before departing the room.

''Time to meet the King, I suppose.'' Says Vesemir to nobody in particular, this was shaping up to be interesting… and concerning.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenzade Nivras of Ofier)


Their Journey to Cidaris hadn't been a short one, the travel to the small Kingdom hadn't been too pleasant. The Roads were not maintained well enough for her liking, and then there was the amount of banditry she had to deal with. She would complain to Aethan about that.

Just not tonight.

Let him have his wedding and enjoy himself. When she got the chance to speak with him, she'd provide him with her gifts, but she'd also talk business. This new joint Cidarian-Cintran Trade League for instance was of great interest to her.

Aethan doubtless knew who led it, and thus Zaoirya hoped he'd be able to get her an introduction. If he could get her such an introduction she'd be most appreciative. And even if he didn't know who was in charge, he would likely be able to point her in the direction of the one who could. Besides this new league was affecting her cartel's interests in the north. At the very least she'd try to get a seat at the table or sit down with its leadership and establish clear lines of territory. Right now this Trade League has focused primarily on the Markets within Cintra, Cidaris, and parts of Temeria. Cintra and Temeria were huge sources of her cartel's income, but in the six months, this league had been in operation the profit margins of her cartel within Cintra and Temeria had dropped by sixty and forty-five percent respectively. Meaning she had to address that small issue by either acquiring a stake in their business or establishing clear lines of territory, last thing anybody needed was a trade war.

That benefitted no one, least of all the common people.

In any event, she would watch and wait, her secret to success lay in the fact she was patient and gregarious, not to mention a diligent accountant and shrewd negotiator. She knew which points to pressure, which to tease, and which to leave the hell alone. 

There was a reason the Ofeiri Kingdom was so diverse and expansive and had ruled for a thousand years. Its rulers reigned for between fifty and seventy years on average, with few notable exceptions to that average reigning for less.

Simply put, they valued wisdom and loyalty above all other traits and virtues.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had finally managed to greet Princess Zaoirya, it would be the last greeting of the day he'd be able to do before he had exactly thirty minutes to bathe and dress himself for the wedding. He made sure that Cantarella told the Princess he couldn't spend an hour talking with her, and that their conversation would have to take place in greater detail at some point in the next few days. She understood why of course, he had spent the better part of three hours meeting and greeting.

At least the High Priestess of Freya was able to make it to the Ceremony, he'd sent an envoy to Skellige months ago, asking for the High Priestess to come to Cidaris and both bless his marriage and officiate it. Not to mention ensuring no blasphemy occurred when Aethan and Adda were married again - this time before Melittle - according to Temerian customs.

Like the Kings and Queen he'd invited, as well as Princess Zaoirya, the High Priestess had been given a place at the High Table. There were a number of priestesses spread throughout the Great Hall, but Aethan needed to speak to the High Priestess at some point anyway, as he not only wished to make a pilgrimage to Skellige's isles to make offerings to Freya, but he also wished to spread the faith further throughout the Kingdom. Already were there shrines aplenty that also doubled as waystations and deaddrops for the Intelligence Service. But Aethan wished to construct a Great Temple as a show of Piety. 

The Temple would be protected by a small circle of druids and would host a fine but small vineyard and herbarium, with the Temple itself constructed with Hypocausts and heating pipes, and a flame that would never be extinguished, alongside an ample number of other features. The Temple would also be one of Aethan's Great Works, though while his Mausoleum was to be dedicated towards the Jaenerys Dynasty, the Great Temple would be towards Freya, his Great Walls would be towards the Kingdom, the Grand Harbor would be dedicated to trade, and the Great Fortress he was planning to build would be to the Military.

But first, he had to map out the costs and the materials as well as the designs and various specific features. But before all of that, he had to be married, and before that…he had to speak with Zaoirya.

''I was beginning to think you wouldn't meet with me.'' Zaoirya said, and as usual, the way she spoke was exotic with a foreign and sensual accent.

''Apologies Princess, as you can see, I have a large number of Kings and Queens here, making it necessary to greet all of them, as well as my other distinguished guests. Your arrival was expected earlier, though by arriving later I had to adjust my plans for greeting.'' Aethan tells her.

''We had some trouble getting her, numerous bandit attacks and the like. Nothing we couldn't deal with of course, but they delayed our trip.'' Says Zaoirya, and Aethan frowns. He'd have to speak to Lucia and have her investigate that and if she found evidence to support it…end that threat.

''No matter, you're here now. I have you seated at the High Table Princess, when the feast begins, You'll take your seat to my left, next to my younger sister Margaery. I hope you'll stick around after the wedding, Princess. There is some business I'd like to discuss with you after.'' Aethan tells her.

''You can count on it, I've my own business to attend to within your city, but for now, allow me to present to you my gifts. When I left you, I left behind a Schematic, here are the rest.'' Zaoirya says having one of her servants present Aethan the diagrams she hadn't had on her at the time but had managed to get sent from Ofir, she watches him as he scans each one, before passing them to the woman who was sent to greet her.

''My thanks Princess, enjoy the festivities,'' Aethan tells her before Cantarella whispers in his ear.

''Henselt has been forced to turn back my King. His journey here has been a disaster as you ordered.'' Cantarella tells him.


(POV Shift: King Henselt Unicorn of Kaedwen)


The Boy King of Cidaris hadn't invited him to his father's Funeral, bad enough of an insult on its own, but now he hadn't been invited to the boy's wedding. Henselt decided that he'd go anyway, and when he arrived, dared the boy not to invite him to his face.

Henselt didn't actually give two shits about being invited but the boy had invited every ruler north of Temeria except for him. So Henselt's pride had been pricked and needed mending. But of course, luck hadn't favoured the Unicorn as it had in the past.

First, a number of the mounts vanished into thin air before they departed including his Prized Stallion. Then the granary where they were keeping their supplies for the journey became infested with rats and other pests.

But only after starting this journey did things really start to go downhill.

They were caught in a forest fire, someone stole from their supplies wrecking, burning, and poisoning what they couldn't carry, and then a week later, Henselt found out that all the remaining horses were either dead or missing. As for the sentries who were supposed to be guarding them? They had been found in their beds with their throats slit. To top it all off, Heneslt - after taking a woman into his bed to relieve some of the stress accumulated, woke to find that very same woman with her throat slit, and a bag of heads in her lap.

A bag of heads belonging to the guards posted outside his tent… 

So now they had barely any supplies, no horses, few guards, and precious little coin? Henselt knew when the deck was stacked against him. And without the supplies, horses, and men to reach Cidaris he had no choice but to turn back home to Ard Carraig.

But one way or another, he'd find out who was responsible for these insults. It was probably Demavend, but Henselt needed to be absolutely sure before he started pointing fingers after the last dispute between him and Demavend had - like the previous three - ended in Demavend's favour.

So the Kaedweni Secret Service would investigate and find out who the fuck was responsible or their lives were forfeit.

This had been a bad situation from start to finish, someone had to pay for it!


(POV Shift: Princess Adda ''The White'' Dezmoiden of Temeria)



The moment had arrived, and Father was standing beside her while they were surrounded by a Temerian Honor Guard composed of Blue Stripes Commandos.

Led by the one called Roche, they pushed the doors open and Adda saw the man she would marry standing at the Altar.

Dressed in fine clothes and with a curved sword at his hip, King Aethan had removed his Crown, letting her see that his hair had a length not unlike her own.

The Blue Stripes marched forward and formed two lines.

''Present arms!'' Roche shouted gruffly as the Stripes drew their swords and angled their points against that of the sword belonging to the blue stripe in front of them.

As she was led forward by her father, the Blue Stripes brought their swords down in front of them in what Father called a salute as they passed.

Eventually, they stood before the altar and Father left her side to stand with Queen Meve.

''We stand here in the presence of Freya, the Great-Mother. Goddess of Fertility, Love, Beauty, and Abundance. Aethan, as a Devotee of the Great Mother, and the King of Cidaris, do you swear to love Adda of Temeria? To protect her from all who would do her harm? To guard her from illness and fear?'' The High Priestess asks her soon-to-be husband and King.

''On my honour as a man and integrity as a King, I do so swear.'' Aethan says.

''And you Adda, do you swear to keep Aethan's Hearth warm and alight? To love him and care for him? Bind his wounds? Mother his children, and love them unconditionally?'' The Priestess asks her.

Adda is silent for a moment, before turning to look at her father.

Smiling at him reassuringly, she turns back to the Priestess.

''As P-princess of Temeria, I s-s-so swear.'' Adda says struggling to find and form the right words.

''Then in the eyes of the mother, I, Syndafrija, High Priestess of Freya, bind you two in Marriage and bless you before Freya.'' The High Priestess says and Aetham turns to her and reaches up to cup her cheek.

He gives her a small smile before bringing her lips to his and kissing her. Adda tries to ignore the burning hunger in her gut that awakens at the newfound feelings the kiss brings to her.

As her husband breaks the Kiss, he brings her closer to him, wrapping an arm around her waist.

''And now my Queen…it really begins.'' Adda doesn't respond, she is busy trying not to blush, but she can't help but feel confused at his words.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)




It was at least an hour before the Feast concluded and Adda and Aethan were allowed the chance to consummate the marriage. The Two of them sat alone in the royal bedchamber of Cidaris. He stood up from the bed, and poured two small goblets of wine, handing one to Adda.

''We don't have to do this if you don't want to?'' He offers.

''I w-want to, but I-I'm…'' She trails off.

''Afraid? Only natural, but I know what I'm doing.'' Aethan says.

"O-oh? I-if… we are g-going to d-do this," she stated, "I o-only have one f-favour to ask." Adda tells him.

"What's that?" He inquired.

"Please be g-gentle with me. I-it's my first time." She tells him.

Aethan looked at Adda's hand atop his; he could see her wrist trembling slightly, indicating she was a bit nervous about discussing intimacy or even being intimate. He cupped her cheek gently and turned her head to face him. "If it's what you want, then it'll be done," he nodded as his fingers combed through her loose hair.

Feeling a bit relieved, Adda took the initiative and leaned in to kiss Aethan. The Young King kissed her back and kept one hand on her cheek while bringing the other to palm her modest breasts through her dress, before moving to her waist and pushing her down onto the mattress, unmindful of the fact that they have yet to undress at all. A scented wax candle burned on the bedside table and rose petals had been strewn between the sheets, with the fragrances of lavender, vanilla, and pine in the air. Adda heard herself nearly squeal in surprise, gripping Aethan's shoulders.

"Mmmm," she moaned.

The kissing session was affectionate to start with at first but quickly turned to heated passion when Aethan was once again surprised when she felt an unknown hand rubbing against his crotch, even as Aethan had been pressing his tongue against her lips, demanding entrance into her mouth; in the end, Adda complied and whimpered as their tongues tangled with their own, each battling for dominance. After what seemed to be several minutes, Aethan stilled and came to a stop as Adda reached into his trousers and firmly gripped his cock. Pulling way to allow both of them to catch their breaths, Aethan resisted his urges as Adda smiled predatorily, before releasing him. Aethan stood up, towering above her, looking down at the red-haired demi-goddess that lay in front of him. Adda looked up at Aethan, before crawling towards him and playing with the strings on his breaches.

She stopped when she felt him cup her chin bringing her up with her head level to his chest. She felt the lust and hunger in his eyes if the satisfied smirk was any indication.

"Would you have me undress, husband? Or do you want to undress me?" she asked cupping his cock through his breaches.

Aethan nodded. "I'd rather you undress yourself, my little bird." Aethan tells her, to which Add climbs off the bed, and pushes him down to sit on the edge.

Adda smiled at Aethan's request and she stood before him, and slowly almost agonizingly so began to get the laces and buttons undone. Finally, Adda managed to slip her dress off, leaving her in her girdle and nightgown. But Adda deftly let them slide to the floor until she was finally naked before him. Adda shuddered as she felt goosebumps form on her arms and legs. She was blushing real hard now and momentarily looked away; too shy to look at him, but when she was done she glanced up and found him ogling her. There was a hunger in his eyes, Aethan knew this.

His gaze wandered from her modest breasts to the bush of curly red hair around her cunt, to every inch of her pale body.

"So beautiful," he observed Adda's body closely.

Even Annarietta could not compare to the beauty before him, nor the lovely Ingrid Vegulbud.

Though Zaoirya was a very close second.

"Aethan." she whined covering her breasts with one arm and covering her cunt with her hand. "Please don't stare at me like that. It's so embarrassing…"

"Is it now?" Aethan smirked teasingly.

He leaned forward and on his knees moved his mouth towards her where he promptly went to work on Adda's cunt. She gasped and instinctively moved her hands to stroke Aethan's hair, savouring the feeling of her hands running through his soft and long locks even as his tongue explored her cave, and even as Aethan continued assaulting Adda's cunt and moved to press his tongue deeper inside her cunt, the new Queen gasped as though she felt pleasurable chills going throughout her skin.

"Aethan," she called out.

As if on demand, Aethan slowed his actions and pulled away licking his lips as he looked up at his wife. "Yes, my Queen?"

"You're still clothed," Adda pointed out. "Don't be mean. That's not fair…"

Aethan chuckled at Adda's whining and took off of his, shirt, and his boots and stepped out of his breeches himself; leather, warm and tight against him that is nearly painful. Both now lay naked before the other's eyes. After a moment Adda feels Aethan sucking on her neck and playing with her cave, she let out a cute moan that quickly turned orgasmic and Aethan pulled away and smiled mischievously.

"So my little bird does have a sensitive spot," he murmured against her skin.

Both King and Queen, they knew it was time to move on, so Adda sat on his legs, her breasts before his eyes, and Aethan could ill refuse such a feast.

"Aethan." Adda gasps again and heard herself moaning, shaking her head from side to side as Aethan suckled one of her nipples and slid his bare hands to her ass and began to give her small smacks.

Her eyes widened at her husband's boldness and felt the room get cold. They were both completely naked and fully aroused now and acted more on instinctive impulse as they resumed their first act of lovemaking. 

''You Belong to me Adda!'' Aethan growls and slowly but surely, they begin true Lovemaking in earnest….


Author's Note:


And with that, Aethan has his Queen…


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Thanks to Cody, Lewis Wilson, Luci alarra, Kunta, Jacob Hixson, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez Availon90, Ken Harris, Beastmode2003, Axlii, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, and TJ Cruz for their support on P-atreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.


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