
THE REVEAL (chapter 4)

Then as he stepped off the exorcism stand , he passed by me and the remnants of holy water on his body emitted and ora that didn't site right with me at all.

It was as if I just didn't get along with holy energy.

"strange huh ?" sake asked me as he creeped over my shoulder . " the way they stick those sharp needles up your body , but non of this would have happened if you just fessed up ." then I went on to ask him what the hell he was talking about . he then did some weird movements with his fingers


then I felt a sharps sting at the back of my skull.

" well that puts my suspensions to rest " he said to him self as he slowly walked away. there on after the head father said it was now my turn to be exorcisised .

" wait what " I said as two sub fathers took me to the stand . then hen they placed me on the stand I felt the same feeling again.


then I started to feel weird inside as dark ora emitted from my heart . " it's him " the head father said .

*evil laugh*


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degenwriters_25creators' thoughts