

We had been traveling for about 3 days now , not really knowing where we we were heading , as long as it was far from the orphanage it was fine by us .

"hey guys ? stop " cliff said as he noticed something from afar . " this poster it says wanted, with a bounty of 1000 silver shards each ." then it crossed me , we had been rated out by the kids at the orphanage . " REALLY ? JUST 1000 , WHAT CHEAP ASS BASTARDS " Hinata shouted as she read the poster . " they didn't even get my hair right " cliff complained . "this is bull shit " sake said in a low tone . then from a distance we heard a voice saying " I'd watch my tongue if I were you , such a dirty mouth you have young man " . the voice was then replaced by a tall figure wearing a white caught with a cross on the back and his face covered by a mask .

" oh yah ? and who are supposed to be ? " Hinata asked the figure sarcastically . then he told us that he was a person , a man who just wanted to help . " bull shit " sake said . " if you want to help us , why are you holding a sword so tightly , it's more like you want to attack us " . then the man took out his blade and struck . " wrong move" Hinata said . then suddenly I felt a tingle in my stomach , then I female voice came from me . " so you think you can just come here and do what ever you want ? wrong choice ."