
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · ファンタジー
35 Chs


Five years have passed since then and I'm already 16 years old. For the whole five years I only worked in making my books so I've already created 20 with 50 copies for each of them.

I also met with my favorite merchant named Arthur and asked him to help me sell my books but in the end he told me that my book is not a very profitable product if what I'm planning to do is to mass produce the product and sell it to people.

I told him that my goal is to have as many people be able to read my books and make it accessible to anyone regradless of their status.

The more readers I have the more people will know the real life story of the people from the past, even if they don't really think that the stories are real, at the least they should be able to emphatize with everyone's life experiences.

When I said to Arthur what I'm aiming for, he praised me for having a noble thought like that.

But in the end the problem is mass production and the prices.

Such books are very hard to replicate in mass quantity and it's also only accessible to wealthy people that has more money and time in their hands to fully appreciate my work.

At best I can only make a hundred copy for a book and only having the aristocrats as my main customer.

It's been bothering me for years now but I guess I'm too optimistic and brushed off any logic at that time.

I have to admit that I don't really have any concrete plans after completing my books.

When I felt conflicted thinking that it will take at least a hundred years to mass produce a million books before I can publicize it, Arthur then suggested to me to build a library.

A public library where anyone can come and go anytime as long as they're willing to pay up.

If it's a library... It really will take a hundred years for me to fill up the whole building with books that I made....

Ah no, I should at least put the first twenty books in them, it's not like I'll have my own cutomers right away anyways.

Since my pen name is Memoria, I should also name it Memoria's Library.

I mostly used up all the allowances that I got to collect 6720 empty books throughout the years so I don't have to buy more.

I have a lot of expensive things that was given to me. And for the past 5 years I collected all of it.

If I sell it I would be able to add it to my budget money.

I will also ask to my allowance in advance so that I can buy or build my own library.

With that in mind I sheduled a day to talk with my father to ask for this favor.


I looked at my daughter Remil who's still wearing a half mask till this day. I'm already used to seeing it but I can't help but feel worried that the day will never come when she plans to remove it.

She's sitting in front of me while quietly enjoying her dessert and tea as I stared intensely at the mask that she's been wearing for three whole years.

I heard that it's a magical mask that she bought herself although there's never been a record indicating that she met a magicraftsman and ordered a mask to be made.

Just where did she got it from? It's not dangerous right? It's not cursed as a mask that cannot be removed forever right?

With worries building up in my heart, it seems like my expression is crumping up.

I tried to ease my expression and calm myself down. I should hear why my youngest came to me first.

"Remmy, so what brought you today?" I asked with a smile on my face.

It's been a long time since she asked to meet me first, as her father I'm so happy right now.

"I have a favor father..."


I looked at her dumbfoundedly for a moment. Favor!? Did my recluse daughter just asked me for a favor!?

I tried to hide the smile that's creeping up on my face and stayed expressionless.

"Sure let me hear it" I said and urge her to tell more.

"I want to get the rest of my allowances from today up to 24 years of my age" she said.

Allowance? If it's up to 24 years then she can receive 8600 gold coins. Is there something she wants to buy using it?

If it's Remil I don't think I can say that she doesn't need to use her allowance since I'll buy it myself.

"Is there something you want to buy, Remmy?" I asked urging for an answer.

"I want to open a public library, father" she said with a calm expression but even so it still feels like she's actually smiling inside.

I smiled as I approved of her decision.

"You're not going to stop me?" she added to have some confirmation.

"I won't. If it's something that you want then feel free to do what you like" I said and pushed the other desserts to her way.

"But before you go, eat more. You look very malnourished" I said with a big smile on my face.

A fool for his daughters is what my peers calls me, but I can't help it if my daughters are angels in disguise.

"You know I'm perfectly healthy, father"

"Is that so?" I grinned.

I told the butler to help Remil in building her public library and also appointed the budget to him. That's how my meeting with my daughter ended.

I'm glad that she's still doing fine despite the horrible things she experienced thanks to that Asmerald brat.

Since they're not allowed to come to my territory because of the promised oath of Amelia, the Ellezar brat has been harassing my daughter by sending her gifts and a marriage letter for five years.

I heard from Amelia that it was Ellezar who was exchaning letter with Remil in the past and that he's only doing it to bully my child.

It's a good thing that the Duke of Asmerald did not approve of his actions from the start so when he discovered what his son was up to, he immediately put the brat in one month propabation.

My Remmy probably thought that it's not good if both families are involved because of that brat, so she decided to remain silent about it.

My poor child... You don't need to shoulder this kind of problem yourself you know?


Compared to my life that continued to be at peace, the whole world is actually not doing well.

There has been many cases when monsters' numbers would suddenly increase than normal and thanks to it half of the Kingdom's soldiers will have to be sent away to deal with them.

Accompanying among them were the Saintesses.

Supposedly the Saintess that can heal which is Lady Flourel.

My sister is exempted because there's nothing that she can actually contribute in the war despite being one of the Saintesses.

There's a chance that our country will get invaded by monsters so it's actually worrisome.

It would be bad if the Kingdom where I plan to build my library will be destroyed.