
The witch and her butler who can only summon shields

The protagonist was walking home when a ball of light suddenly hit him. Not knowing what it was, it gave him nausea, and he ended up unconscious. When he wakes up, he notices he is in an unfamiliar forest. Not knowing what to do, he looks for a place to stay but ends up being chased by terrifying goblins. When the goblins lost track of him, he found a house surrounded by flowers. He knocks on the door, but no one answers, so he enters the home. As he was sitting on the bed, he accidentally fell asleep due to his lack of stamina. When he woke up, he was tied up in a chair, and in front of him was a beautiful girl he had never seen before in his life. It was like love at first sight. And the girl got angry at the protagonist because he was trespassing on her property, so she punished him by making him her butler.

ThermosBottle · ファンタジー
11 Chs


a fresh, bright morning. the wind-induced rustling of the trees The adorable birds were chirping in the morning as usual.

When I woke up, I made breakfast for the two of us. As usual.    I then wake her up, but she is still sleepy and doesn't want to get up quite yet. I came close to her ear and whispered.


"If you don't wake up, I won't bake you some delicious cake," I said.


"Hey idiot, promise me we are having cakes after dinner tonight!"


"I promise~"


After rubbing her eyes, she gets to her feet. I waited for her to finish before she left to take a bath. She changed into her school clothes before we had dinner. She then put her shoes on and prepared to use her broom to fly to school.


"Good luck with school," I said.


"Bye bye~"


I then go back inside the house for an hour of relaxation before returning to my regular schedule of housework. I started by cleaning the house inside and out, then I watered the plants. As I continued watering plants, I heard a sudden noise. When I looked behind me, I saw that the non-potted plants were moving on their own as I was watering the flowers. I dropped the watering can while still holding it out of sheer terror, accidentally dousing myself in water. The moving plants then get closer to me, and when I feared and glanced about, I was unable to move. Then, as it approached me, it said:


"Hello, I have been trying to talk to you this whole time." "I am Flora; I may have no eyes, but I can actually see you through my petals."


"Ahh, nice... to meet you..." I am Mariane's new butler, and I am currently 18 years old. "18 years old."


"Nice to meet you."


She was about one and a half feet tall and kind of looked like a Venus flytrap with petals surrounding its neck. As I get up, I can guarantee that she is not that scary, and she is actually very friendly. I picked up the watering can and started watering the flower, then she suddenly started jumping around happily while I continued to pour the water on top of him.


"Thanks human"


"No problem"


The two of us started chatting and eating sandwiches. I didn't dare ask how she consumed the sandwiches. She then gave me advice on how to strengthen my defenses until dusk and assisted me in making chocolate cake.


Soon after Mariane finally got home, I helped her carry her bag to her room. I then prepared her a bubbly bath to make her happy and so that she could finally relax. While she takes a bath, I cook some soup and bake some bread. She then come out of the bath tab then she get dressed then she comes down to eat with with me.

When we were eating at the table together, she looked like she liked my dish again, just like usual. Seeing her happy while eating my food makes me smile.


"By the way, I was helped by Flora, the talking flower outside."


"Oh, I see you have finally met her; she was actually my only friend before I met you."


Hearing that from her makes me sad, so I held her hands and said, "Do not worry; I shall always accompany you, and I will be here with you if you need me."


Her face turned red, and she suddenly slapped me without knowing why.


"IDIOT!!  "Don't suddenly touch my hand, creep!" She said.


She then went to her room and locked the door. I was left on the table, still confused about what just happened and why she slapped me, but she suddenly made my heart beat so fast. I don't know what to do next, so I just sit down at the table. While I was thinking too much, I heard someone knocking at the window, and then I saw Flora holding a sign that says, "Just confess your feelings already!" I shook my head and said,


"No, I would not like to do it because I want to make her fall for me first."


"You are really stupid."


I then go to the couch to rest. Her slap really left a mark on my face. I then get some snacks and drinks, but then I just remember something—something really important that I should not forget. I then just realized that I had forgotten to give her the cake. I went in front of her room and knocked.


"What do you want?"


"Sorry for touching you earlier. Can we eat the cake now?"


She then opened her door and said, "It's not like I dislike it or anything; just please do not suddenly do it again."


"I promise"


"Well, at least you kept your promise about the chocolate cake, so where is it?"


"It's down stairs on the table, and I prepared some freshly squeezed lemonades too."


"Oh, I like the sound of that. "Let's go eat quick."


She rushed downstairs while grabbing my hand, and we ran to the table where the chocolate cake and lemonades were waiting to be eaten. I didn't tell her that she held my hand without her noticing, because it might ruin the atmosphere. We then eat the chocolate cake and drink some lemonade while we chat and make jokes. It looks like she has not noticed yet that she is enjoying our time together. I then washed the dishes while we still talked with each other. Then, when I got finished, she went to her bedroom, and I slept on the couch again, just like usual.


I woke up after a good night's sleep, but when I opened my eyes, I saw Mariane sleeping beside me. I do not know or remember how she got here. I then stroked her head and covered her with my blanket. Then I do my daily routine just like usual: I cook breakfast for the two of us. Then, when I was about to go to her room, I remembered that I actually did not need to wake her up because it was currently Saturday and she did not need to go to school.


while I was about to go back to the dining table to eat. I heard someone sobbing on the couch, so I tried to go back. I saw Mariane crying while she was still asleep.


"Please do not leave me; I am sorry for hitting you." "Just please, I beg you," she said with tears in her eyes.


"Do not worry; I would not leave because of something like that." I then put my hand on her head and started caressing her head.


I then continued caressing her head to comfort her while she was still asleep. A minute later, she stopped crying and looked like she was feeling relieved. I then left her on the couch and drank my coffee and ate my breakfast. A few minutes later, she finally woke up. She suddenly ran and started looking for me, and when she found me, she suddenly hugged me.


"You okay?"   I asked


"Please do not leave me, idiot," she said, while tears were pouring from her eyes.


"Do not worry; I would not like to leave you alone anyway."




"I promise"


She then let go of me and sat on a chair. She then started eating her breakfast. Our eyes suddenly met. I smiled at her, then she blushed, and then she looked away." I will always protect her, and I will never leave her alone", This was my promise to her, and I would not like to see her sad again.