
The Witch's Apprentice

Celesta Arcenite dedicated her entire life to being a skilled chef. However, with the loss both of her parents, Celesta lost her desire to cook. Now, Celesta wants to learn magic. She is determined to become a proper with despite the challanges. That is the reason why she seek magic guidance from Lumina Ambrosia, also know as the witch of destruction. One of the most dangerous person in the entire world.

SakuSaku · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Time to Cook

Argus put cooking utensils on the table. There is a wok, saucepan, soup spoons, mortar and pestle, and several other tools. He double-checks the paper again just to make sure.

"This is a lot." Argus looked around. "I don't remember my mother cooking with these."

Celes said she needs to prepare something. She's been gone for quite a while.

Argus noticed something. There are a lot of planter bags in the corner. Each one contains a tree seed, not sure what kind of seed she planted. It must be the experiment she was talking about.

Right now, Argus is in the backyard. Because everything in the house is made of wood, cooking inside is dangerous.

"You're done already. How is it?" Celes's voice came from behind.

Argus turned around. He raised one eyebrow. "That is… how do you get that?"

Celes is holding not only one but two chickens. She smiled happily while lifting both chickens by holding the neck.

"It's chickens!"

"That's not what I asked. Where did you get the chicken? Only one family raises chickens here. It's not easy to persuade them to barter their chicken. How do you do that?"

To eat meat, it's hunting in the forest or getting chicken by exchanging something. Argus doesn't want to look bad, but honestly, his neighbor is stingy. So, he was quite surprised by what Celes brought.

"If you know how to bargain, you can get whatever you want."

"What took you so long, anyway?"

"Sorry. Cutting and plucking the feathers takes time." She puts the clean chicken on the table. "Also, I've got some spices and vegetables from the neighbor. Lucky me!"

It's such a pleasant feeling to see Celes look excited.

"Can you wash the vegetables in the river?" Celes pointed to the basket filled with vegetables. "Don't use too much force. I will cut chicken and prepare the fire."

Argus just went to the river and clean the vegetables.

"Wait… a moment?! This is from our field!" Argus swallowed. "Did she seriously ask this from my mother?"

Vegetables like carrots and potatoes are theirs. There are also other vegetables.

"Why is she using a lot of stuff here?"

Argus pondered for a moment, only to realize that all of his questions were pointless. Especially since he never cooks. The moment he came back, Lumina was talking to Celes in the backyard. Argus put the basket beside the table.

"Uh, why are you already here? I am still preparing." Celes looks nervous. "You were supposed to come later."

Lumina noticed Argus, but her focus was back on Celest, her student.

"Does it matter if I arrive early? Just do like usual." She ignored Celes and walked to a corner to see Celes's experiment. "I am surprised you're doing your job properly." Her tone seemed to belittle her apprentice.

"Anyway, I will wait inside." Lumina entered the house.

"Not trying to be rude, but are you sure you want to become her apprentice? She doesn't seem to take you seriously. She also told you to cook for her even though she knew it was difficult to cook here."

Argus sees no point in doing all of this. If he has to do this to become someone's apprentice, then he would rather not have a teacher at all.

"It's okay. I am thankful to you for doing many things for me. I will pay you back by cooking something for you. However, I suggest you don't meddle in my business with Lumina."

"Did you ever think that she made you her apprentice so she could eat your cook all the time?"

"Jeez, why are you so persistent? Even though you know nothing about us. I appreciate your concern, but it is okay. I know how to say no to someone."

Celes said that he is persistent. However, in Argus's eyes, it seemed the opposite.

"Anyway, do you need more help with something? I never cook, though, so don't expect much."

"No, it's enough. It's better if I am doing everything by myself from here. You better wait inside." Her hands shoo him away.

Argus' shoulders dropped. Argus offered Celes help because he doesn't want to wait inside with Lumina. They together in a room would be too awkward for him.

As he opened the door, he saw Lumina sitting on the chair. She is reading a book that was familiar to Argus.

"Boy, is this yours?" Lumina closed the book. Her gaze remains fixed on the book.

"Uh… Did you just call me boy?"

This is the first time someone addressed him like that. Didn't Celes tell her his name yesterday? Has she already forgotten? Or she was doing it on purpose?

"I am the one who is asking here."

"Yes, that's mine."

Argus sat in a chair opposite Lumina. A wooden table is between them. Since it was face-to-face, he was even more nervous. The boy doesn't brave enough to look at Lumina's face. As a person who was born there, he knows everyone in the village and he never felt something like this.

Lumina pushed the book towards Argus. "Tell me about the contents of this book!"

Lumina's tone was sharp, fearless, and authoritative. It was another order that he couldn't refuse.

On the table, there are a teapot and two cups. Celes prepared it for Lumina and Argus. However, anxiety kept Argus from drinking.

"I can tell you've already finished the book. Not just once. So, it should be easy for you."

Lumina closed her eyes. She leaned her back in the chair waiting for Argus to speak.

"Uh, it's a story about a hero who fights against the vampires."

Is someone like Lumina even interested in a book like this? Argus decided to continue.

"For vampires to survive, they must kill humans to drink their blood. This serves as the main problem of the story. The hero's goal is to stop the vampires so that no human becomes their victim."

If someone ever asks about what is the content of the book, there are three things you can explain. First is the main character, second is the conflict, and third is the goal. That's sum everything about the story without telling people how the story goes.

"I am assuming, not many people can read in this village."

"Uh, yeah."

Argus probably could count it with fingers

Lumina opened her eyes. "What do you think about the hero? Is he right or wrong?"

"Eh, that is… well, I don't know. I mean, between right or wrong, you made it looks easy by making it white or black."

"For someone who got trapped in a place like this, I am surprised you are a bit open-minded."

Lumina seems already knew about the ending of the story.

When two races are against each other, it is not weird that war breaks out. However, what happened in the book is different. The hero travels from one place to another. In the end, the hero leads an army of five races to attack the vampires. It was a massacre, and the result was the extinction of the vampire race.

"As a human, wouldn't it be normal to be on the side of the hero?" asked Lumina.

"Ugh, maybe. I don't know. To live, the vampire needs humans. However, humans don't need a vampire. The situation is never fair, to begin with. Also, I see no reason to argue about which is right or wrong. It's a fiction book, after all."

"Even fiction books took references from the real world."

"I know that. To make sure the story is plausible, you need to… huh?" His brain paused for a moment as if he had realized something.

Argus looked over at Lumina, who was calmly pouring tea from the teapot into the cup. The hot steam rises from the cup. The girl tested it with her soft lip, then took one gulp.

"Is this book based on an actual event in the past?"

"Well, I wonder."

Is she trying to convince him that vampires exist? There's a time when humans fight them to the point that they are extinct like inside the story.

"Why did you ask me this?"

"Nothing. Just feeling bored." Lumina elegantly drank the tea. "It must be nice to live in a peaceful place like that."

Lumina's smile is making Argus uncomfortable. It was sarcasm.

Argus sighed. Indeed, he knows nothing about the outside world. No one ever talked about it before. He felt frustrated because sometimes he didn't understand what they were talking about. The source of his information is only books and most of them are fictional.

"The chief told everyone that war always happens outside. Is it true?"

"Boy, is there any point in asking that?"

Argus wanted to reply but didn't know what to say. Even if he knows, there's no way he has the chance to go outside.

The room became quiet. Lumina enjoyed her tea slowly while Argus read the book. It is been over an hour since Celes started cooking.

The door to the backyard opened. Celes appeared to bring a pot and then put it on the table. "It's done!" said she with a cheerful smile.

When she opened the lid, a delicious aroma of food could spread out. Just by smelling it, people get hungry.

"Ooh, it looks good." Argus stands and looks at the food feeling excited.

"This is a vegetable soup, but I also put chickens in it." Her smile disappeared, and now she looked disappointed. "Ugh, if I have more time to prepare everything, I could make it better. Wait a moment!"

Celes left and came back again, bringing something else. This time he brought two portions of chicken that had been cut into small pieces. On top, she sprinkled the thick red sauce with chopped scallions. The hot steam that comes from the sauce arouses the appetite.

"Ooh, that's even better! My mom like to make soup too, but this one is new to me."

"With a skill like this, I still think that you are better at being a chef." Lumina doesn't look impressed.

"Uh, can we stop talking about this?" Celes displeased. "Anyway, you can eat it!"

"Thanks for the food," said Argus couldn't contain his hunger.

Without holding back, he took a spoonful of chicken along with the sauce and put it in his mouth.

"This is…"

Food entered his stomach. His mouth remained open, but the boy is unable to speak. His body was frozen. Soon, tears slowly fall from Argus's eyes.

"Ugh…" Celes confused. She dropped her shoulder with a weird expression. "This is getting weird. You're being too dramatic about this."

"Shut up!" shout Argus with a red face. "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but my mother's cooking never tastes this good! Don't blame me if I shed tears after tasting your food!"

"Your mother is gonna kill you if you said that."

Argus took another bite and chewed it slowly to taste it better.

"Honestly, this is a bit too spicy for me."

"Don't push yourself too hard."

Argus sweating. He took a deep breath. "Like hell, I will stop eating just because it's spicy! I never eat something like this. Of course, I will eat everything you made!"

"The soup I made was used to get rid of the spice after you ate the chicken. Take your time. I will grab a bowl for both of you."

After finishing eating the chicken, Argus immediately tried the other dish. The soup is fresh and flavorful. The vegetables are soft and delicious. It's as Celes said, after drinking the water, the spice aftertaste is slightly reduced.

"Oh… I am full!" Argus leaned back in his chair, relaxing his body. "This is the first time I feel this happy since I was born!"

Argus felt weird for being nervous a few minutes ago, but now he's just chilling and acting as if he owns the house.

"Stop being too dramatic over my food."

"You said that, but you look happy Celes." She drank the tea elegantly.

"S-shut up, Lumina! Everyone will feel happy when someone praises them."

"Oh my, did you just tell me to shut up, Celes?"

Celes gulped. She looked at Argus with concerned eyes.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Can I ask you more favor?"

"Again? Well, I don't mind I guess. Especially, after I ate your food."

"I want you to deliver this." Celes put six packages on the table.

Two chickens and the vegetable soup for three were too much to handle. If Celes wanted to share it with several people in the village, it seemed quite reasonable.

"First, your mother. She has cooked for me several times. Also, you know the guy who owns chickens. The family who gives me spices. This one is special for the chef, I made it extra soft and not spicy at all. Also this one and this one…"

Celes thought that Argus should be able to handle this without a problem.

"Sure." He got up from the chair and stretched his body. "By the way, is there anything else? If nothing, then maybe I'll just go home after delivering this."

"Yes, you can go home. Thanks for everything. You helped me a lot today."

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping you clean up."

"Just leave!"

Celes pushed Argus out of the house. After all, Celes knew that Lumina was coming to the village because they had something important to discuss.

"Alright, alright. Stop pushing me! Anyway, thanks for the food."

Argus walked away.

"Celes, you're not planning to eat?"

"I've already prepared my portion. I will eat later."

"Well, since the boy has left, it's time to talk."

For a reason, the atmosphere is heavy. Celes has a bad feeling about this.

"First of all, I want you to stop what you're doing right now!"
