
the wise warrior

I had a full life, 80 years in my profession reaching this age was an achievement without counting that I was dying of cancer, the bullets from the battlefields did not get the better of me but a cursed liver cancer. It's a good death for an old special forces soldier. I feel death coming a last look at my life, regrets yes I couldn't start a family.... My eyes are heavy where am I my vision is blurry boobs damn I'm drinking milk.....i got reincarnated...a family that will be my goal in this life a family....I didn't think starting a family was going to be more complicated in this life than tje Last one .. 

Steeven_Joseph_9690 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 14 Beginning of my legion

Monster killer and I once passed the door we were teleported in the village of the adventurers of the 2nd level. The village is the heart of a circular forest of 350 km superficy and was the only safe zone of this level. To complete this level, you had to kill one of the leaders of the 4 tribes of monsters who populate the forest. In ascending order of difficulty we had the goblins (weaker but level B in this dungeon) the kobolts (more voracious level B also but more sneaky), the orc (level A formidable warriors) the lycans (werewolves who can no longer become human again, the most dangerous of all level 2, once night falls and they are the only masters of the forest and all adventurers go to the village to escape them. level AA) this constraint of 10 hours of light makes it difficult for a small group to successfully pass the second level, and the tribe that is most often targeted are goblins and kobolts. Orcs and lycans were never targeted I looked around me at the artificial sky telling me that the day was just beginning. The prince had already provided me with a map of the level and seeing the frightened look of the adventurers when they saw monster killer, I did not want to subject myself to indiscreet questions. I headed for the door leading to the region of the orcs I did not meet many people there and once past the city walls I found myself in a rather dense forest, I brought out the wasp and put it on automatic mode and launched it in the air. She went towards the village of the orcs. I launched the two eagles in the direction of the region of the lycans. My drones was in mode automatic, so once they identified the targets the controller sights release a sound to let me know. Honestly I was eager to start this level seemed perfect to start my legions. 3 hours later my wasp had been able to precisely locate the village of the orcs. I looked at monster killer and told him - - - - Get rid of the soldiers, leave the chief for me.

- your desires are orders.

He rushed towards the orcs camp and after 30 minutes I heard. noises of fighting not rather of terror Monster killer was causing carnage, he set fire to the face with a meteor rain spell which killed a good number of orcs and with the 4 swords of fire he slaughter all those who approach too closely. When I was able to discover the.scene even I felt sorry for the orcs as the massacre was going in one direction. the orc king came out from under the rubble of his huts and held two large axes. He was in a black rage. I looked at the orc bodies in front of me and breathed mana into their cores which turned black and told them stand up 50 zombie orcs were in front of me kneeling waiting for my orders. I suddenly had a nausea and an intense migraine it was if I were the 50 orcs their knowledge their languages ​​their talents their affinity everything was integrated into me.

- Abomination shouted the king of the orcs. I sketched a grimace that wanted to be a smile and I directed against him 10 orcs which he crushed without problem. Definitely I wanted this orc king in my legions. I took out a sword and threw myself at his attack, one of his chops went for my head, and the second was aimed at my legs, I used teleportation and once behind him I blew his head off. I made him come back among the dead he knelt down and to my great surprise he addressed me in these terms

- A name my master

. - hmmm Pan what do you say about Pan

- Thank you master The necromancers had a special subspace to guard their monsters and I became aware of mine for the first time. I just followed my instincts and a door opened and I walked into my area to see a large castle. And vast land. So this is what my necromancy area looks like. I asked Pan and the other 40 orc zombies to bring me any orc corpses I could use, so after 30 minutes I had 257 orcs and an orc General Pan under my control. I left them in my necro area. And standing among the ruins of the monster killer battle seemed to stare at me

- Is there a problem MK

- No master, you have changed in such a short time that I had to do a push analysis to be certain that it was still you. Check your card. I did what he suggested and yes the surprise was for me

Name: Lustre

Age: 12 years old

Gender: male

Race: human

Affinity: Earth, Air, Su Fire,Metal, Water, and Darkness all legendary

Talent: Swordsman, Archer, Necromancer spearman, axeman,Rune, Alchemist, Golem Maker, Shaman all legendary

sub space, hardening, teleportation, appraisal,quickstep, language, night vision, cloning, poison résistance, fire résistance creation

ntelligence: 10,000,000

Strength 15,000,000

Stamina 30,000,000

Mana 300,000,000

This is cheating ...

A butler appeared telling me that I could go to the 3rd floor or if I wanted to continue the hunt I answered him I continue. A scream was heard my mink controllers sent me alarm messages from my drones the lycans came out they are all heading towards my position I had a hard time containing the morbid smile that left my throat. A carnage will start soon.