
The Winner Of Life

Update: Daily (If not I am sick or some problem arises) ................. In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Arjun, an ordinary young man, discovers an ancient system mysteriously embedded within his soul. As this extraordinary power awakens, Arjun's life transforms into a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery. With newfound strength and a cascade of superpowers at his command, he travel many fictional dimensions and live a life of fulfilment. .................. The story will also focus on the Earth and his personal life there. The first world and also the second main world is 'Against The God.' Second World: Marvel Universe .................. Tag: MILF, INCEST, Dimension Hoping

Slime_king · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs


"Arjun, are you going back tonight?" Mother asked while she caressed my hair.

I looked upwards and nodded my head. My mouth was busy eating her pussy.

"How long will you stay there?" She asked with a little sadness and worry.

I showed her one finger. She suddenly pulled me upwards. She was really strong. I was on top of her in one pull.

She looked me in the eyes and said "I can't enjoy tonight. So talk with me."

She licked my lips and cleaned the little amount of her juice from my lips.

I kissed her lips. She opened her mouth. I inserted my tongue inside her mouth and started a French kiss.

After a minute I said "It will be a minute to you. And I already told you no one in my world can hurt me."

Yeah, I had told her a lot about me. I hadn't said everything but I told her enough for her to understand my situation.

She was shocked but wasn't too shocked. She had seen and heard many things in her long lifespan.

Still, she may not be shocked, but she was worried. Which mother wouldn't be worried for her children?

She shook her head and said "I am still worried about you. I am your mother. Even though it's a minute, it's a whole minute. Many things can happen in a minute. And you already said about the time difference. It may be one minute for me but it won't be a minute for you."

She was getting emotional. I kissed her and stopped her from talking. I was a little emotional too. But I was missing Di and my family a lot. It meant a lot.

It's been seventeen years since I came here. And finally, I could return home. Return to my first love.

After 10 minutes of kissing Mother said "Stay safe."

I nodded my head in reply. I kissed her forehead and said, "I love you, mother."

"I love you too, son." She replied.

We chatted the whole night until it was my time to return to my world.

"I will go then," I added. She nodded. I smiled and used the link to return to my home after 17 years.

I may be immortal now but my thoughts were still similar to a small lifespan human. 17 years was a lot for us.


I was back at my home. I looked around the familiar room and felt nostalgia. It was 17 minutes for Earth but was 17 years for me in another universe.

I never thought I would be stuck there. I couldn't return until I turned 17.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the familiar body. I was naked as I was like this before returning.

My long black hair reached the back and my body was a lot more muscular than before. There were small changes on my face which was enough to make me a lady killer on earth.

Well, I was a GOD after all. I wouldn't be surprised if girls decide to give their lives from tomorrow. The charm of a GOD was not something that humans could bear.

And I even had a Charm skill.

I opened the wardrobe and put on my pants first. It was a little shorter and tighter too. I tie my hair into a bun hurriedly.

I left the room and walked towards the door of my sister. I was trembling. I didn't know if it was excitement or something else.

I opened the door and went inside. The familiar figure of a woman came into my view.

How much I had missed this woman. How many times have I wanted to return just to meet her once? How many nights I cried because I wanted to be with her.

I looked at her back and felt emotional. She was facing the other side.

"Why are you here again?" She asked without turning.

I immediately remembered what I had done before leaving. I was really an idiot and moron.

But It's still not too late.

I walked towards her without saying anything and stood by the side of the bed. She was still facing her back towards me.

I grabbed her by her arm and faced her towards me. I saw her eyes were red. She was surprised when she saw my new look. Small changes, it may be, but she finds it out immediately. She looked at my hair, which, according to her, grew in a few minutes.

But before she could ask anything I said "I don't care if you are my sister or not, anymore."

I moved closer and kissed her lips. Her surprise increased by a fewfold. But she quickly came to her senses.

She stopped thinking about anything and wrapped her hand around me and pulled me even closer and kissed me.

I pulled her into my embrace and lifted her. She wrapped her leg around my waist and continued to kiss me.

After a minute we separated as she needed to take a breath. She took a deep breath and kissed me again, and then again and again.

Her eyes were moist too. I continued to carry her by her butt.

After 5 minutes she asked "Are you sure about it? If this is a prank then let's stop here. I won't be able to handle it later."

I moved the strain of her hair behind her ear, wiped her tears and said while looking straight into her eyes "I am serious about it. I love you, I have always been loving you. I don't care what the world says anymore. I want you as my lover."

Di started to cry loudly. She hugged me tighter and continued to cry. I sat on the bed with her on my lap. I rubbed her back and said "Don't cry. I don't like when you cry."

But she didn't listen to me. She continued to cry. Only stopped when she was too tired. After another minute she said, "You know, I used to curse god for making you my brother."

"Was I that bad?" I asked teasingly.

She shook her head and replied, "No, because I was in love with my own brother."

I rubbed her back and said "But I used to thank god that he made you my sister. I got a sister, a friend and also a lover in one package."

She hugged me tighter again. We continued to stay like that for a long time.

Suddenly she moved back and looked at my face and hair and said "What happened to you? Why did your hair grow so long so suddenly?"

I smiled and said, "Remember I told you I got superpower."

She giggled and said, "What, that pervert ability?"

I nodded with a smile and said "Yeah, well that was just part of it."

I then light a fire on my finger to show her something cool. But she screamed and started to put out the fire while panicking.

I couldn't help but laugh. "You think fire can burn me?"

"Who wouldn't be burned by fire?" She retorted and put my finger in her mouth as if it really burned.

I shook my head and thought what would Qingyue think when she heard this? She would surely scream at her saying "he can fucking make sun and play with it."

I caressed her hair and said, "Well, Di, I have a lot of explaining to do."

"You sure do."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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