
Chapter - 1

Mannat was lying in the darkness of the dusk with her eyes wide open. She was lying in the bed and looking out of the window at velvet blue-black sky seeing twinkling jewels which were slowly vanishing and fading away in the hue of approaching rays of the sun. She had set an alarm and she was awake before it rang. She was looking at the alarm clock and finally, the only source of sound in the absolute silence - the minute hand pushed to twelve and she silenced it before it could sound properly claiming its presence.

She jumped down her bed and moved out. Even before she could consciously walk around, before having any morning refreshment of tea or coffee or even washing her face, she went into the next room where her elder brother, Ryan, lay fast asleep. She gave him a jerk and spoke, "Wake up! You have to go to school."

He laid there not showing the slightest sign of opening his eyes and hardly uttered, "Five minutes more."

"Seriously ? I accept that you have to go to school on Monday morning but you are no more a student. You teach there ! "

Listening this, Ryan woke up and walked with half-opened eyes and heavy steps into the kitchen.

Mannat was very excited, She could not sleep in her eagerness and wait for the next day. It was her brother's first day at his new school as a teacher. The reason behind this overwhelming feelings was that her brother has succeeded in landing in a job.

When thinking to opt his career, many wise and well-experienced gathered on to give their valuable suggestions and inputs. When he was sitting quietly listening to everyone's advice, it was Mannat who walked in and spoke," Ask him once he wants to do."

Then, she stood looking at her parents with ears attentive towards the reply of her brother. Ryan was very happy to know that finally, he could speak. Until then, he had only been listening.

"I want to be a teacher". He spoke smiling. Saying this provided him some kind of joy and he was then. lost in a different world which only he could see.

Mannat looked at him instantly being shocked and wondering why doesn't he think before speaking. Their father shouted aloud:

"Don't become something great! Having scored such a good percentage he does not want to get a honorable job."

Both Mannat and Ryan ran out of the room. Ryan walked upstairs and Mannat followed him. It was dusk. The sun had almost set. Ryan stood there glancing at the sky. Mannat walked to him and stood beside saying ,"I said those words so that you get a chance to speak. Instead of going on with indirect talk you spoke directly what you wanted."

Ryan ignored her as if he didn't care what she was saying. He was already tired of listening to advices and everyone was telling him what he should do.

It did not take time for Mannat to understand that. She, then. spoke, "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

"Teachers inspire people, change lives, through teaching - do a socially productive work, change the world to an unimaginable extent."

Mannnat was only smiling at his sentimental descriptions.

"The students would come and go but you will remain in the same class. Won't you get tired of teaching the same things over and over again?"

"You can never get tired of teaching Mathematics. I can accept for other theoretical subjects but not for Mathematics", he said bringing out his love for Mathematics.

"Ummmm still - Teaching? I mean......

It is not a money-making job.

"It would be sufficient. He who gives meals twice a day will take care of empty pockets. The almighty never forgets his children. Moreover, money cannot buy everything."

"Can you explain this to Dad?" , spoke Mannat concluding his philosophy.

"If I am supposed to do even that, what are you here for? "

"Well. then, I can go convince him if you promise to study hard doing nothing else and make a good teacher", spoke Mannat.

"I will" - he, a kind of, gave promise and hugged her feeling extremely blessed to have such a sister.

"It won't be easy", warned Mannat.

"I believe"

So today, she got up early and got ready for her school so that she finds time to get all his accessories ready. Though mother had taken care of everything, she was wandering around the house helping her arrange all his stuff.