
The Wild Man

Shadows556 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter Three

Mae Williams

After we had gathered everything, and prepared ourselves for the walk, I couldn't help the anxious feeling that swelled inside of me. Something was about to happen, and I don't know whether or not it was going to be a good thing or not. Something about this just didn't feel right at all, and I had no idea what was going to happen.

"Guys, I really don't think it's a good idea to go to this forest." I told them, shaking my head, "Aoi told us all those who enter the forest never return. What if we come in there and we don't ever come back?"

Adam wrapped an arm around my shoulders, chuckling, "don't worry, I'll protect you."

"That's not what I'm concerned about." I murmured, moving away from him, "Aoi sounded serious when he said what happens to those who enter the forest. There could be something, maybe not a spirit, but something real living in that forest that can kill us. And the only way everyone will find out is if we don't show up at home when we are suppose to."

Taylor rolled his eyes and placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile, "Mae, I promise you. Nothing is going to happen. We will be in and then we will be out. Okay?"

I wanted to protest but I saw the pleading look on Allison's face, and I let out a defeated sigh, "fine but if anything happens, I blame you."

"Good." Taylor squeezed my shoulder before releasing me, "well let's go."

Walking out the door, we didn't get far as we were stopped by Aoi, "hey, where you guys going?"

Shit, what we going to tell him?

"Oh we're just going on a little stroll." Allison replies, a big smile on her face, "everything is so lovely here. We just wanted to take more look at the scenery."

"Oh." Aoi looked skeptical and asked, "want me to go with you guys?"

"No we will be fine." Adam told Aoi, shifting his backpack carefully, "we should be home here in a couple of hours."

I could tell Aoi did not believe us , "well if you are sure."

"We will see you later, Aoi." Allison told him, chuckling.

Aoi locked eyes with me, and I could see the concern in his eyes. I gave him a small, reassuring smile. Aoi sighed and headed inside his home, closing the door. Now I feel bad for lying to him cause he seemed like a nice guy. We should've listen to him... I got a feeling we are going to learn more about the forest that we wished to know.

. . . . . .

A few hours later, we were deep into the forest, and my stomach was tying into knots. As I had looked up at the sky that I could barely see through the canopy of the trees, I couldn't help but notice that the sky was getting darker and darker and in the distance, I could hear the grumbling of thunder. It looks like we're about to have a massive storm and we are far from the village.

"Guys, it's going to storm." I told them, making everyone halt, "can't you guys hear that?"

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"You're right." Taylor agreed, "it looks like we are going to need to find shelter."

"Where?" I couldn't help but say sarcastically, "up in the tree branches with the monkeys?"

As we were walking through the forest earlier, we had seen many animals. They were very beautiful creatures. So many birds, rodents, monkeys, etc., basically what you would think you would find in a forest. I had taken many pictures, as we would need it for our project. Luckily though we hadn't faced any dangerous creatures along the way.

"Well I had noticed a hut not too far from here when we were walking." Adam told us, shrugging his shoulders, "we could gather some wood and make a fire. Might have to stay overnight and return home in the morning."

"Where in the world did you see a hut?" Allison demanded, looking baffled.

Adam rolled his eyes, "well follow me and I will show you."

I never saw a hut, so I have no idea what he is talking about. The rest of us followed Adam in the direction he had said the hut was and about five minutes later, he came to a sudden halt. I looked around but I had yet to see any hut.

"Um, Adam, there isn't anything here." I murmured.

"Uh, yes there is." Adam replied, pointing his finger up, "all you have to do is look up."

We all looked up, and sure enough, there was a hut in the trees basically like a treehouse. It wasn't very big but it would bring us shelter for the night I am sure. We don't have much time, and we need to make a fire as soon as possible. Adam went over and started climbing the tree.

"I'll send down a rope." Adam told us, "go and find wood for a fire. Luckily we brought snacks and water."

I knew this was a bad idea.

Allison and I went around and found wood and dry grass that would help make a small fire. Also had to grab rocks though because it would contain the fire so the whole treehouse wouldn't go up in flames. Adam and Taylor were making the rope ladder as best as they could so this was going to be fun trying to get all of this up there.

"You guys ready?" Adam called out.

One by one, we got up the rope ladder and brought up the stuff with us. I was a little surprised to see the hut was decent sized actually and there was already a place made in case you needed to make a fire. As it slowly got darker and darker outside, I was very much happy we brought blankets along with us just in case something like this were to happen. Adam made the fire and we pulled out the snacks and water that was in our bags. This would have to be dinner time.

"This actually isn't so bad." Allison murmured, giggling, "makes me feel as if I am in a Tarzan movie."

"Only you." Taylor teased, ruffling her hair.

All of a sudden, there was a loud boom and the rain began to pour outside. Looking around, it seemed like the hut was going to remain stable. It makes me wonder who made it. If humans who came here never returned, does that mean one of them took refuge in this place? Did they make it? Did they ever get out? Did they die?

I gazed out the doorway that we had climbed through, and I felt like there was more to this forest that has yet to be told. But what is hiding out there... we may never know.

. . . . .

Around midnight, while everyone was asleep, a creature lurked in the forest, carefully walking through the floor that was wet to the touch. The rain still continued to pour and it smelled the air, knowing fully well there were humans nearby. Nearby in his forest. The near thought of it made him snarl, baring sharp fangs that were meant to shred flesh to pieces. But where are these humans? The rain had masked out much of their scent.

The beast continued on his way, trying to detect exactly where it was coming from. Soon, he was in a part of a forest that he had known too well and knew immediately where they were. His lip curled back, showing sharp white fangs that dripped with the lust of wanting to shred these pathetic humans to pieces.

How dare they trespass on his land?

He will make them pay...

"I have found you."