
The Widow's Game

After losing her husband, Queen Ana Sofia seeks a new king through a grand tournament. Amidst the competition, she finds unexpected love with a mysterious contestant. But as their romance blossoms, political intrigue and betrayal threaten to tear them apart. Will Ana Sofia choose love over duty, or will the demands of the kingdom force them apart?

Alia_Romano · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 5

She led him to her private garden area she regarded this place as her secret oasis her shoulders were tense as she mulled in her head how to apologize. As Ana Sofia leads Weslaynard through the castle corridors, the two of them walk in comfortable silence. The queen's mind is still preoccupied with Sir Ralthorne's behavior, and she can't help but wonder what his true motives are. As they enter the private garden, the scent of flowers fills the air and the sound of a nearby fountain provides a soothing backdrop. Ana Sofia turns to face Weslaynard, her expression serious.

"About the other night....I must apologize. I said some well I." she hesitated before resuming "It's just I worry." she meekly laughed. 

Her stubbornness made it difficult to concentrate on a thorough apology. Glancing up she could see a small smile forming on his lips and thoughts of mischief running through his eyes. The suns glow illuminated his presence even more. She had only known dark. deep. twisted hands and love she had almost felt that she would poison Weslaynard if she got too close. 

 Weslaynard's face softens as Ana Sofia speaks, and he reaches out to take her hand in his.

"My queen, there is no need to apologize. I understand the burden that you carry, and I am here to help you shoulder it. Give me all your worries I'll bare them."

He brings her hand to his lips, gently kissing her knuckles. She looks up at his eyes a clarity she had never noticed before. Yet, she was like poison, and he would dissolve at her touch. 

"You are too kind, Weslaynard," Ana Sofia replies, her voice barely above a whisper. She is taken aback by the tenderness in his touch, and she feels a flutter in her chest.

"I am fortunate to have someone like you in my time of need." She confessed he let her hand rest in his a few seconds longer before she retreated her hand. 

Weslaynard smiles warmly at Ana Sofia, his eyes shining with genuine affection.

"It is I who am fortunate to serve you, my queen," he says. "I will always be here to support you, in whatever way I can."

 She smiled, "Well, I think I owe you a second...proper dinner" she teased before continuing, "Would you care to join me?"

Weslaynard's face breaks out into a grin at Ana Sofia's suggestion.

"I would be delighted, my queen," he says, "I promise to behave myself this time." Ana Sofia laughs, the sound light and carefree.

"I will hold you to that."

There's a warmth that fills her mind as the two of them continue to converse, the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden glow over the garden. The sound of birdsong fills the air, and the flowers seem to glow with a renewed vibrancy. Ana Sofia feels a sense of peace and contentment wash over her, something she hasn't experienced in a long time.

"Well, I must leave you, otherwise there won't be any suspense until dinner."

Weslaynard reluctantly releases Ana Sofia small smile playing on his lips.

"Until dinner, my queen," he says, bowing slightly. As Ana Sofia turns to leave, she feels a sudden sense of unease. She glances back at Weslaynard, who returns her gaze with a steady, reassuring look.

She walks alone towards her chambers her a girlish smile paints her face; she was glad he was so gracious, and she was looking forward to understanding him just a bit more. She turned the corner when she crashed into someone, causing a pile of papers they were holding to scatter on the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Ana Sofia exclaims, bending down to help gather the papers. As she looks up, she sees that it is Sir Ralthone who she has run into. Sir Ralthone's eyes narrow as he sees Ana Sofia bending down to help him gather his papers. He forces a smile, saying,

"It's quite alright, my queen. No harm done." But as she hands him his papers, she can sense a coldness in his touch.

 "I was lost in thought forgive me I should have paid better attention." She quickly responded Ana Sofia apologizes profusely to Sir Ralthone, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Sir Ralthone, ever the cunning and ambitious man, accepts her apology with a thin smile. He notices the warmth and happiness radiating from her, and it only serves to fuel his jealousy and resentment towards Weslaynard. She notices his eyes glazing over her and feels uncomfortable by his clear scrutinization. She changes the subject,

"I didn't have an opportunity to tell you how well you did today! I've never seen anything like it!" Sir Ralthone's thin smile turns into a smirk as he hears Ana Sofia's praise.

"Thank you, my queen. I always strive to do my best," he says, taking the opportunity to get closer to her. Ana Sofia can feel his breath on her face as he speaks, and it makes her uncomfortable.

 Ana Sofia takes a step back, trying to put some distance between herself and Sir Ralthone. She tries to keep her voice light and friendly, not wanting to give away her unease.

"Well, I must take my leave now. I have much to attend to before dinner."

"Dinner?" he quips, arching an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes, I suppose Weslaynard and I have a dinner date," Ana Sofia responds, trying to keep her tone casual. Sir Ralthone's smirk falters for a moment, but then he recovers.

"It is nothing serious, it is merely a chance for me to get to know my potential winners." she responded. Ana Sofia tries to sidestep Sir Ralthone, but he moves to block her path, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"My queen, I must admit that wounds me."

he says, his voice low and intense. Sir Ralthone's words hang heavy in the air, and Ana Sofia can feel her heart pounding in her chest. She tries to maintain her composure, but his sudden intensity has caught her off guard. She looks up at him, meeting his gaze directly.

"Sir Ralthone, I assure you, there is nothing between us." she speaks before continuing, "As a matter of fact why don't you join us?"

 As Ana Sofia extends the invitation, she can see the gears turning in Sir Ralthone's mind. He had been making his moves, playing his game, and now the queen herself had offered him a seat at the table with her and Weslaynard. Sir Ralthone's had not expected such a move from the queen, and it has caught him off guard. But he quickly recovers, a sly smile playing on his lips as he accepts her invitation.

"I would be delighted to join you and Weslaynard for dinner, my queen," Sir Ralthone says, bowing slightly.

"I'm sure it will be a fascinating conversation." she returns the sentiment. 

Ana Sofia bids him goodbye. She reminded herself that Ralthone was also in the running so she would get to the bottom of whatever he was planning. 

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