

The morning sky was clear. It was Sophie and the dove's second day in the Eternal World.

The dove's chirping woke up everyone in the room who had been asleep.

Saphire woke up and locked the dove's mouth to stop chirping,

"Can you stop chirping? Your chirping is as bad as a leaky faucet," Saphire said as she closed the dove's little beak.

Then Saphire walked over to Sophie who was still sleeping, "Oy, wake up Sophie! Did you come here to sleep?!" joked Saphire.

Risto was already awake, so he grabbed his gear and loaded it into the vehicle.

"Wow, it's nice to sleep in this capsule! Can I take it home when I return to Earth?" asked Sophie, who was rubbing her eyes.

Mr. Pigeon said, "Come on, kids! We don't have time to relax, we're fighting against time." He said.

"Are you seriously calling us that? Come on, let's get on the plane! We're leaving now!" said Risto who was already on the plane.

"Come on guys! We have to leave now!" Sophie said excitedly.

Then, there was a scene on Earth in Sophie's grandmother's house. The portal between Earth and the Eternal World began to emit sparks as if the portal would not last much longer. Jessie was so worried when she saw the condition of the portal.

"Ma! Can we communicate with Sophie?" Jessie asked her mother.

"Unfortunately, we have no way to communicate with them," Grandma replied.

While Grandma and Jessie were worried about the state of the portal. Sophie, the dove, and her friends were traveling to the next island. At a height that touched the clouds, the situation instantly changed. From the airplane window, Risto saw a huge storm approaching the plane.

"Guys! Look out there! That's no ordinary storm. It's alive and ready to pounce." Said Saphire who looked worried.

"Is there no other way we can get there?" Sophie asked.

"No! This is the only road to Wingsland. Even if there is another way, it's probably a dangerous one." Risto replied.

"Risto! Stop this plane, we're getting close to that storm. Stop it now, otherwise, the plane will crash into the storm and we'll die in pieces." Saphire and Sophie shouted in fear.

While Sophie and Saphire were worried, the storm hit the plane, causing turbulence to burn and the engines to stop working, the situation worsened and everyone started to panic except for the master pigeon.

"Oh my God, this is so bad we won't be able to avoid the storm ahead. The storm is moving towards us! The airplane's engine is failing, what do we do?" Risto who was driving the airplane looked a little panicked.

Saphire was so scared that she shouted "Aaaa, don't play, Risto! I don't want to die here. I still want to take a nap tomorrow. Please do something!"

"Everyone, don't panic!!! Risto, open the window quickly! I'm going out to do something!" The pigeon looked calm while the others were panicking and scared.

"Are you kidding me?! We're getting hit by a storm and you want to go outside?" Risto replied.

"Do I look like I'm playing? Open the window, I'll do it!" Said Mr. Pigeon.

"As you wish! Don't blame me if something happens to you," said Risto while opening the airplane window.

"If anything happens to you, I will never forgive you," Sophie told Mr. Pigeon.

Without further ado, the master pigeon immediately exited the plane and turned into a large bird. It wasn't that easy, as debris hit the pigeon's body and injured its wings. But the pigeon kept trying to fly with all its might. The burnt wings of the airplane made the airplane hover irregularly. Sophie and the others were panicked and scared, but the pigeon was still struggling to fly and not be carried away by the strong currents of the storm that could destroy a house.

"Aaaa, right in front of us is a boulder the size of a mountain, if we hit it we'll be completely smashed to pieces" Sophie shouted from inside the plane.

The situation was getting tense. The uncontrollable state of the plane was about to hit the boulder. There, the dove flew to the center between the boulder and the plane that was about to crash. Everyone seemed to have given up and closed their eyes.

From there, there was a distinctive sound, a portal had been opened by the dove master. Then the plane entered the portal. The airplane almost crashed into the stone of the mountain. The plane had passed through the storm through the portal hole made by the pigeon. Mr. Pigeon managed to rescue Sophie and her friends, but the plane was badly damaged. Unfortunately, when the plane exited the portal, it lost control due to the destruction caused by the storm.

"Aw, shit! How do we handle this, the plane is out of control, I think we should land now!" said Risto.

"Look down, guys! We're almost on land, Risto! Hurry up and prepare for an emergency landing!" Sophie said.

Risto quickly prepared the landing, and they survived the deadly storm. Once there, Sophie and her friends quickly exited the plane.

"This is so fucking bad! Look at how destroyed this plane is," said Sapphire.

"Can it still be repaired?" Sophie asked.

"Take it easy, guys! Why would I be here if I can't even fix the plane?" Risto interjected.

Suddenly, Sophie heard a scream. It was coming from somewhere. It sounded like someone was hurt and in pain.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Sophie walked to see where the cry for help was coming from. She slowly walk down to the voice. This time the cries sounded clearer and the others could hear them too. Sophie moved slowly and looked for where the voice was coming from.

"Guys! Did you hear it too? It's like someone's crying out in pain." Sophie said to the others.

"Yes! We heard it. It seems to be coming from over there." Saphire replied while pointing towards a crack in the earth.

They walked cautiously towards the place where the person calling for help was. When they got there, they were surprised to see a person with a human body but a bird's head who was wounded in pain.

"Help! Please help me. I can't move, someone almost killed me." The birdman cried out in pain.

Without thinking too much, Risto took a rope and stretched it into the well, and pulled the birdman out. Saphire tried to restrain Risto, as she didn't want to get involved in someone else's neighborhood. But Sophie still asked Risto to help the man. The man had wings on his back. The man was badly wounded in the legs, abdomen, and back which made one wing broken and made him unable to fly.

"Thank you for helping me." said the birdman.

"Who attacked you? And why do you look so strange?" Sophie asked the birdman.

"A very brutal man chased me and attacked me and threw me into a dirty well, I couldn't fight him, he was very strong. There are only a few strong people like that in Wingsland." The birdman explained.

"What, this is Wingsland? So we're here already?" Sophie looked so enthusiastic.

"Yes! This is Wingsland, where all the inhabitants are bird people. Everyone here has wings. So, don't be surprised to see people here living like birds." Said the birdman.

Then the birdman asked Sophie et al. "From the shoes you're wearing, it looks like you're from Gravityless. What is your purpose for coming here?"

"We're looking for the last island, I'm looking for a tree called Thauma to find the magic," Sophie replied.

"Now I understand why you came here! First of all, my name is Garet. Thank you for helping me. No one knows the whereabouts of the last island, it has been lost for a long time, but you can get there if you manage to collect the six stones found on each island on the Eternal World map." Garet explained.

"Do you know what the stones look like?" Sophie asked.

"It's a glowing red stone, it will act as a compass and guide you to the final island if you can put it together," Garet replied.

"Is this the stone you're talking about?" Sophie showed me the stone she had taken from her suitcase back on Earth.

"Yes, that's right, this is the legendary stone," Garet replied.

"How did you get the stone, Sophie? Why didn't you ever tell us?" Asked Saphire.

"I just thought that this stone would be useless. That's why I didn't ask you about it," Sophie said to Saphire. "And as it turns out, this stone is the key for us to find that damn tree," Sophie added.

Suddenly, someone came to attack Sophie and Saphire. The person also had wings on his back. The person's body was very muscular and like a human body but with a bird's head. Precisely the head of an eagle. The eagle man attacked again, throwing stones like arrows. Sophie and her friends tried to dodge the attack. Then the eagle man came.

"How dare you come to this island without permission. You have crossed the border between Gravityless and Wingsland. What do you want to do on this island?" Asked the eagle man.

Risto approached the eagle man and said "It's none of your business, asshole! Are you crazy?! Brutally attacking people while talking!?" Risto looked very angry at the eagle-man.

It looked like a fight was inevitable. Risto looked very fiery and stared at the eagle man with a sharp gaze

"Yo, asshole! You should know yourself, you've entered people's territory without permission! Do you want me to make you look like a dead fish?" Challenged the eagle man.

Without further ado, Risto moved with his speed and tried to hit the eagle man in the face. He managed to dodge, then he struck Risto on the chin with his fist. Risto was hit hard and knocked to the ground.

"With this speed, did you think you could touch me? Hahahaha, you're such an idiot." The eagle man underestimated Risto's abilities.

Risto struggled to get up, then tried to attack again. Risto spat blood and then wiped the blood out of his mouth. "Your fists aren't bad either." I'll show you the true power of the Gravityless islanders. Risto closed his eyes, then moved at a faster speed and struck the eagle-man in the face. The eagle-man was hit by Risto's attack right in his arrogant face. Risto was filled with rage, beating the eagle-man to a pulp.

"Fuck it, you bastard! Don't ever underestimate the people of Gravityless." Risto said

After being severely beaten, the eagle man flew high up. He tried to make a devastating attack. The eagle man attacked his dashing wings. From its wings, the eagle-man created a huge storm--"Risto! You have to dodge! We can't fight him now! Let's hurry!" Saphire cheered.

The Eagleman's attack was already unstoppable. A violent storm mixed with rocks soon hit Risto and the others. Suddenly, the dove came back.

"The storm came from this eagle bastard! We have to avoid it for now." Said Risto, who was injured by the eagle man's attack.

"Mr. Dove! Hurry up and open the portal! We have to get out of here!" Sophie said.

The eagle man's attack destroyed the place where Sophie and the others were. They enter the portal along with Garet. They managed to survive.

"You know that eagle guy from earlier! He's one of the guards at Wingsland. He's very strong." Garet said. "We'd better go treat the wounded now! There we'll be able to think more calmly!" Garet added.

Garet took Sophie and the others to the place where someone could treat them. They traveled by boat through the swamp.

"This place is crazy! There are so many big trees. But it's amazing." Said the dove.

All the inhabitants of the island had wings like a bird, but their heads were different. Just like the many different kinds of birds. The houses were made of sturdy wood so they could withstand any weather, even a big storm. On the way, Sophie asked Garet,

"Do you know where the stone is on this island?"

"It's in one of the mountains of Wingsland. The mountain has a very deep waterfall. You have to climb there to get the stone." Garet replied.

"Alright, take it easy Sophie! We'll head there as soon as everything is taken care of." Saphire said.

"Before that, why were you attacked by that crazy eagle earlier?" Risto asked Garet.

"There was no specific reason! He's just a crazy person who does things based on his desires, even if he just thinks it's for fun!" Garet replied.

A moment later, they arrived at the doctor's house. They got off the boat and walked towards the doctor.

Garet knocked on the doctor's door "Knock-knock! Anya! Are you inside?"

Then Anya opened the door, and said "Wow, it's you Garet! You brought a lot of guests huh?!" Anya said. "Don't tell me you were attacked by that damn Eagle!" Anya added.

"It's a long story! Now you have to treat us first!" Garet said.

"Alright, hurry up and get inside! I'll treat you guys." Said Anya, the doctor.

Then they went inside. Anya took medicine and bandages and treated Risto and Garet.

"Ah, your wounds are really bad! Did you just get mauled by a lion?" Anya joked.

After a while, Sophie and her friends heard a smug laugh from outside the house. The eagle man found them. Then he entered the doctor's house without knocking. This time the eagle man didn't act brutally by attacking the people there. He walked slowly with his sharp feet right in front of Sophie and the others.

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