
The White Demon


pleaseignoreme · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Why do old friends always show up in the wrong moment?!

Hasais POV

After the helping out mission we were going on D-Ranked missions again. It was so boring no action. Nothing. I need action. A little fight, anything! But of course we got another D-Ranked mission, only this time we had to do it without our sensei since he had a mission of his own. Also he said that after he's done with his mission, he had a surprise for us. But the evil grin on his face when he spoke told me that we won't like this surprise.


After we got the scroll with mission, we made our way to our destination. As we walked there I couldn't stop but wondering why we got this mission. We were a fighting tupe of team! Not some I don't know.... Ahmm let me think. Ah! I got it. Softie! Ye we aren't softies!

As we finally arrived at our destination I could see that it was an little and lovely house. We looked at each other. Nobody wanted to knock on the door. Everyone of us had their pride. So we stood in front of the door like idiots for a few minutes. As I was about to give up and open the door. But of course someone opened it before me. And so the door hit my face.

As I fell down the stairs that led to the entrance of the house I could hear my friends laugh at me. But also I heard two other people laugh in the distance. I finally stood up and looked in the direction of the other two idiots who dared to laugh at me. There were two young men standing near a tree. One of them was leaning on the tree too. Gasp how dare he lean on the tree! Ok ok I'm being an idiot again I'll stop. Both of them had white hair with black stripes in them. They also had blue eyes, well mostly the one who was leaning on three had his eyes in mismatching colors. His right eye was blue but his left one was green. Hmmm. Also they were wearing the soldier clothes from my kingdom. But I couldn't remember who they were. Yep I spend to much time with Naruto!

I could see the one who was leaning on the tree smirk. And I knew that people who were smirking in my direction meant nothing but bad things. And no I'm not overreacting! Then they walked over to me and my friends AND THE DUDE WHO OPENED THE DOOR!

" Ah Master I never though that you won't recognize us. What a shame." I turned and looked at the one with normal eyes. I finally could remember who they were. And it wasn't becouse of the shields that were on their uniforms.

" Dai and Kai. What are you doing here. " You're confused well then let me introduce my best friends since I was a mere baby demon to you. And no it's not a shame to forget about who your best friends are. They forgot who I was once too. So. Ghem.

The one with mismatched eyes was Dai he was the more coky and creepy one. And the other one was Kai he was more of a helper but he also could be an asshole. As I turned to Nao and Maskei I could see that their looks were telling ' we are going to talk later about that' and the look on the face of the door dude just told ' what is going on here'.

" Ah well you're the team that Hikage send to help me. Right?" All of us turned to the door dude. He looked a lot like my brother Chiko. He had red hair and orange eyes. He also had a scar that was across from one of his eyes. He also looked muscular and... Ahm scary.

" Yes we are here to help you sir ", well it came a little to formal for my liking but oh well.

" OK my name is Sadao and I'm a ninja. I had to look after my two little cousins but I can't. So you tree"

Then he looked over to Dai and Kai.

" Ah well five I guess will have to stay at my house and look after my cousins till I'm back. It'll take a week or two. So go home and pack your things and then come back here. "

Great just great. We had babysitting for one or two weeks.


After we met near the house again I had an frown on my face. And apparently my face was amusing to the two soldiers that were standing near me. This time I didn't dare to even think a out knocking on the door. Sighing Nao walked over to the door. Maseki and I looking closely what is about to happen next.

As he was about to knock, the door swung open and hit h on the face. I couldn't stop but burst out laughing.

" Haha karma. Now you'll think twice before laughing at me". Nao shot a death glare in my direction and huffed. Sadao just stood there like nothing happened.

" Ghem. I suggest you to follow me". With that all five of us walked into the house. As we reached a room that I guessed was the living room I could notice two little kids sitting on floor and playing.

" Ok so this two are my cousins. The boy is six and his name is Ryo and the girl is six as well and her name is Lin". Sadao pointed at first at a boy with green short hair and brown eyes then at a girl with long green hair that was put into two hight ponytails also her eyes were the same as the boys his. One question was on my mind. Were they twins? If yes then it explains why they looked alike. Because I have two pairs of twins in my family. At first Chiko and Itsuki and then Aoi and Yuki. But they looked completely different from each other.

" Now I have to go. Behave and listen to what those young ninjas are saying to you"

" Bye we love you Sadao. Stay safe"

Wow they even speak synchron. Creepy.

---- Time skip ----

It was the third day of our babysitting mission.

And i think I took a liking to the kids. They even called me Hasai-nii. Right now I'm looking how Ryo and Lin are trying to do the leaf exercise. Apparently they enrolled into the academy after the day we graduated. And they had Iruka as their sensei. They also asked me why I don't like him. I just said private reasons. I couldn't tell them that I ghate when people stare at me. Ok maybe now I mostly don't care. But I just can't let go of the relationship I had with Iruka.


After Sadao came back we had to go to Hogake to get our payment. I promised that I'll visit Ryo and Lin. I started to love them just like my own siblings. Also I heard that Takeshi is coming back tomorrow. That means I have a day to hide from him. Hopefully he won't be able to find me. Because if he does I'm not sure if I'll be alive after his surprise for us. Also Dai and Kai finally left. But they said they will come in two day again. Also I still have to explain everything to Maseki and Nao.



A/N What do you think is the surprise Takeshi was talking about? And I'm sure that Hasai is overeating again. Also who are Dai and Kai really. Are they just some soldiers and best friends? I whish everyone a nice day or night :)