
The White Demon


pleaseignoreme · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

A little bit older

---- Time skip 5 years ----

Hasai POV

I'm 6 years old. And I have never been more happy to be able to go outside by myself. In the past years my perents were really overprotective. I understand that a 3 or 4 year old child couldn't go outside by itself. But you could watch the kid from the bench and not standing right beside it.

Oh and when i fell because I was to stupid to walk. My mother walked up to me to help. But I just stood up like nothing happened and walked again. Her face was really funny. Like the shock, a kid falls to the ground and then just stands up with a straight face and walks again. I should have had a camera. But oh well. Also somehow I got rid of the horns. Like magic. To say that I was creeped out is an understatement.

Right now I'm sitting under a tree near the playground. And instead of playing with other kids I was reading a book abot cats. Yes about cats. ( If you didn't know there are books named Warrior Cats)

I got it from my demension. How? Well you see. A few moths ago somebody visited me.

---- Flashback ----

Like always I was sitting under the same tree near the playground. I was just minding my business as suddenly my name was called. I looked where the voice came from. I couldn't see the owner of the voice since I was tackled to the ground with something or schould I say someone on me. All I could see was golden hair that WAS IN MY FACE! I punched the person off of me so I could see their face. When I did I just froze in my place.

" Aoi is that you?" " No I'm an unicorn! Of course it's me Onesan or schould I say Onisan?" Aoi was grinning at me, HE WAS MOCKING ME! I calmed down and looked at him with a straight face. " Aoi is someone el-" " Hey Imoto  how's the life in the new world? " What is today? The disturb Hasai day? Sighing I turned to the owner of the voice only to find my oh so beloved older brother. I put on a fake smile like I alway do around him.

" Itsuki if you say it any louder I'm afraid the whole universe is going to hear you"

Instead of saying something back he just smirked and sat down near me. After some time the rest of my brothers sat near him and looked at me with their usual creepy faces. Usually when they do that thus means no good.

" Stop staring at me and say something!" I just couldn't take it. They were just staring at me without saying anything, normally Yuki or Aoi would have said what happened or will happen but no they joined my older brothers of course.

" Well you see the elders are going to visit you " Now I was just starting at Gakuren with horror. " I'm going to die aren't I ?"

" No you aren't going to die Hasai, we just wanted to speak with you about your life in this world and decide who will look after the kingdom while you're absent " said a grumpy voice. I already could guess who it was. As I turned around I saw the fire elder that was standing in front of other three elders. " But before we speak about that matter it would be better if we find a place where nobody would find us "  I nodded and stand up.

" Follow me" was all I said.

---- Time skip ----

So it was decided that Itsuki would take care about everything in the red kingdom. The elders also told me that I could use only my fire techniques and my demon form. That's it. To be honest I was really mad. Ok maybe my fire techniques were powerful because I was the guardian of the fire element. But still it was unfair! Also my brothers left some hours ago. I asked if they could bring me books and the agreed. Now I was just sitting under the tree I usually sit and was over thinking what happened today.

---- Flashback End ----

I closed my book and sighed. The elders said I had to act like a kid so if somebody from my world would be here they won't notice that i'm in this world. Also since i'm six years old I have to decide if I want to go to the ninja academy or not. I have a week to decide. My best friend Nao already decided that he wants to become a ninja.  Well we'll see what happens.

---- Time skip brought by my laziness ----

In the end I joined Nao. To join the academy we had to travel from the Yoshida village to Konohagakure. Right now we are sitting in a classroom full of children . Our teacher for this year is Mizuki. To be honest I don't like him and it's only because he was starting at me for some time. But when I looked at him he just smirked and turned away. I just can't tolerate people that are staring at me for no reason! Ok maybe I'm overreacting but dude why the hell was he staring at me?! Right now Mizuki was talking about rules and what we will do in this year and blah blah blah.

Me and Nao being the little idiots we are weren't listening and of course that got us in trouble. What a great start in the ninja academy.


A/N I'm sorry if this chapter is a little bit rushed adn short. In the futer I'll try to write longer chapters. What do you think will happen next to Hasai? Find it out in the next chapter. Have a great day or night :)