
Chapter 1: A Glimpse of My Life


I wake up with tears in my eyes as I nostalgically remember that thrilling and final fight. "It's been a while since I dreamed about my past life," I whisper to myself. There's a light knocking coming from the door *knock* *knock*. "Aetherius, son, it's time to get up for breakfast," my mother says to get me out of bed. "I'm awake already, let me wash my face," I shout to my mother to signal that I'm up.

I leave my room after washing my face and head to the kitchen where my family is gathered.

My father, Dorian Emwind, sits at the dining table waiting for breakfast,

My mother, Altea Emwind, finishing up preparing breakfast.

My older brother, Trevor Emwind, wiping sweat from his face after training his swordsmanship,

accompanied by my older sister, Layra Emwind, who was also practicing with her lance, and my youngest sister, Elowen Emwind.

My 35-year-old father could handle weapons and the mana of the air element to strengthen his body and create bursts or blades of wind for greater reach.

My 34-year-old mother could handle mana of the lightning element and a rarely used special magic to heal wounds or injuries. Although healing magic isn't rare, few people use it besides doctors or guild medics. At one point, they were typical great adventurers along with their adventurer guild, LEVIATHAN.

My 16-year-old older brother, apart from his swordsmanship, could also handle the mana/magic of the fire element, even if only to strengthen his body or extend it through his sword to cause more damage for better performance in battles.

On the other hand, my 14-year-old older sister, who uses the lance, also uses the mana of the water element to strengthen herself or infuse it into her weapon to move fluidly with water. She rarely uses the element as she feels more comfortable using a weapon than shooting water jets.

Then there's me, Aetherius Emwind, quite a name, huh? I'm 12 years old, although honestly I would have preferred another less convoluted name, but they thought it through carefully so I won't complain. I can handle the sword and the lance thanks to my knowledge from my past life. I also possess mana of the lightning element just like my mother. I wanted a change regarding my weapons so I opted for something extravagant and somewhat unethical according to my parents, and that was a scythe. Cool, right?

And lastly, my 9-year-old younger sister, Elowen Emwind. She inherited the healing ability from my mother and apparently is showing qualities for the earth element despite her core not being at the stage where her affinity should manifest.

Sometimes we think she manifested that element thanks to her temperament and loud tantrums, throwing her toys or screaming. Although she hasn't chosen a weapon yet, we think she might choose a double-edged long axe or a mace. I suggested that maybe she could choose a thin-bladed greatsword since I feel like she would look amazing with it.

My family is a bit notorious due to our combination of hair color. My father has ashen hair and green eyes, standing at 1.82 meters tall with a muscular body and tanned skin.

My mother has pale blonde hair, purple eyes, stands at 1.68 meters tall, and despite having 4 children, she still maintains her slim figure and fair skin.

My older brother inherited my father's ashen hair and my mother's eyes. At 16 years old, he stands at 1.74 meters tall, his body still in the stage of physical training, and his skin inherited from my mother.

My older sister inherited my mother's hair and my father's eyes. At 14 years old, she already stands at 1.65 meters tall, her body also in physical training, with her skin inherited from my father.

I was a unique mix among my siblings as I inherited my father's ashen hair and the tips of my hair were the color of my mother's.

Some people found me strange, but they started to get used to it since I also inherited my parents' eyes. My left eye was green and the right one was purple, just like my brother, I inherited my skin color from my mother. Every now and then, I heard that I had inherited everything from her except her healing magic, but one day I woke up with the mixtures of my parents.

My younger sister inherited my father's hair and eyes as well as his tanned skin, and she hasn't shown signs of wanting to exercise her body to get used to her possible affiliated element yet.

Well, now that I'm done introducing my family, it's time for breakfast. "Trevor, it's time for you to return to the academy, do you have all your things ready?" My father asks. "Yes, Dad, I'll be ready to go tomorrow," Trevor responds. Mom also asks, "Layra, do you also have everything ready to leave tomorrow to go back to school?" "Yep, ready to go," Layra replies. "Therius, Wen, have you two also packed your things?" "Yes, Mom," we respond at the same time (Therius and Wen are our nicknames to avoid having to say our full names and make it more affectionate).

Since we live in a village called Shira near the central capital of the south where the guild my parents belonged to is located, although it's not famous or anything, it's bustling because there's a dungeon here where mages can enter and make money or train themselves.

"Hey brat, have you finished breakfast? It's time to train, hurry up," Trevor says with a wicked smile since we won't be able to train tomorrow because he lives at the academy and we won't be able to see each other until the next vacation season.

"Yeah, I'm done, hurry up, let's see how much I can humiliate you as a farewell gift," I reply to Trevor with the same wicked laugh.

My parents and sisters accompany us to the garden of our house to watch us in our simulated fight with wooden weapons to avoid causing real harm but still being able to reinforce our bodies and weapons.

"Ready?" Our father asks as the referee. "Ready," I respond, getting into position. "Ready as well," Trevor replies, positioning himself. "On 3, 2, 1... Fight!" our father announces. As soon as we start, I lunge towards my brother, spinning my scythe and passing it from one arm to the other. My brother manages to jump to the side to dodge the blow. As soon as he touches the ground, he launches himself at me too.

Although wielding a weapon like the lance or my scythe requires a lot of concentration to avoid injuring oneself with the tip and blade of the weapon, I manage to block his attack with the staff of my weapon. I jump high enough to spin my weapon around my waist to hit Trevor, but unfortunately, I fail again as he manages to block the blow with his sword.

Although my weapon can deal more damage than his sword, our ages and height compensate for that simple fact. He lunges a strike directed at my legs, but I manage to dodge it but still losing balance.

Trevor took advantage of that moment to attack me with his sword. I dodge again, feeling the brush of his weapon on my cheek. Jumping back, I position myself again.

I lunge at Trevor once more, spinning my scythe in both hands, using my entire body to move my weapon without hurting myself with the blade. With Trevor confused, trying to figure out where my attack will come from, I strike at his legs. Unable to defend himself due to the speed of the attack, I manage to bring him to his knees. Quickly, I strike his sword, sending it flying from his hand. I place the curved blade of my scythe behind his neck, declaring myself the winner of our duel.

Everyone is amazed by the speed of my movements with my weapon. Even my sister, who handles the lance, could never beat my older brother. This embarrasses her a bit, as I am two years younger and slightly stronger than her, but at the same time, she's excited to have new goals to become stronger.

"Well done, Therius. You gave the conceited Trevor a good blow," says Layra, ruffling my hair.

"Wow, son, I didn't think you could be so strong at 12 years old. I feel like my children will be very strong when they grow up," says my father proudly, hugging me tightly, as he was a strong member of the guild they belonged to.

"I agree. It seems we won't have to worry about them being bullied at school," says my mother with a smile on her face.

"Brother Ther, when my element manifests and I choose a weapon, I'll strive to defeat you and return the shame for our older brother's defeat," says Elowen, as Trevor is her second favorite after my sister Layra, and I lag behind in that list, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me.

"Well said, Wen. You'll have to train to give Ther what he deserves for me," says Trevor as he puts Elowen on his shoulders, while we all head to sit down and rest before taking a stroll through the village before heading to the capital, so Trevor can return to his classes and Layra can take her admission exam.

There are 4 academies, one located in the central capital of the North, in the South, in the East, and West. Regardless of the origin, whether wealthy or of normal income, nobles or commoners like us, the school community greatly respects the effort made to gain admission from both sides.

Even with these 4 academies, not everyone can enter, not even nobles with all their money. If you're not fit or don't manage to pass either the physical or practical exam, you can't enter the academy. To address this issue, the central academies built several schools, although with a lower level than the central academies.

It's necessary for your core to have manifested its elemental affinity by whatever age. The required age for entry is 13 years old, and the age limit is 15. After that, you can't enter the academy but can go to low-performance schools.

After resting for a bit, we decide to take a walk around the village. There, we meet several friends heading to the park to chat and play. I lean against a tree in the shade and fall asleep, once again remembering my past life and what I left behind. I feel something touch my face, and I begin to hear a slightly annoyed voice, but knowing who it was, "Hey, hey, Theri?".