
The Werewolves Queen

Lyberty_Stockman · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The new Queen

Eighteen. That's how old I was when I became the Queen of the Werewolves.

My father had been killed by another species, the vampires, just before my eighteenth birthday. My mother had died after giving birth to me due to heart failure. My father blamed me for her death, I had killed his true mate.

I did not have siblings and my father never remarried, he loved my mother more than anything. My father was not cruel to me despite the fact that I had 'killed' my mother.

Mabel Raina Claw. That is my name, I am named after my mother, Raina, my father called her 'Rain'.

I always wondered if I looked like her but no one ever showed me any pictures of her. I had my father's eyes, I knew that.


Its March 11, 2014, my birthday.


"Hm?" I looked up from my bed confused.

"Princess Mabel, it's Layla, you need to get ready for the ceremony", a soft voice from outside my bedroom door called.

"Alright, I will be out in thirty minutes", Layla is one of the maids, kind of like a mother to me.

I get out of bed and walk over to my personal bathroom, turning on the shower and the turning to the mirror.

I see brilliant green eyes starting back at me. Who is this girl? I think to myself. She is beautiful, but where is her smile? I shake my head and walk to my room to grab my clothes.

I open my large closet and look around. Hm? I think. What do I wear to my ceremony?

Then I see it. A black velvet dress with long lace sleeves. It has an open back and it fits tightly to the manican it is on, a manican designed to imitate my size and complexion so I know what to wear.

I take the dress and the black heels and place them on my bed. I walk back into the bathroom to take a quick shower.


After my shower I change into my dress and do my hair. I put my hair in a French-braided ponytail


"Yes?", I glare at the door, annoyed.

"Sorry to disturb you Princess, but you only have an hour until the ceremony", it was Layla again, I can't be mad at her for caring.

"Don't worry, I'm ready", I walk out of my room and look at Layla.

"Oh my", Layla is smiling at me, tears threatening to spill over her eyes. "I wish your father could see this", she looked at me, probably expecting me to get angry for her mentioning my father.

"You think?", I ask with a small smile.

"Most definitely, Princess", she sighed happily and looked at her watch and motioned for us to go.


As I walk into the large room full of people, well kind of people, I notice a boy around my age sitting in the first chair in the front row, my old seat. I shook my head and walked up to the front of the room where there was a microphone and a tall chair.

I turn to face everyone as I sit and grab the microphone.

"Good morning everyone", I say, my voice soft but dominant.

"Good morning Princess", everyone said in perfect harmony.

"Today is a very special day for our kingdom, I am officially eighteen and will be crowned the new Queen.", I look around at the faces of the citizens I've known my whole life, they are all smiling.

"As you all know, my father lost his life two months ago, leaving me as the heir to the throne. I will do everything I can to be the best Queen for you, but do not underestimatey power, I will not tolerate any nonsense in my kingdom. All I want is for us to stay civil, if you defy me you will lose your life.", the civilians nod there head obediently, knowing I mean what I say.

"Now that we have settled that, I call upon the Majesty's royal crowner.", I look at the man wearing dark blue robes.

The old man acends the stairs and walks elegantly towards me, holding a large wooden box.

"Princess Mabel", he bows his head and offers me the box, "Do you vow your loyalty to this kingdom, forever? Do you swear to protect and rule for the rest of your life?", he asks.

"I do", I say holding the box as he opened the lid.

"Do you promise to find a mate and bring another heir into the world?", he looks into my eyes and I desplay no emotion.

"I do", I promise the old man along with my entire kingdom.

"Then, by the name of the moon Goddess and the first full moon of March, you are the new Queen of the Claw Kingdom.", the crowd starts to clap as he takes the crown from the box and places it gently on top of my head.

I turn to face the crowd, nothing but a blank face and nod. I bow to my people to show my respect and walk out of the large room through the back doors.