
discovery of the werewolf

There once was a man that turned into a werewolf just by looking at the moon

He had just woken up by a strange sound

He thought he would find shelter and stay there for the night

Then 1hour later he stumbled upon a giant house he figured he could stay there for the night... then he entered the house and saw weird paintings on the wall he thought if was fine until he saw five bed rooms a master bed room,a kids bed room,a guest room, and a play room... he decided to ho to the guest room because he wasn't the owner of the house then when he entered the room he saw pictures of himself on the wall he thought that he was just hallucinating and went to bed.

When he woke up the next day he went to see if thiers anyone around but no sign of anyone but he thought that was strange and tried to get out but he couldn't then he saw a log on the floor and pushed it through the door he successfully got out and wanted to see if there was any other place he could stay at... he saw a town in the distance so he went and saw wanted posters for a werewolf

He thought that was strange but didn't mind it after a few minutes he went to check the houses...he went to the first house he saw then he looked and saw two poeple still sleeping a sherif and a lady he went into the second house and saw no-one so he went through every house that was left and saw a mom and a dad they had a picture of a boy that looked at him and he thought it was him

But sadly it wasn't him he saw a boy, and 2 girls it looked like they had a sleep over and they were still a sleep so he saw no one in the other houses.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nathan_Pothin12creators' thoughts