
The werewolf love mark

Chapter 1

Bad Feeling

I didn't really want to go to this bachelor party, even if it was specially held for me. I got into the cab and leaned out of the window to watch Victor's figure fade away. He stayed where he was until I couldn't see him anymore.

Although we're getting married tomorrow and will be spending a lot of time together in the future, I still want to spend all my spare time with him. If it weren't for Rachel's calls to get me out of the house, I would still be lying on his arm, enjoying the sense of security and belonging that his warm, strong muscles give me.

The party wasn't far away. I felt like I'd only been thinking about how Victor would be like tomorrow for a little while before I arrived. The moment I got out of the car, my heart suddenly tightened. The intense pain sucked all the energy out of me and I fell to the ground without any warning.

The driver quickly got out of the car to help me up and asked if I needed to call an ambulance.

I was in a daze. I didn't know why, but I suddenly felt that I was going to lost something important.

The first person I thought of was Victor. I immediately took out my phone, wanting to call him. Before I could even did anything, I was sober.

I heard voices around me and saw the driver's anxious face. All of a sudden, I was stuck wondering what had just happened.

"Miss, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I put my phone away. If I just called Victor like that, he would be worried about my heart. Thankfully, I haven't called him yet.

There was still a faint uneasiness in my heart even when my condition was already normal. An indescribable uneasiness.

Rachel and the others were as cliché as ever, setting the party at the karaoke place she owned. When I found the private room and walked through the door, a cylinder of confetti shot out and sprayed all over me.

"Wow! Congratulations on getting married!" Rachel took pictures with her phone, and a dozen people applauded while welcoming me.

Sara walked over to me with the microphone and handed it to me. She then said to everyone, "Quick, select a song for the bride. 'Happy Breakup'!"

Everyone burst out laughing. I glared at Sara, and Alice rushed over to pull me back. "Come on, gorgeous. You haven't had dinner yet, right? Have something to eat first."

Sara smiled. "You shouldn't be eating. The bride has to put up a performance today, or else she won't be able to leave!"

Performance? I had already expected it. In order to get out of this perfectly, I already prepared for it. "Ordinary songs surely won't satisfy everyone. I'll perform a high note. Is there anyone who wants to challenge me?"

Sara immediately raised her hand. "Me! And all of us. Let's sing together. Your voice must surpass ours in order to pass. Are you up for it?"

I couldn't help but frown. It was definitely challenging, but everyone was eager to try. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and try the high notes for the song 'Hello'.

Holding the microphone in my hand, the accompaniment started. I tried to make the starting point lower before I started singing.

But to my surprise, Sara started singing before I could even open my mouth. She turned the pitch really high up, and when I picked up the second verse, I had a difficult time singing.

Gradually, their voices rose higher and higher. From time to time, they would let me sing while they drink water and rest, but I had to keep singing from start to end.

At the end of the song, in order not to embarrass myself, I ruthlessly sang at the top of my lungs. The room was filled with cheers and clapping, but when I finished singing, I felt my throat go hoarse and my body go limp.

Just as I was about to take a good rest, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. Their hands kept moving up and down. The next second, someone pressed against me from behind, their hips swaying from side to side as if they were going to have a hot dance.

I quickly turned around to see who it was, but I didn't recognize the person.

I was furious. "Are you at the wrong place?"

Sara laughed loudly once she saw me. "He's at the right place. He's the sexy dancer I mentioned to you the other time. Isn't he handsome? Come on, let's dance!"

Someone then switched to a sexy dance song, and people around us began to hoot. Alice then gave me a shove, pushing me right into the arms of a male sexy dancer.

He wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "I've heard about you for a long time. You're even better looking than I imagined. There's no need to feel nervous. I'll dance with you."

His voice was very light, and his hand quickly slid up my back.

Feeling slightly offended, I broke away from his embrace. But someone pushed me right back almost immediately. This time, he directly squeezed my hip, and I couldn't take it anymore. I jerked away from him.

The atmosphere became a little awkward, so I could only say, "I'm a little tired from singing just now. I just want to rest."

Sara said, "This is our last bachelor night. We'll have plenty of time to rest in the future."

Rachel saw my unhappy expression and retorted, "It only takes me one look to tell that you're single. Can't you tell that Emma's not cherishing her last moments of being single at all? Look at her, I can tell that she's dying to get married."

I smiled and couldn't help but hug Rachel. "You know me best."

Rachel made everyone have fun by themselves and pulled me into a corner to rest.

Everyone felt a little disappointed, but they were afraid that I would really get angry, so they didn't ask me to do anything.

In the noisy environment, Rachel looked at me silently. Her silence was especially piercing.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable and took the initiative to break the awkward silence. "Rachel, you can still look for me anytime in the future."

Rachel took a sip of her wine. She wanted to pour it for me, but when she raised her hand halfway, she suddenly pulled back. "Forget it. Don't drink. You have lots to do tomorrow."

I took Rachel's hand. "You should drink less too."

"Just let me be." Rachel's eyes were filled with sparkles. "I'm so happy that you're marrying someone you love. You're really lucky to have met each other. The word 'match made in heaven' is the perfect word for the two of you!"

"You'll find the one for you too." I had sympathy for Rachel. A man just hurt her feelings not too long ago. He cheated on her with two other women while spending their money without any remorse.

Rachel froze for a moment. She was reminded of her ex, but she smiled. "Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about something else. Hmm… Did you see the news today? Someone took a picture of a werewolf. Although the picture is blurry, I can tell from the outline that it's a werewolf."

Chapter 2

Dangerous Pursuit

I didn't know how to respond to Rachel's abrupt change of topic, so I just shook my head. "I haven't had time to see it. I've been busy with the wedding lately."

I wasn't particularly interested in such topics. There were many claims of people photographing a werewolf, but they were all fake.

"Oh, right. Yes, you're pretty busy. Flourish. I suddenly feel like men are really too unreliable." Rachel quickly held my hand. "Except Victor, of course."

I replied, "It's okay. It's really okay. I get what you mean."

"What I meant to say is werewolves are better than men. Werewolves will only have one lover in their entire lifetime. They will leave a mark of love on their lover. This mark is much more reliable than wedding rings and wedding vows."

"Rachel." I guess I've been so focused on getting married lately that I didn't care much about Rachel. It's only then that I realized Rachel's haggard face. I couldn't help but worry about her. "Why don't you come with us when I go on my honeymoon with Victor? Take a break."

"What are you talking about?" Rachel hit my head. "I don't want to hear your happy moans."

Alice popped over. "What are y'all whispering?" She pulled a man over and made him sit beside me. She then told me excitedly, "This is the macho man I found for you. You won't have a chance to feel the ecstasy of other men in the future. Grab your chance tonight."

My face was filled with horror. The moment the man grabbed my hand, I quickly stood up and moved far away from him.

I really didn't anticipate that. Everyone appeared to be quite reserved, why were all of them so daring tonight?

Alice was puzzled and asked me, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "I'm not interested in that."

The atmosphere became awkward again.

Rachel hurried over to help me. "Come on, let's play with some dice."

I quickly pulled a few of my friends over to start playing dice. I had just experienced all of that, but what filled my mind was Victor's perfect, sexy body.

It wasn't until ten at night that I saw it was about time, so I let everyone else just do whatever they wanted. I had to go.

Sara pulled me back and refused to let me go. "It's only ten o'clock. It's still early. If you leave, all the men here won't be in the mood to have fun anymore."

"I have to go. I have to get up early tomorrow." I didn't want to look bad tomorrow.

Rachel slapped Sara's hand away and pushed me to the door. "Get out of here and go home to get your beauty sleep. You must appear as a beautiful lady tomorrow."

"You're my bridesmaid, you're going to have a handsome man tomorrow!"

"I'll leave it all up to fate. I don't care anymore. Of course, if there are any werewolves, I'll go to bed right now," she jokingly said before giving me a hug and waved goodbye.

I was overwhelmed with emotions. As I walked out of the KTV, I felt as if I was about to have a whole new life instead of just a wedding.

The cool breeze outside was refreshing. It was pretty close to my home, so I decided to just walk back. There were many couples along the streets, holding hands and laughing. At that moment, I sincerely wished that they would be together forever and live a blissful live.

After passing by a park, I turned into a shortcut. It was an alley, and the dim yellow light was accompanied by fallen leaves. Even though it was such a desolated scene, it still looked very warm for me.

All of a sudden, a sharp cat scream pierced through the silence at night and startled me. I quickly calmed down and just as I was about to move forward, I felt something behind me.

I gathered my courage and turned around. Under a street lamp nearby, a man dressed in full black stood there. He wore a large black hat that covered almost his entire face, he was facing me and didn't move at all.

I could obviously feel that he was looking at me.

I felt a little panicky, but I was very familiar with the area. There were many cameras around and I was sure that he wouldn't dare to be so bold.

I quickened my pace, wanting to get out of this uncomfortable line of sight. However, as soon as I started walking, I felt the man behind me follow too.

I was the only one in the entire alley. The air was terrifyingly quiet, all I could hear was the sound of our footsteps. He had his eyes on me!

I started walking even faster, but the person behind also followed my pace.

I didn't dare turn back to look at him. I was afraid that if I did, he would pounce on me.

100 meters. 50 meters. 10 meters. I dashed out of the alley and ran to the mall on the opposite side.

There were lots of people on the main road, so I finally dared to turn back and look as I ran. Who knew that he would start running as well. He quickly dashed towards me.

He was very agile, and it seemed like his black outfit was going to burst open from his huge muscles hidden underneath. What if he didn't care about his life and really intended to do something to me, it would only take him seconds to take my life away once he came over.

I was so scared that I rushed to the entrance of the mall to look for security. I panicked and wanted to explain myself to the security guard, but before I could even say anything, a loud explosion came from above. It was deafening. Everyone instinctively covered their ears, and I was no exception.

After that, many heavy objects flew out of nowhere and smashed onto the road.

The crowd panicked and fled in all directions. Someone shouted, "Fire! Fire!"

"There's an explosion! Explosion!"

Hearing that, the security guard broke into a run. I wanted to get out of the place as well, but I didn't dare act rashly. I had to determine the man's location first to prevent him from coming out of nowhere and stabbing me.

I scanned the area quickly but didn't see the man wearing the black hat.

People kept running out of the mall, and I kept getting pushed out. I looked around for the man wearing the black hat, but I couldn't find him.

I couldn't care less. Taking advantage of the panicked crowd, I ran in the direction of my home. I ran all the way to the entrance of the neighborhood, but the man wearing the black hat didn't appear again.

I heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like I had successfully gotten rid of danger.

However, I just couldn't figure out his motive. If it was to rob me to get money and lust, why was he still chasing me on the main road? He charged at me as if he wanted to take my life.


Painful Memories

The man wearing the black hat was fully covered up in black clothing. Even if I call the police for them to check on the surveillance cameras, they might not be able to find anything.

I sifted through all the people I might have offended and couldn't figure out who could be the culprit.

I was an easygoing person. Even if I did offend someone, it wouldn't be to the point of that person wanting to kill me.

When I got home, my mother, Selina, opened the door and immediately noticed that something was wrong with me. She quickly asked me what had happened.

I knew that Selina had always been overly concerned about me. I didn't want her to worry, so I just said that I was too tired.

Selina closed the door and pushed me into the bedroom. "Get some rest. I'll wake you up tomorrow."

"Okay." I changed into my pajamas, removed my makeup, and walked towards my bed. Selina was holding a photo album and staring at it dazedly.

It was a photo album that she had flipped through countless times. It recorded almost everything that had happened throughout my growing up years.

Something was different about Selina as she looked through the photo album tonight. She seemed to be filled with reluctance and nostalgia. Once she saw me coming out of the bathroom, she smiled and waved for me to sit beside her.

After I sat down, she pointed at a photo. "Look, you were carrying a shotgun. The shotgun was much taller than you."

"It's pretty heavy, I remember." Back then, my grandparents and I lived in the countryside and my parents were often out.

Grandpa loved to hunt and always took me into the mountains. Every time, he would bring home some good hunts and cook them for us.

Selina flipped to the next page. When she saw the picture, she couldn't help but sigh. It was a picture of me lying in a hospital bed. She said with lingering fear, "That was your ninth birthday."

"It's already in the past." On my ninth birthday, I followed my grandfather into the mountains early in the morning and came back with serious injuries. I was stuck in a coma for a few days before I finally woke up. "No one expected to encounter a large group of wolves fighting."

That was probably my closest brush with death.

"But I bumped into Victor that time." The corners of my lips unconsciously curl into a smile as I recall Victor from back then.

I'd forgotten most of what had happened in the forest at that time, but I could still clearly remember the boy staring at me.

He wore a long white robe that was white as snow and was running around the wolf pack. He must have been scared. When he saw me from the corner of his eye, he stared at me in shock for a good ten seconds.

Then he charged towards me.

My grandfather was running with me and I immediately said, "Let's wait for him. I think he's alone. No one's taking him along."

Grandpa was probably only thinking about running away at the time and didn't hear a word I said.

Seeing that my grandfather wouldn't stop, I threw his hand away, hoping to get his attention, but at that moment, a huge wolf lunged at me.

I have no idea what happened after that. All I know is that Grandpa and I survived.

Grandpa was seriously injured, and so was I. But fortunately, we both recovered after treatment. During the treatment, I kept thinking about the little boy. He would appear even in my dreams.

I kept asking Grandpa if the little boy was still alive, but Grandpa didn't know either.

In the midst of my physical pain and my psychological worries, I watched my parents argue and go through divorce. It was a difficult time.

Whenever there were any conflicts at home, I would want to take a walk alone in the forest. However, I was very afraid. After all, there were many wild beasts in the mountain that I couldn't deal with myself.

So I chose to walk to the foot of the mountain and find a tree to sit on all by myself. I would look at the road that led up the mountain.

I don't know why, but at that time, I felt as if something in the mountain was attracting me. Countless times, I had unconsciously taken a step into the mountain, only to step back because of the fear.

It wasn't until the day my parents announced their divorce that I went to the bottom of the hill, seating on a tree while in a daze. Victor finally appeared in front of me.

I was ecstatic. I jumped down from the tree and ran towards him. "You're still alive!"

Victor seemed like he was about my age, but his face was very calm. Yes, he had always been like this since he was young. He gave off a very calm and composed vibe.

I was very curious about him and wanted to ask him many questions. He seemed to also feel the same way. "My name is Victor. What about you?"


"Do you still remember the spell that you were chanting that day?"

"Spell? What spell?"

"It's the one you were muttering after you were attacked by the wolf."

"I don't think I did." I scratched my head, wondering if I'd been influenced by Selina.

Selina would occasionally study witchcraft and teach me some spells. I wasn't interested in those spells, but sometimes, I would think that they were beautiful and would play along.

Victor's eyes flashed with disbelief at my words. "How about this? As long as you tell me that spell, I can grant you a wish."

"Really?" I couldn't help but find it funny that he decided to hit on a girl in such a clumsy way, but I decided to just play along. I chanted a bunch of spells.

Somehow, the more I chanted, the more anxious he became. By the time I finished all the spells and told him that I had none left, his face was gloomy.

It was obvious he wasn't in a good mood. "Why don't we hang out some other time?" I was worried he might be facing the same situation as me. He might have some problems at home.

He didn't say a word. He just nodded and walked away.

I didn't sleep that night. The next day, I went to wait for him early in the morning. However, I still didn't see him even after waiting for three consecutive days.

Three days later, Selina packed everything and took me away.

I leaned against the car window and stared at the scenery outside. I was looking forward to meet Abraham again, but I didn't.


The descent of the savior

Up until I left that town, I still didn't see Victor. 

I followed my mother to Turkey and stayed there.

Life there was very different from the town. There were a lot of things that I have never seen before, and a lot of personalities that I didn't understand.

  On my tenth birthday, I was concerned about by a group of female thugs in the wood behind our school. They surrounded me, sizing me up with expression of jealousy.

Divine, the only girl I know, reached out and rubbed my hair so hard that it hurts my scalp.

"Mercy, I think there's a misunderstanding between us. If I've done anything to make you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me about it.

"Did you kiss Emmanuel? "Mercy stared at me aggressively.

"Of course not. I only spoke to him few times in class".

I didn't understand where such rumours is coming from, but I understand what Mercy meant.

Emmanuel didn't seem to believe me at all even after I denied it. "You're still trying to deny it? Everyone in class knows about it! Emmanuel is my future husband. How dare you lay your eyes on my man? I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

After saying that, she started instructing the girl beside her, who had a tall and heavy build.

"Slap her! Beat her until her face is swollen.

The heavy girl nodded and raise her hands towards me. I subconsciously turn around to run, but someone hug me from behind, another girl grabbed my hair and stopped me from moving.

"Beat her to death! Mercy roared

The heavy girl raised her plump, raised her hand in the air and jerked on my face.

I closed my eyes and resigned to the impending blow of pain.


 However, what came next was not the sound of a slap, but a scream, I quickly opened my eyes. The heavy girl has already fallen in front of me.

She covered her hands and a pained expression came all over her face.

Following that, the surrounding girls started screaming and covering their hands.

I figured out the reason for one the girls screams. A pebble had struck her wrist.

Mercy was furious. "Who is hiding in the dark? Come out now!"

No one responded.

I had no idea what was going on, but this was the best time to run.

While they were still looking around for someone, I turned and ran. But to my surprise, one of the girls, even with a sore hand, had no intentions of letting me go. She grabbed me by the collar and yanked me to the ground.

I wanted to resist, so I reached out and grab her wrist. Before I could even break it off another pebble flew towards us.

I saw it clearly this time. It flew from the right and hit the girl's shoulder.

The next moment, the girl clutched her shoulder in pain and let go of my hand.

I scrambled to my feet kept running. Once Mercy saw me, she ran towards me, but it only took two steps before the pebble hit her ankle and she fell to the ground.

The heavy girl got up too, she wanted to grab my hair, but next second, her arm was hit by a Pebble.

And just like that, I ran ahead of them all. Anyone who tries to grap me from behind got hit by the pebbles and it was too painful. They could no longer continue chasing me. 

I ran all the way to the front door of my house. After making sure that they were not behind me anymore, I heaved a sigh of relief.

I was depressed. I didn't expect this to happen.

At the same time, I felt very lucky, the person who played with the stones had helped me greatly.

Just as I took my keys to open the door, someone called me from behind, "Flourish, it's been a while"

I quickly turned around, Victor was standing at the road.

Victor! I rushed over to hug him, I was very happy to see him.

" You've come to Turkey too?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be here. I came with my uncle".

"I thought I will never see you again".

He took my hand. "I think we're in the same school. I saw someone bullying you so I helped you."

"It's you? You are the one playing with stones? I was filled with joy.

Victor nodded, "it's me. Don't worry, if anyone bullies you in the future, I will help you."

I was initially worried that they'd be looking for me when I go to school tomorrow.

Victor fulfilled his promise to protect me, even till now, when we're about walking to the wedding hall.

The corners of my lips kicked up into a smile just thinking about it.