
The conversation


The front door is locked when I try to turn the handle over. it is not like I expected it to be open but I am strong enough to open it without leaving too much damage.

All I need to do is turn it over forcefully and that is what I do. I have the powers to convince and manipulate and that is what I am going to do. manipulate him after I am done. 

I enter the house and it is dark but I can see clearly. I look up from the front door to the stairs and I see the light that was visible from the window. It is still on and blaring. 

That must be the father's room. 

It has to be. 

I walk up the stairs and to the room, slowly opening it. there is a man on the bed, he is seated and reading a book with glasses on. There is also a woman asleep. The room is bright, I don't know how she could be asleep in this brightness.