


This is supposed to be meditation but I can't focus because I am terrified of the outcome of whatever we are doing. Rex is being very supportive right now--I didn't even know I needed this. 

"Just breathe,'' he calls to me calmly. 

I cross my legs as the prickly grass rubs against my skin roughly and take a couple of deep breaths. "I am right here if you need anything. Just call me out,'' he adds and I nod because his presence is strong and comforting.

I am here now. Say what you want to say. 

These are just thoughts in my head but they should be able to hear me. I mean, she is always invading my thoughts. 

"I am here. I am here now. I am here. I am here, listening to you. say what you have to say,'' I shout to the air opening my eyes. I see Rex and he is watching me quietly, I don't mean to freak out but I am exhausted. 
