Rose, the beautiful, smart, and strong girl, went undercover to participate in the biggest knight contest in the kingdom. She wanted to become one of Prince Hans's honorable knights due to her father's debt. But, there was something that she didn't know about. Her master was a werewolf. How will she react to that secret? And why does everyone keep calling her" Rosalina"?
Rose went back to the forest, this time she was scared.
- What am I doing? This is very dangerous. Eaters can sense my presence and attack me at any moment. I must be careful.
She walked slowly, looking for another prey for the wolves, hoping to not encounter any Eater. Meanwhile, KALEB was following her, he was kind of curious when she became nervous.
" Is she afraid of the dark? She was pretty confident the last time. I must keep watching her in case she uses her magic. "
It became too dark, Rose set up the fire then she continued her search to find prey. Suddenly, she heard some noise. She pulled out her sword and walked slowly. Fortunately, the noise came from a bunch of men that were sitting around a big fire.
" Thank god, there are some humans. "
She was about to reveal herself to them, but then after having a second look she realized that those men were thieves and criminals. They were holding children and women hostage.