
The Wells of Truth: The Journey of The Summoned

Each year, everything seems to be getting worse from a disease to famine. It all ends in the year 2099 when a massive meteorite strikes the Earth killing nearly all life. A few survive however and find that the meteor brought a few gifts. New humanoid beings arrived, it was an infinite supply of energy and most important of all, Magic. This magic however, goes out of hand as the remaining animals absorb it. Unable to confront this new danger, the races ask The Creator for help but is unable to until he spots something, a deck of cards. These cards game from a card game that originated before the meteor struck and became quite popular. It was known by the name The Wells of Truth. The Creator uses his power to make the cards into reality. With this newfound power, they are able to safely beat back the threat. 850 years later a new phenomenon happens. Some who died from the meteor strike came back to life. These people later became known as "The Summoned" and were the best of the best at The Wells of Truth. You follow the story of a young man who is one of these Summoned. He faces many challenges along his journey to reclaim his place in this "new" world of his. Updates Every Saturday/Sunday Art Instagram: The_Wells_Of_Truth

Jack_The_Pokexpert · ファンタジー
25 Chs


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"Mr. Enforcer! Thank The Creator you're here, this guy was ju—" Ulysses tried saying

"Shut it," the person said, walking towards him, "He was about to what? Kill you? You mean like what you were about to do to him? You have no visible marks upon your body while he has a massive wound on his arm. You kept swinging at him every shot you got while he stood still after he got you in a bad position. Moreover I've got witness testimony that you were attacking a kid before this all happened. And also it's ma'am."

"Uhts, uh, I" he sputtered trying to think of a way to wriggle out of his predicament. He tried to sneakily reach his unroped hand into his pocket to grab a card only for another rope to wrap around it.

"That's enough," a new voice said as he arrived on the scene, "Taria you need to be more careful around violent criminals. No one will take you seriously if you just scream the law."

"Yes sir," Taria responded, "but I did catch the criminals which means I did a good job right?"

He let out a sigh. "Yes you did. However, had this other guy been even more dangerous than this chubby guy, you wouldn't be alive right now."

"Y-yes sir. Speaking of which he hasn't responded much has he?"

They both turned to look at The Puppeteer whose eyes were expressionless yet angry. His mouth was flat but they could tell his teeth were pressed together. Taria waved her hand in front of his face hoping to get a reaction but to no avail.

"He seems almost inhuman," she said, "According to the eye witness his movements were way too fast which means he had to have used magic but he doesn't seem fazed by the recoil." She took down some more notes before speaking again. "Pecan I'm going to assume that you're taking the big guy which means I'll take care of this statue over here."

"Yes," Pecan responded, "This guy is way too strong for you to even attempt to try and escort. Take care of that. Thing… and stay safe."

He disappeared along with Ulysses in a flash of smoke. "You can put down that scythe now." Taria said to The Puppeteer, "You and everyone else is safe."

The Puppeteer didn't move. She slowly moved her hand onto The Puppeteer's slowly pushing it down so it would be in a safe position. "There we go," she said as if she were talking to a baby, "Good job." She patted his head. "Well, I've still got to take you into custody, we need your side of the story."

She was about to disappear when the little boy walked up to her. "Miss?" he asked, "Can I go with you?"

"Sorry kid," she told him, "Unless you have a good reason I can't take you with me."

"I-i saw the fight," he said, "he helped me when that guy hurt me," he pointed towards his head which was nearly bleeding from his hair being pulled out.

She let out a sigh, "Alright, but are your parents going to be ok with you being with us?"

"Yes," he replied rather quickly, "I told them that I'd go exploring and they were okay with it."

"Fine then. Let's go"

* * * * * *

"Ulysses failed huh?" Angela said, "he even got captured by The Enforcers. What a useless follower."

"We at least got some information about The Puppeteer though," Hunter said trying to lighten the mood, "we've confirmed that he's unpredictable except for the fact that he always has a plan. Which means all we have to do is find out his back up plan and stop that too."

"Hunter, you're so smart!" Angela said lovingly, "What would we do without you?"

Hunter let out a chuckle, "You guys might even be more successful without me around. You probably would've just confronted him already, which is probably a coin toss on whether or not you'd win."

"I'm sorry to bother you too at this time, but we have urgent news," someone said rather hastily.

"Make it quick Theocrates," Angela hissed, "We were having a moment."

"He's in," Theocrates said, "and we believe that we'll be able to revive Daborus by the end of the year.

"Oh good," Angela said, "NOW LEAVE,"

"Right away sir,"

"Are you not bothered that they refer to you as "sir"?" Hunter asked, "Surely telling them that you're a woman wouldn't do us any harm. We've seen full well with Instogras"

"I don't need to let them know about something trivial. I demand their respect and I get it. That's all I need to lead them."

* * * * * *

It was a dark room. The Puppeteer awoke to his own thoughts, "Ugh, Jesus where am—" he did finish. He immediately vomited to his right. "How fast did he go?" He threw up again. "I'm going to kill him the next time I see him."

The lights turned on and The Puppeteer was blinded by it. "I told you having a trash can beside him would be a good idea!" Taria exclaimed, "You owe me 5 gold!"

"You're hopeless," Pecan said shaking his head, "He's awake now which means we can get to the questioning."

"Questioning?" he thought to himself, "what the hell even happened?"

"State your name," Pecan ordered.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh… I can't say?" The Puppeteer responded.

Pecan slammed his hands on the table, "What do you mean you can't say?! What are you, a criminal?"

"Wh-what? No! I just. Uhm. Don't think you'll like it."

"In the rule of law it matters not what I like, now answer the damn question. What. Is. Your. Name."

"I used to got by the name ✈︎✡︎☼︎✞︎⬧︎♎︎♏︎❄︎ but here I go by The Puppeteer."

"Are you trying to tell me that you're a summoned? Do you honestly think that I'd believe someone like you is a summoned?"

The Puppeteer pulled out his Holdus. "I told you, you wouldn't like it," he said, "here's proof. I'm officially registered as The Puppeteer. You can even ask The General for confirmation."

The two looked dumbfounded. Of course someone with that amount of strength would be a summoned.

"Anyway…" Taria interrupted, "We need you to tell us everything that happened in that incident."

"The incident?" he asked, "OH! You mean that big guy bullying the little kid? I kinda just gave him my stuff and then took it back. I don't remember anything that happened after that."

"You don't remember? How. How could you not remember? You were bleeding and almost killed a guy!"

"Bleeding?" he looked down at his arms to see that he indeed was bleeding. "I don't remember. I didn't even know I was bleeding until you told me."

"I. eh. Fine you can go," Pecan said, "We aren't going to get much information from you."

"Okay?" he stood up only to fall back down, "Damn, what even happened?"

"A-are you okay?�� Taria asked as she walked towards him. "You know, how about you spend the night here. It'll be safer for you and better for us."

"Sounds like a plan," he responded, "I'll just stay here for a bit."

Chapter 9: Those Who Enforce The Law END