
The Wells of Truth: The Journey of The Summoned

Each year, everything seems to be getting worse from a disease to famine. It all ends in the year 2099 when a massive meteorite strikes the Earth killing nearly all life. A few survive however and find that the meteor brought a few gifts. New humanoid beings arrived, it was an infinite supply of energy and most important of all, Magic. This magic however, goes out of hand as the remaining animals absorb it. Unable to confront this new danger, the races ask The Creator for help but is unable to until he spots something, a deck of cards. These cards game from a card game that originated before the meteor struck and became quite popular. It was known by the name The Wells of Truth. The Creator uses his power to make the cards into reality. With this newfound power, they are able to safely beat back the threat. 850 years later a new phenomenon happens. Some who died from the meteor strike came back to life. These people later became known as "The Summoned" and were the best of the best at The Wells of Truth. You follow the story of a young man who is one of these Summoned. He faces many challenges along his journey to reclaim his place in this "new" world of his. Updates Every Saturday/Sunday Art Instagram: The_Wells_Of_Truth

Jack_The_Pokexpert · ファンタジー
25 Chs


👍︎♒︎♋︎◻︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ 📂︎🖳︎ 🕆︎■︎●︎◆︎♍︎🙵⍓︎

It was midday, the sun shone brightly in the Forest of Urak, the trees provided a cool space for people to rest. Under one such tree was a young man with pitch black hair. He seemed to be sound asleep when a tree branch broke and fell on his head. Startled by the sudden, he awoke showing his gleaming gold eyes.

"Where am I?" He thought to himself, "Ugh, what even happened? Wasn't there a massive meteor that…" His thoughts trailed off as he started to observe his new surroundings. "Trees, forest, grass… none of this is familiar. Was all of that a dream? Was this the reality I'd been missing" He continued to think to himself. He touched his forehead to make sure he wasn't sick or hallucinating. "Ow," He said aloud as he touched exactly where the branch had struck him before. "Just my luck," he thought to himself. He continued to look around him when out of the corner of his eye he spotted something familiar, a box. He hurried towards it in hopes of it being exactly what he thought it was. "Yes!" He cried, causing many birds to fly away. He thought to himself "My Wells of Truth cards, so that wasn't a random dream, the meteor did strike the Earth, but that would mean I died which wouldn't make sense." He struggled to understand the enormous contradictions between his "dream" and this new reality. About 5 meters away from him appeared a wolf who began snarling.

"You have got to be kidding me," he thought, "First the tree branch, now a wolf, could my luck be worse?" Just as he was questioning his terrible luck, someone in a dark red robe appeared. He said something that the young man could only partially understand.

"Give" "Now".

"Hey man," the young man responded, "I both don't understand you and have no idea what's going on."

"Peh," the robed figure spat. He continued to speak in the foreign language. This time the young man couldn't understand any of it. "Give me everything you have." The robed figure said as he finished talking to himself, "You've already soured my mood."

"And if I don't?" the young man questioned with a mischievous grin on his face.

Although the robed figure's face was hidden, the young man could almost see the furious scowl present on his face.

"Well then you'll have to learn the hard way," the robed figure responded, "Now, GET HIS ASS!"

The young man began looking around him in a frenzy, thinking that someone would jump him from the trees. Unbeknownst to him, the wolf began dashing towards him. He was only able to realize it at the last moment, throwing his right arm in front of him to intercept the wolf's fangs while his left clung onto the box.

"Shit," He thought to himself, "Is this how I go out? Just my luck I guess."

The wolf's fangs continued to sink deeper into his arm. He felt like his bones were about to snap. "So, are you going to play nice or are you ready to—," the robed figure didn't finish his sentence.

A bolt of lightning struck the wolf while barely missing the robed figure. The wolf crashed into a nearby tree toppling it with a loud crash.

"Shit," the hooded figure cursed, "Of course HE'd be here." "Wait, where is it?" he thought in a panic, "The boss specifically said to use it if he were to appear."

"I believe you're looking for this," a new voice said, "Anti-Thunder Armor, eh? Seems like you were expecting me to be here." The person finally emerged from the trees. A young male around 20 with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a refined look to him: good posture, expensive looking clothes, and most importantly, a gold band around his wrist.

"How did you—?"

"You silly little cultist, of course I'd be prepared for something like this. The truth, Steal, is pretty nice to have around."

"Why you little," the cultist growled, he pulled something out of his pocket, "Explosive Destruction!" The man began to glow a bright yellow, heat radiated around him, the young man began to bake like bread in an oven. He cried in agony as he was being boiled alive until it suddenly stopped.

The blond man's eyes looked desperate, he put something into his pocket and was breathing heavily. "You idiot! You could've destroyed the sacred land!" he yelled.

"You think that wasn't my plan?" the cultist snapped back, "The boss said that if we can't have him, no one can. But it looks like I can't win as long as you are here." In almost half a second he disappeared.

"Well, looks like you're going to be their target for now," the blond man said to the young man, "Consider yourself lucky that you have the best adventurer in the world protecting you."

"Lucky?" the young man thought, "How am I lucky? I woke up in a place I don't know, I get jumped by a cultist, my right arm is almost broken in half, and I nearly get scorched to death!"

Chapter 1: Unlucky END