( POV Robb Stark )
It was a cold day though all the days seem cold in the North now, the late summer snows have become more frequent, Winter Is Coming and coming soon. We stood in front of the great keep to welcome Lord Magnar the lord of Skagos, they have answered the call of house Stark as the rest of the North has. My thoughts where interrupted by the sound of hooves.
Lord Magnar rode in on the back of the of a Unicorn that Skagos where so famous for. It was a dark brown horse bigger than most stallions it's mane and tail blacker than night. Though it was its horn that caught the attention of everyone present. It was a dangerous looking thing, it was spiralled into a sharp point and the horn shone silver in the sunlight.
The unicorn was armoured in bronze as was its rider. It's rider was a large man cloaked in fur, leather and armour. The other ten men that accompanied him wore the same armour and rode the same unicorns. Though they weren't as big.
In Lord Mangar's hand was a lance though instead of being made of wood and steel it was made from a narwhal's horn. In his other hand was a shield, with the green lobster on white holding a black harpoon, house Magnars sigil. He dismounted his Unicorn and bowed to me though I saw his eyes glance as Greywind repeatedly.
"Lord Stark, you have called and house Magnar and the whole of Skagos has answered." He spoke in a gruff voice
"And house Stark appreciates your loyalty." I replied.
"House Stark has never called Skagos before and to show that we are as loyal as the day we became your Lord we have gifts." He said and gestured to someone behind him
Someone brought three Unicorns both as big as the one Lord Magnar rode all three of them dark brown almost black with a black mane and tail there horns shining silver in the light except the middle it seemed to shine a silver-gold. All three where armoured in bronze.
"For you and your brothers Lord Stark." The said and pointed to the unicorn.
"Your generosity in appreciated Lord Magnar, you have the thanks of all house Stark." I told him.
"Now shall we retire to the hall on the morrow we will have a war council with all the Lords present." I said and the Lord of Skagos nodded in agreement
( POV Robb Stark )
"King Robert is dead." I exclaimed to the Lords gathered shocking them.
"And my father has been imprisoned in the Black Cells by 'Good king Joffrey' for treason" I continued shocking them further each of them knew my Father, Eddard Stark would die before committing treason.
"King Joffrey has commanded I come to Kings Landing to swear fealty to the crown and to witness my fathers punishment." That got angry grumbling from the assembled Lords they clearly remembered the last time a Lord Stark was ordered to go to Kings Landing by a King.
"I'm inclined to agree to his request. I'll go to Kings Landing but not alone, no I'll go with thirty thousand Northmen at my back and I'll return with my Father, my sisters and Joffrey Waters head!" I said in a heated voice
"Joffrey Waters My Lord? he's a bastard?" Asked Hugo Wull one of the Clan chiefs of the Mountain Clans
"Aye we got another letter, this one from Stannis Baratheon claiming that the royal children are not Roberts at all but the Kingslayers." I explained to them
"The Kingslayers bastard has put a Lord Paramount in the Black Cells! The boy is a fool!" Lord Karstark exclaimed loudly
"When do we march My Lord?" The question came from Maege Mormont
"With in the fortnight. We will join with the rest of your hosts along the Kings road and meet the Reeds of Greywater Watch at Moat Cailin." I answered
"And who will lead the Vanguard" Came the whispery voice of Roose Bolton and everyone became very interested, they all wanted to lead I knew
"Galbart Glover will lead the Van." Came my calm response
"I'll not march behind no Glover!" The Greatjon roared as he stood from his seat.
"Lord Umber sit down!" Jon shouted back as he and Thorin got up from our seats though I remained sitting.
"I will lead the Van or I'll march my men back to Last Hearth." He continued to shout ignoring Jon entirely
"Then maybe when we've had our fill of lion meat in the south we'll march back North and make a giant a head shorter!" Thorin shouted at the large Lord of Last Hearth
"I'll not be threatened by boys so green they piss grass!" The Greatjon shouted yet again this time his hand went to his sword
The sword wasn't even half way out of it sheath when Synin was pecking at his hand but before he could even think of swatting the bird away he was pinned to the ground beneath Greywind Fenrir and Ghost not far behind Thorin and Jon where half way around the table ready to kill him at a moments notice. But through all of that I remained seated. My face unchanging as if it was carved of stone.
"It means death to bare steel against your Lord, but no doubt the Greatjon meant to cut my meat." I said as I slowly rose from my seat at the head of the table
"Your meat, is blood tough." He said as he rose after Greywind moved off him.
( POV Jon Snow )
We stood in the Godswood with all the Lords of the North, Robb brought them here to show them the Dragons. Thorin sent Synin out into the Godswood to find them a few minutes ago and they should move back soon.
"Lord Stark why have you brought us here?" lord Manderly asked Robb
"Them my Lord." Robb replied pointing into the sky.
"Birds?" Lady Mormont asked confused
"Not birds my Lady, Dragons." Thorin told her shocking her along with the other lords.
"What!" Came the shocked reply from many Lords
"This my Lords is how we are going to beat the Lannisters." I spoke for the first time since we came here.
"For Winter is Coming, and house Stark brings it!" Robb finished as Alduin, Parthunax and Odahin breath their blue flames and it begins to snow.
( POV Robb Stark )
We stood in front of the great keep before Bran in the arms of the the giant man Walder or Hodor as he's more commonly known. The Wildling woman was also there as was Maester Luwin. They where all wrapped up in furs as it had snowed last night and it was a particularly chilly morning. Me Jon and Thorin though, we where in full armour ready to march.
"You'll listen to the Maesters advice, wont you." Jon said to him
"And always keep Summer close he will be your truest protector." Thorin said after
"Bran, you are the Stark of Winterfell and you must rule until mother comes back. You'll make me proud I know you will." I told him
We finished our goodbyes and walked to our mounts the Unicorns gifted to us my Lord Magnar they where dark beasts outfitted with bronze armour and Jon and Thorin's had a silver horn, mine though had a golden horn. After the wolves finished there own goodbyes with summer they came up beside us. We rode out the gates of Winterfell the dragons soaring above us each of them the size of large hounds they where roaring away in the sky. Synin watching over them.
( POV Howland Reed )
Many of the Lords will be surprised that I left the Neck, I haven't done so since Roberts rebellion since I took that wound outside that Gods forsaken tower since I fought Sword in the Morning if you could call that a fight. I still remember lying on the ground my brothers in arms dying around me watching Ned fight that so called Knight and cheering to my self when he slipped and when he lost his head.
They call him a true knight all across the realm I know they do but what kind of 'true knight' stands by the door as a girl is raped, he helped the Mad Dragon prince steal the woman who helped me so much, and for that I'll never forgive him. But the thing that made me finally leave the Neck was a dream I had, I could have sent a envoy to Moat Cailin but I needed to see if it was true.
I dreamt that a black wolf, a grey wolf and a white wolf stood in front of a Heart tree eggs at there feet, then the eggs hatched and three baby dragons came out. The people of the neck haven't forgotten that dreams have power. I stood with the help on a cane in the courtyard of Moat Cailin, my daughter and son beside me. We could hear the hoof beats getting closer.
The first thing I noticed was the mounts they where on. They where large horses dark in colour and they had a shining horn on the head. The second thing I noticed was the large Direwolves by there side a dark grey one with gold eyes Greywind, then it was the white one with red eyes, Ghost then the black one with blue eyes, Fenrir.
Then I saw the Dragons flying high in the sky they where only the size of a small wolf but I knew they would grow and when they did nothing would stop them. It was then I finally looked to the riders. The first had the Stark look though I knew he wasn't the heir, he was Jon Snow, the white wolf. Then I looked to the next he had his fathers hair and his mothers eyes, Thorin Stark the Bloody Wolf.
It was then I looked to the last and at first glance you wouldn't tell he was Neds son, he looked all his mother, but when you look past his colouring you saw that he actually looked quite a lot like his father. That must be Robb Stark the Young Wolf
"Lord Stark Moat Cailin is yours" I said to the young lord
"My Lord my father has always spoke very highly of you, I'm glad to have met you." He replied.
{ Authors Notes }
Next chapter is the official start of the five kings, the first and possibly the secondary and third depending on how I'm feeling when I write it
I'm not going to pretend that Rheagar Targaryen wasn't a crazy bast*rd
Howland was there so he'll know who Jon's mum was spoiler it's Ashara dayne
What do you guys think about the Dragons
And I've made up my mind
Also do you guys think it would be cool for the Cranogmen to ride lizard lions
Thorin will be with Asha and he will be named lord paramount of the Iron islands in the name of King Robb Stark