
(1) The Prayer

( POV Eddard Stark )

I sat in front of the Weirwood as so many of my ancestors did before me to pray to the Old Gods. My heir, Robb was on my right my bastard, Jon on my left and in my arms was my second born Robb's twin Thorin.

I gazed at my son taking shallow breaths, the only thing remaining of his left arm is a bloody stump and where he once had his left eye was just an empty socket. The maester said he wouldn't survive the night so I took him to the place where the Old Gods where strongest, the Godswood of Winterfell.

It is all my fault I should have never taken them out hunting my wife told me that six name days was to young but they where doing so well at hunting and we where only going a little into the woods the only things we should have found was a few rabbits. Instead we found that monster.

My horse is was down first and I hit my head on the way down my sons told me the rest later when I came around. Apparently Jon's horse threw him off and ran, Jon injuring his leg on his fall. Robb's horse had its throat ripped out and Robb was trapped underneath it so both my sons had to watch as the great black direwolf with glowing red eyes stalked towards their brother, my son with killing intent.

Somehow in all the activity Thorin had been thrown of his horse and had picked up a sharp stick that he was trying to use to keep the wolf away from his brothers. My sons that's when the giant raven flew down almost twice the size of any the maester owns. My sons say it swooped down twice the first slashing Thorins face the second plucking his eye out. They say that's when the wolf lunged ripping my sons left arm off.

Its then the guards I had ordered to stay away arrived after hearing the commotion only to arrive to my son one eyed and one armed jab a pointed stick through the wolfs jaw while a raven only half the size snap the neck of the one who took his eye. They say he moved with such skill it was as if someone else was controlling him.

I shouldn't have taken them out his mother was


I looked up to see the raven that killed the other that took my sons eye. The bird hasn't been far since the incident two days ago he's always watching with its piercing blue eyes.

I turned my gaze back to the heart-tree and said my last prayer to the Old Gods to save the life of my son my other sons doing the same. Then the eyes of Weirwood started to glow a bright red then the light turned blinding


( POV Thorin Stark )

I awoke with a gasp. I looked around and only found snow and a Heart tree. How did I get here, that was all I could think about. But then my thoughts where interrupted by two men appearing the first was around my fathers age and he wore leather armour, he had an axe in his right hand and a sword in his left.

He was facing a old man who shared his face but aged by around twenty years the older man wore a long cloak and a pach over his left eye, in his hand he had a long spear made entirely of metal. They faced each other ready for battle when the younger spoke.

"Odin I'll not let you take over this child's life" spoke the other

"Don't you understand Eivor this is a chance to start anew in a different world where Ragnorok will never come" the elder replied

"Your meddling has already cost the boy an arm, eye and most likely his life. If you think I'll let you do more damage then your a fool high one." He said the title high one mockingly

"Wolf kissed I -"

He was cut off by a thunder in the sky, the loudest I had ever heard, the very earth under my feet quaked and when it ended I thought I heard the older man whisper 'Thor' who ever that is.

"You have no power in this realm Odin, Raven Feeder you are in the realm of the Old Gods of the Forrest!"The thousand voices came from the weeping Weirwood.

"While Magic is all but gone from this world the Old Gods keep their power and I will not have you meddling!" Before the old man could reply the thousand voices of the Forrest thundered from the Heart trees lips yet again

"Be gone from this realm one eyed meddler!" The voices thundered and the old man was thrown to the ground where he turned to snow.

"Wolf-kissed join your shield brothers and sisters in the halls of Valhalla where your enteral feast awaits you." The younger man bowed, thanked the Gods and slowly kneeled on the ground where he too turned to snow.

"Your father has asked that you be spared and the Old Gods agree that The Starks deserve to be rewarded for their faithfulness to the true Gods."

"You shall awake stronger than ever and your arm will be of the Old Gods but your eye, your eye we will keep it will be a lesson that while generous the true Gods are not all giving."

"I thank you Old one's for your generosity." As I finished that sentence I began to feel weird and I looked down only to see myself turning to snow.


( POV Eddard Stark )

When I the light passed I looked down to my arms where my son was not a minute ago only to find them empty


I looked to where the sound came from just to find Thorin kneeling in front of the Heart tree his left arm back and in its hand clutched a war-horn, his right arm was against the heart tree and it sounded as if he was praying and I decided not to interrupt, it seemed his brothers thought the same as they remained by my side.

When he turned to us I got a better look at his condition, his left eye or whatever remains was covered by an eye patch made of black leather and his left arm while returned wasn't what it once was it seemed to be made out of Weirwood and it had runes of Firstmen all along it, the war horn had similar markings as well and in his shoulder perched the raven, its feathers as black as a starless night and its eyes as blue as the shivering sea, it bore a remarkable resemblance to Thorin with his Stark black hair and his Tully blue eyes.

"Son I'm so glad your okay." I said as I felt tears come to my eyes

"Brother! Your alive!" "Stark! Your fine!"

"Aye I'm alive, if I was gone who would keep your ego's in check."

"I have something important to show you." He tied the war horn to his belt and returned to the Heart tree he placed his Weirwood arm on the tree and the runes on his arm glowed as the eyes of the Heart tree glowed the same red then the ground opened to reveal a set of stairs.

"We must follow to receive our gifts from the Gods." Thorin said to us

"Who am i to deny the My sons a gift from Gods" I replied

We went down the steps until we reached a cavern in the from the roof of the cavern there where glowing stones hanging from roots of the Weirwood.

My thoughts where interrupted when three wolf pups came towards my sons. The wolf that went to Jon was the smallest of the three, he had fur as white as fresh snow and eyes red as blood, he walked on silent paws and didn't make a sound. The wolf that went to Robb was as grey as the wolf of our sigil and his eyes where the colour of gold.

The wolf that went toward Thorin was the the same size as the grey one but his had black fur the same as his hair and his ravens feathers, Thorin, the raven and the wolf also shared the colour of their eyes a deep blue of the Tullys.


( POV Jon Snow)

The White wolf lead me to a set of armour made up primarily of a black leather but after colder inspection I saw that the arms are covered by dark grey almost black metal that was made to look like dragon scales. The shoulder guards where made of a grey steel while the gloves and boots where made of black leather.

There was a white fur cloak that was trimmed with black and fastened on the shoulder with a pin that looked like the Direwolf of house Stark but instead of grey it was white and there was ruby where the eye should be located.

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Beside the armour was a Weirwood shield with the Stark Direwolf proudly displayed but again instead of grey it was white though there was no rubies to be found on the shield.

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On the other side of the armour was a bastard sword, it's pommel was adorned with a glowing red ruby, the grip made of black leather, the cross guard was made of a dark grey steel. The blade was made of a lighter grey steel though when it caught the light it seemed to turn blue. The blade had runes of the first men that I seemed to understand, it was the name of the blade. Frostmourne

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Beside Frostmourne there was a dirk. It had a long blade longer than most daggers and it had a small cross guard made of ivory. It's grip was made of dark leather and there was onyx set into its pommel that seemed to suck the light out of the room. It's blade was made of a pale metal that seemed to turn blue when it caught the light like the rest of the blades. On the blade there where first men runes that named it. Duskfang


( POV Robb Stark )

The grey wolf pup lead me to a set of armour, the armour was mainly dark brown boiled leather but underneath there was a dark grey chain mail that covered the chest, stomach and shoulders but it couldn't be seen as it was covered by the leather. The shoulders had a dark grey steel covering them, the the shoulder gaurds where styled like snarling Direwolfs. The dark steel continued all the way down the arms to the hands which where styled to look like the claws of a wolf.

There was a grey fur cloak that was trimmed with black and fastened on the shoulder with a pin that looked like the grey Direwolf of house stark with a piece of amber where the eyes would be. Beside the armour was a Weirwood shield with the Stark Direwolf proudly displayed.

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On the other side of the armour there was a long sword, in its pommel a shining piece of amber was set, it matched the piece that was set into the cross guard. The grip was made of dark brown leather. The blade is made of a paler metal than the pommel and cross guard and when it caches the light it seemed to take on a blue sheen, and written in the runes of the Firstmen was the blades name. Dawnbreaker.

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Beside the longsword was a dagger. It's grip was made of a light grey leather, in the pommel there was a small dark blue sapphire. It had a small cross guard made up of the same steel gray metal as the pommel and studded with a sapphire in the centre. The blade itself was slightly darker than the cross guard and the pommel and it had the daggers name engraved into it in the runes of the Firstmen. Frostbite it was called.


( POV Thorin Stark )

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The black wolf lead me over to a set of armour. The armour was mainly grey boiled leather, with some chainmail covering the vital areas. The armour was lined with thick black fur. The vambrace was made of a dark metal and lined with black fur, the same with gravies. The gloves and boots where made of dark almost black boiled leather. The shoulders where covered by a hard leather lined with stripes of steel.

There was a black fur cloak and hood that was trimmed with light grey and fastened on the shoulder with a pin that looked like the Direwolf of house Stark but instead of grey it was black and there was a sapphire where the eye should be located.

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Beside the armour was a Weirwood shield with the Stark Direwolf proudly displayed but again instead of grey it was black though there was no sapphires to be found on the shield.

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On the other side of the armour there was a sword that was shorter than Jon's bastard sword and Robb's longs sword though it was much bigger than a short sword. The pommel of the sword was a sapphire surrounded by a ring of bronze. The grip was made of black leather, and the cross guard was made of bronze and styled like two Direwolves snarling at each other. The blade itself was made of a dark metal that glinted blue when it catches the light. Engraved into the sides of the blade in Firstmen was its name. Kingmaker

(Reference picture)

Beside the sword was a bearded axe, the axe had a Weirwood shaft, the bottom covered by a dark steel that was engraved with patters of the Firstmen, the same ones that could be found on the ancient throne of winter and the Crown of bronze that adorned the King in the North. The grip was covered in a light brown leather. The blade was covered in the same markings as the pommel and it was made out of the same dark steel and in the runes of the Firstmen it's name was carved across the shaft. Winters fang it was called.

There was also these strange objects it seemed like they could be strapped to your wrist so that was what I did then when I flicked my wrist, out sprung two blades nearly chopping off my fingers. The blades seemed to do the opposite of every other blade in the cavern. Where every other blade seemed to turn blue in the light these blades seemed to suck the light out of the cavern.

"Come, I'll send Jory with a few loyal men to collect all this now grab your wolves and Thorin grab your raven we have to return. And Thorin go to your mother she was worried sick." I heard my fathers voice.

"Of course I'll go right away. Synin, Fenrir come." I called to the bird and wolf. I don't know where those names came from but they felt right. And so we exited the cavern.


So what do you think???