
Not So Secret Anymore

Neugdae was having a problem concentrating today and the reason for this being that he spent the entire night prior going through the laptop he nabbed from the Blood Syndicate. It is very clear the contents of the laptop didn't paint the full picture of the total operations of the Blood Syndicate. As he figured the leader(s) running the Blood Syndicate ran it like an actual organization with various operations running across different cities. It is also compartmentalized into branches that specialize in various things. For instance the branch Neugdae destroyed was basically its 'spying division.'

Other divisions would sometimes pop up in their records which kept the receipts of their operations. This is the part that made Neugdae slaughter every vampire in the building. It turns out the Blood Syndicate is involved in some really heinous criminal activities and from the looks of it the branch he took out might be one of if not the tamest of them all. You have divisions for such things as such as cyber crimes, assassinations, money laundering, racketeering and kidnapping that filter into human trafficking.

By the end of it Neugdae was ready to crack some skulls which is very inconvenient for him right now.

'I thought I left this crap behind in the states!'

Let the record show that Neugdae did not return to Korea with any ulterior motives besides getting his degree. It helped that when he first arrived the vampire situation was not even a fifth as bad as it currently is. Or maybe he just didn't want to acknowledge the growing problem lest it distracts him from what really matters. And yes he considers finishing university to be more important than playing vigilante.

Just then his attention is taken by one of his acquaintances approaching "hey Neugdae."


"Looks like you got another admirer looking to have a private talk with you."

Then he thumbed over his shoulder and who else would it be but Hwang Soyun? And as if her presence alone isn't concerning the determined yet serious expression she sported is groan-inducing.

'Something tells me I won't like this conversation.'

Packing his bags he walked out the room towards Soyun who opened her mouth to speak however he held up a hand "not here, follow me."

Neugdae kept walking whilst ignoring the gaze of his peers. This isn't the first time a female student approached him for a private conversation. It didn't happen too often but he has had women drum up the courage (or arrogance in one case) to ask him out. Considering he is currently single should say how their attempts turn out.

"You know there are easier ways to arrange for a meet up."

"I needed to speak with you."

"You could have sent a text."

"I don't have your number."

"So-Ra does."

"I didn't know."


"This works out better, if I asked So-Ra she would get the wrong idea and ask questions."

"As opposed to my classmates thinking you're a Hubae asking out her Sunbae?"

"I-it doesn't have to be that."

"This isn't the first time a girl has asked me for a private conversation as pretext for asking me out."

"Oh" Soyun winced before shaking her head "that doesn't matter right now. You were investigating the Noble Bloods before right?"

"What are you getting at Soyun?" he said with a serious expression.

"Whatever plans you have to fight against the Noble Bloods, I want in."

Neugdae did not even take a moment before he gave his reply "no."

"Wha-why not? I may not look it but I am really strong."

"I don't doubt that but you're making it sound like I'm some kind of vigilante taking the fight to the Noble Bloods."

"Aren't you?"

He looked her dead in the eye as he answered "no."

She didn't believe him "then why did you take out a vampire criminal organization?"

"I didn't, at best I took out a branch. In any case I didn't do what I did out of any desire to start a war with the Noble Bloods. The Blood Syndicate was a target of opportunity."

"So you're not going to fight them?"

"Look, I get why you expected me to be like that without context but let me be clear, I actually want to finish university. If you want to talk to someone about fighting the Noble Blood then talk to the priest."

"What about him Father Joseph?"

"Here's a better question, what happened to that talk the two of you were supposed to have?"

"…there was none."


"Last night the Noble Blood's men came to the church, to my home. One of them was…something else."

"How do you mean?"

"I only caught a glimpse of him but it was the first vampire that actually seemed dangerous to me."

"What did he look like?"

"He has blue hair and gold fangs."

"…damn that's the city's Noble Blood alright."

"Wait, he's the Noble Blood?"

"His name is Chong Ji-Hae and yes he's the Noble Blood of Gwangju."

"Seriously? But he looks like…"

"A deranged K-Pop idol?"

"…yes, he's not how I imagine a Noble Blood to look."

"Says the Pureblood masquerading as a plain twenty year old university student."

"…plain?" she muttered offended.

"We're getting off topic" he smoothly deflected "what happened with the priest?"

"Nothing" Soyun half growled "he didn't tell me anything. Even thought the Noble Blood came to our home he kept it a secret."

Neugdae almost pinched the bridge of his nose 'I think I see where this is going.'

"You really need to talk to the priest" he advised instead.

"Why? He's made his stance on my involvement pretty clear."

"I'm sure he has his reasons and I while I can make an educated guess you won't really know until you actually talk to the man. Take it as advice from your Sunbae."

Soyun still seemed unsure "he doesn't trust me."

'Okay time to take a different approach.'

"You know what you remind me of?"


"Me when I was a teenager."

"What are you trying to say?" she snapped.

"I've been in a similar situation before with my father. He's an overprotective parent who made several decisions that at the time made it seem like he didn't trust me. I was right in a way because to prove to him that I can take care of myself and be my own man I went behind his back and did things that ultimately blew up in my face."

Neugdae shook his head as the memories of teenage angst and ignorance resurfaced 'I swear looking back it's like my life was a terrible CW teen drama series.'

"Long story short I made things worse and looking back on it while my father shared some of the blame I realized that a lot of unnecessary pain could have been avoided if I'd simply talked to him. You don't want to look back on this moment in the future with regrets Soyun, trust me. There is too much at stake for you."

Soyun honestly didn't know what to think of Neugdae's words. On the one hand it sounds like reasonable advice that in hindsight should have been obvious but on the other hand

"He's very stubborn and I-"

"Soyun" he interrupted "I get that he's like your father figure and you've probably been following his lead for all your life but you are not a child. You are a twenty year old young adult capable of making your own decisions and he needs to recognize that. If he doesn't then that's something he needs to reconcile and if he can't do that well…then we can make plots behind his back."

Soyun blinked "I thought you didn't want to get involved?"

"I don't but you seem determined to protect your family and I am unfortunately not a heartless bastard who would ignore someone in desperate need of help. Plus we're friends and helping each other out is what friends do."

"Oh, wow um…" sputtered Soyun at a loss for words.

"Well don't look too surprised."

"I'm sorry it's just this conversation did not turn out the way I expected."

"Yeah I'd say we're past the point of derailment. So are you going to take my advice?"

"I'll talk to him tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Saturday."

"Yeah that's the point."

"I have homework."

She gave him a deadpan "really?"

"Priorities woman and I actually care about my school performance. How are your grades looking?"

She put a hand to her hip and leveled him with a raised eyebrow "I'm top of my class."

"…my point still stands" he defended "look I'll call you tomorrow if-uh when I have time" he corrected at the look she gave him.

She gave him a suspicious look but nodded "let's exchange numbers at least."

Later That Day…

Soyun had to cut her time with her friends short today under the pretext of a family emergency. Given that she used the same excuse the day before she expected Min-Son and So-Ra to be at the very least suspicious. Turns out she didn't give the two enough credit as they understood her situation skewed as it is. Still as she walked down the familiar streets she took note of the vampires still loitering about in the corners and rooftops. For some reason they are being a lot less subtle than before.

'Or maybe Sunbae killed the ones who usually spy on her.'

It still baffled her how she never once noticed she was being watched and it has made her borderline paranoid. Not for herself but for her family specifically Yu-Jin and Su-Yong. The vampires seem to only be watching for the time being. Soyun didn't know for what reason and she didn't want to provoke them into attacking without a plan. The only reason why she even allowed Yu-Jin and Su-Yong to go to school today is because for all his secrecy Father Joseph is also aware of them being watched and is still trying to continue on as usual.

It would have worked too if she already didn't know and the vampires weren't doing a poor job of concealing themselves either. Soyun is just hyper sensitive of any eyes on her today especially if it belonged to a vampire. Still to preserve the peace she continued on as if ignorant and entered her home.

"I'm home" she called out only to pause at the sight before her.

The living room is stripped of personal effects; a few boxes were on the ground and bags on the table.

"You're just in time" Father Joseph answered no longer wearing his usual priest attire but something more casual or dare she say tactical?

"What's going on?"

Her question was answered by and excited Su-Yong "father said he found us another place to live so we're packing tonight!"

That took Soyun off guard but she should have expected as much "really? So soon?"

He raised an eyebrow at that "weren't you the one who was always badgering me about moving out to somewhere more stable?"

"Well yeah but this is all so sudden."

"Not really. Ever since those thugs started harassing us on behalf of that company I've been looking into places to move. I was going tell you eventually but recent events moved up the timetable so you and the little ones will have to make do with this surprise."


"Father isn't telling us where we're moving" spoke Yu-Jin as he came out with his own bags.

"Are we moving tonight?"

"Of course not" Father Joseph answered.

"Who moves out of their house in the middle of the night?" questioned Yu-Jin with a quizzical expression.

"Probably people who are trying to be all sneaky like~" Su-Yong said with a sly grin.

"But why would Soyun think we're being sneaky?"

"That's a good question brother."

Then the two looked to their older sibling as one.

Now under the scrutiny of a pair of twelve year olds Soyun could admit to herself 'those two are too mature for their own good.'

Luckily Father Joseph is there to bail her out "that's enough you two, don't bully your sister."

'Why did he have to say it like that~' she whined with comical tears.

Hwang Soyun, twenty year old Pureblood vampire bullied by a pair of twelve year old children.

Sighing at the thought Soyun turned her attention to Father Joseph who was just finishing up dismissing the two hellions on some menial errands much to their despair.

He caught her staring and the question "something on your mind?"

Soyun wanted to say something however a subtle glance at where the twins disappeared off to had her reconsider.

"Did you already move the furniture from the rooftop balcony?"

"No we'll have the movers handle it tomorrow" he paused to go about another task with his back turned "besides I already locked the door."


"But I still have some stuff to get in my study and you're welcome to help out."

Under that pretext the two went to his private study which looked stripped bare. Soyun remembered there being personal effects as well as newspaper clippings and a small TV. None of that was currently present leaving the two of them in what was essentially an empty room save for the furniture.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

'Moment of truth'

Soyun stamped down on any hesitation or nervousness before speaking in a calm yet serious tone.

"I know about the Noble Blood."

Her words caused him to stiffen "what?"

"I know the Noble Blood visited you last night, I saw him on my way home."

"You…" he cut himself off as Soyun continued.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to trouble you with such a small thing."

"Small?" her fist curled "father there are vampires hiding outside our house watching us."

"You noticed? What am I saying? Of course you did."

"The better question is why you thought I wouldn't notice something so obviously suspicious. Like you suddenly deciding to give in to the demands of those thugs and move out."

Joseph walked to a corner of the room to his desk where he pulled out a bottle of scotch whiskey and a small glass.

"Since you found out there's no use keeping up the charade" he poured himself a glass "the situation's a lot more dire than I anticipated" he drained the entire glass in one go "the Noble Bloods have been spying on us for a while now. How long I have no idea but long enough to know our names, address and your school schedule."

He went to pour himself another when a slender hand stopped his hand mid motion to pour. Joseph turned to Soyun who has a grim expression on her face.

"I know" she said and the two words through the man for a loop mostly because of the expression.

"You know?" he repeated.

"I do."


"I found out yesterday from a…friend" she paused and gave him a pointed look "I found out a lot of things actually, like vampires not being the only creatures of myth that exist in the world" she said meaningfully.

Joseph took a moment to let her words sink in before he reared the bottle of scotch back and took a swig directly from the bottle. He got about a single gulp in before Soyun swiped the bottle away in the blink of an eye.

"It's bad enough you still smoke but I'd rather you not get back in the habit of drinking" she admonished capping the bottle.

"Who told you about the supernatural world?"

"That's not important."

"Soyun you don't-"

"What matters now is getting Su-Yong and Yu-Jin away from here" she interrupted looking the older man directly in the eye "after that we'll talk about our secrets."

Joseph held her gaze for a long time before he nodded "very well then."

Suddenly his gaze sharpened as he regarded the door. Soyun noticed it as well and her eyes narrowed. With a nod to Joseph she quickly yet silently appeared by the door and quickly opened it.


As soon as the door is open two rambunctious children tumbled into the room. As they got their bearings they soon realized the severity of the situation when the two adults loomed over them.

"Didn't I send you two to do some errands?" Joseph spoke with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately the two children stood at attention "we completed the task boss!" shouted Yu-Jin only to receive a dope slap from his sister "er, I mean father!"

Soyun and Joseph shared a look of exasperation though hers is more pronounced.

"So what were you two talking about?" Su-Yong spoke with an innocent expression but nether adult fell for it.

"Nothing" Soyun answered with a deadpan.

"It didn't sound like nothing" the child countered with a sharp look "and if it has something to do with moving then we have a right to know."

"Yeah!" Yu-Jin shouted in agreement.

"You two should learn to-"

"Does it have to do with you being a vampire?"

And just like that the entire room ground to a halt. Joseph and Soyun gave Yu-Jin wide eyed looks while Su-Yong did a face palm.

"W-what did you just say?" Soyun whispered in shock.

In response Yu-Jin slapped a hand over his mouth with an audible *smack* and a moment later another *smack* sounded as Su-Yong used her free hand to slap him upside the head.

"Yu-Jin you idiot that's supposed to be a secret!"

"Uh, oops."

Su-Yong gave a huff before looking at the two baffled adults.

"You knew?" Joseph asked breaking the interim of silence.

In response the young girl planted both hands on her hips and puffed out her chest "well duh of course we did."

"I mean it's pretty obvious" Yu-Jin scratched the back of his head.

Su-Yong began "you don't really eat…".

"You always go to the bathroom and throw up when you do…"

"We found bags of clotted animal blood in that secret compartment in the fridge you think we don't know about…"

As the twins listed the various evidences they have against her Soyun found herself mechanically opening the bottle of scotch she kept in hand.

"Also we saw your vampire form a couple times already…"

And that is the point where she knocked back the bottle.

~To Be Continued~

Up to 7 advance chapters available on my Pa treon, link is in the synopsis.

Streggaecreators' thoughts