


DUKE_7 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


NARRATION:- After the war the Gate is still there. Now at the assembly Rokudo is promoted to second lieutenant of special defence services (Part of army which fend off monsters,demon like creature).The Government decided to send the SDS to see what kind of world is next to the Gate? 

ROKUDO:- Why sending me there! I am no good in fend off enemies. I just want to play my favourite anime mochi mochi sister's game for whole day! But now I have to go inside the Gate. Why they want to know what is inside the Gate so badly. I think it's a bad dream(He pinch himself to find out it's hurt & now realised it all real)

NARRATION:- The whole SDS inside the Gate. Rokudo find out that the child he saved on that his mother & father are dead. Now everyone is ready to find out what is inside the Gate. This is the new world which is the dream of every weed/otaku. Rokudo seems happy.

ROKUDO:- Ohhhhhh yesssssssss! It is like dream come true. Now I have act like an senior. Everyone make the camps & secure that this place is save. *Everyone yes sir!*

Now let's see what's going on in this world. Oh wow what a beautiful view.

NARRATION:-  At kingdom of harmony they were behind the attack. Everyone are in tension that the army from the Gate is arriving. King August & all the nobles are there discussing what to do. At that the time he decided to make an alliance with all neighbouring kingdom to fend off the outsiders(refer to SDS) from the rising hill.

At that time SDS is fend off the soldiers from the kingdom. For SDS this is a child's play. With modern weaponaries every single one of them. This is an absolute wim for SDS at that time.