
The Wedding Planner's Romance

Marriage first. Then, love. Yun Shu is a wedding planner, who was busy planning others' weddings while having a nonexistent romantic life. Meanwhile, her grandmother was urging her to be in a relationship and get married fast. “Grandma, choosing a boyfriend is not as easy as choosing a cabbage.” This was how Yun Shu had answered when her grandma urged her to find a boyfriend again. Who would have thought that her grandmother would walk over to the handsome man at the vegetable aisle and introduce her as her granddaughter and that, she was looking for a boyfriend? Just like Yun Shu, Qi Zheng’s family was also urging him to get married fast. The next time he see her again, it was at a blind dating event. Qi Zheng had mistakenly thought that Yun Shu was a participant in this event as well. He walked over and directly asked, “Do you want to come with me and get a marriage certificate? Your grandmother would stop urging you to get a boyfriend, and I can stop my family from doing the same.” Yun Shu looked at the agreement in front of her and decided to sign it. The man looked at her signature and smiled. "Miss Yun, let's try to get along with each other within this one-year period." --- Slow romance. --- Entering WPC 299 - Contract Marriage --- Cover Illustration commission by kirinlukis 1. Loving You Too Much 2. True Love and Other Lies 3. A Lifetime with You 4. You're My Only Star 5. The Dragon Beside Me 6. Love So Sweet 7. Commander Qi's Runaway Wife 8. The Author Must Die

zetsubouaichan · 都市
353 Chs

Tricked Her into Marrying Me

Qi Xi Feng was furious.

Previously he had to ask for his friend's favor to let his grandson attend this blind date event. Of course, Qi Xi Feng would be embarrassed to hear that his grandson had escaped the event before it ended.

Qi Xi Feng did not ask for too much.

All he wanted was for Qi Zheng to attend the event and get to know one or two nice ladies. However, it seemed that his good intention was not appreciated.

"Grandpa, calm down," Qi Zheng spoke calmly. "There is a reason that I left early."

Qi Xi Feng shot his grandson a piercing look. "Don't tell me that the hospital called for an emergency. I called to check at the hospital. You did not return."

Qi Zheng was not surprised to hear that his grandfather would call the hospital. "It's not that." He picked up the book that his grandfather had thrown at him. Then, he walked in and waved his hand at his mother, motioning for her to come in as well.

"What's going on," Qi Zheng's father, Qi Zi Mo asked. He exchanged a look with his wife hoping to get an answer. However, it seemed that his wife did not know what was going on as well.

Qi Zheng sat down, facing his elders. He looked at his grandfather with a serious look on his face. "Grandpa, the reason I left before the event ended is that... I met someone at the event."

"What do you mean, you met someone?" Qi Zi Mo asked.

"It was a young lady..."

"A young lady?"

Qi Zheng was unable to finish his words as his father interrupted him again.

Seeing that his son had interrupted the conversation, Qi Xi Feng shot his son a fierce look and warned. "Stop interrupting his words. Let Qi Zheng finish what he wanted to say."

Qi Zheng took a deep breath before continuing. "I met this lady at the blind date event and thought that we both were compatible. The moment I met her, I didn't have the heart to meet another woman. This was the reason I left early."

The elders exchanged a look.

According to what Qi Zheng had said... could it be that he fell in love at first sight? They always thought that Qi Zheng was such a blockhead. Who knew that he can have a romantic side as well?

Feng Jia Li's eyes lit up. "Whose daughter is she? What is her name? What does she do? Is she pretty?"

Since this blind date event was organized by her father-in-law's friends, Feng Jia Li could guess that the ladies who attended this event should be someone from the upper class.

"Mom..." Qi Zheng heaved a long breath. "She's just an ordinary girl. The thing is, she is not a participant in the blind date event," Qi Zheng spoke carefully.

The elders exchanged another look.

"She is someone who worked for the event company," Qi Zheng explained. "She is just a nice girl who came from a normal family." Then, he looked at his grandfather. "But it is true that I met her at this blind date event."

Feng Jia Li glanced at her father-in-law and started to worry that he will scold her son again. "Actually, I don't care much about her family background. As long as she had a good personality and a clean background, everything is good. As long as she can get along with you well, Mom would not have any other demand."

Qi Zheng shot his mother a grateful look.

"Actually, I met Yun Shu before the blind date event," Qi Zheng said. "She came to the hospital and I was her doctor."

Qi Zheng decided to use the same story that Yun Shu had come up with.

"Later, I have a few chance encounter with her."

Of course, Qi Zheng was referring to his meeting at the market.

"When we met at the blind date event again, I had a feeling that the two of us are really suitable together. Later in the afternoon, I took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau and the two of us got a marriage certificate together."

By now, the elders were unable to hide their shock anymore.

Feng Jia Li thought that her son was joking. However, his expression did not show that he was joking.

"Are you serious?" Qi Xi Feng stared at his grandson with a fierce look.

A marriage certificate!

Who would thought that his grandson would get a marriage certificate?

Qi Xi Feng tried his best to calm down.

"Of course." Qi Zheng nodded. "I can show you my marriage certificate. You can also ask An Yu about this. He was presented at the Civil Affairs Bureau. So, Grandpa, you don't have to worry about me and my marriage anymore."

"Why so suddenly?" The grandson who had often made excuses when he asked to bring home a girl was now married. Qi Xi Feng could not help but thought that things shouldn't be that simple.

"I admit that this was all too sudden," Qi Zheng said. "However, Grandpa, I have thought things through. Although we did not know each other for too long, we both get along with each other well. I just thought that instead of going through the dating process, we could get married quickly."

"And that girl agreed?" Feng Jia Li was having a hard time believing that her son had gotten married just like that. A normal girl would think of her son as a freak, right?

"Of course, initially, she did not agree as well," Qi Zheng said. "I have to convince her to marry me. Mom, you can just think of it as if I have tricked her into marrying me. But it was hard for someone like me to find a person who I can get along with. Since we both hit it off, then, why not?"

Feng Jia Li wanted to scold her son for getting a certificate without consulting them first. However, her son was very good at talking and convincing them. He made them feel as if his decision was not rushed at all. In the end, she found that his words made sense, and just like that, her worry began to subside.

"Just now, I was having a meal with her elders," Qi Zheng continued. "They weren't very happy that we both decided to do things rashly. It took me a while to talk to them."

Qi Xi Feng continued to look at his grandson as he was trying to read his thought. After a while, he finally let out a long breath.

"Forget it," Qi Xi Feng said. "The two of you already got a certificate. What else can we say about it?"

Feng Jia Li heaved in relief upon seeing that her father-in-law was not going to blame her son.

"You should bring the lady home and let us look at her," Qi Xi Feng said.

"Grandpa, I know. I already planned to bring her home tomorrow and introduce her to you."

Thank you for your support~

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