
Chapter 3: Outbreak.

Orcs came out of the portal and they were charging toward the Candidates with clubs and axes in their hands. The Candidates started blasting their guns at the orcs' faces since it was the softest and the most effective way to deal with orcs.

The other orcs covered their heads with their hands and stopped the bullets. As soon as they covered their face, the rankers started dashing forward and used their swords, daggers, and spears to attack the orcs.

Everything was looking good even though more and more orcs came out of the portal. But it was the same for the rankers since reinforcements had arrived to stop the outbreak. More and more C-Rank Candidates came and slaughtered the orcs so easily.

Alseace was staring at them in the distance as the EXPs' feeds were flooding in front of his eyes. He watched as they worked together to kill the orcs even though they were just strangers to each other. A few men took the lead and they all listened to them because they all had the same goal.

While they were fighting the orcs, a giant axe was thrown from inside the portal and hit someone right on the body. His body got split in half when the axe got stuck on the wall, and everyone looked at the axe's blade which was as big as an adult man's body.

They were shocked and looked at the man's body slowly falling to the ground. Suddenly a giant leg came out of the portal, and it had a different color than the other orcs. The orc's skin was green, but this one was red with tribal tattoos on its calve and thigh.

"That's not a high orc..." The team leader said as he looked at how big the red orc was compared to the other orcs.

The red orc started to roar and shattered all the glass on the buildings around him. Everyone covered their ears and their whole bodies suddenly felt weak and trembled in fear. They fell down to their knees and had no strength to hold their weapons.

All the orcs laughed and started to kill those who got feared by the roar. Those who had just arrived weren't affected by the fear and immediately tried to save those who were on their knees. But suddenly the high orcs came out of the portals and charged at them with their axes and clubs.

High orcs were B Rank monsters, and they needed at least 5 A-Rankers to kill one of them. Looking at there were dozens of them, it would be impossible even if there were dozens of C-Rankers and a few B-Rankers.

Alseace watched in the distance as the Candidates were slaughtered and powerless against the high orcs. The red orc was staying still in front of the portal as if he was the leader of those orcs. He was watching with a big grin on his face, he was enjoying the screams of pain and the blood that was splattered on the walls and ground.

His phone vibrated, and when he looked at the notification, it was a warning of a portal outbreak. The Emissary had heard about the outbreak, and that meant the reinforcements were on their way there.

It didn't take long until a sports car stopped in the middle of the road near where Alseace was. It was Nero's car, and he came out of the car and removed his hat. He then grabbed his cane from the passenger seat, and then cast dozens of fireballs right behind him.

He fired those fireballs at the high orcs and exploded their heads so easily. He then flew with wind magic and landed right in the middle of the battle. He threw wind cutters and sliced the orcs into pieces so easily.

"An Orc General in a D-Rank portal? That's odd..." Nero said as he stared at the red orc who was shocked that his army got annihilated by a single man.

The Orc General roared again and put everyone into fear, but Nero was unaffected by it.

"You're so noisy as always..." Nero sighed and pointed his cane at the Orc General. He used earth magic and created giant earth spikes that came out from the ground and impaled the Orc General from the sides. "You're not supposed to be here, die..." Nero pushed his cane down. The earth spikes that impaled the Orc General started to create smaller earth spikes inside his body.

Everyone looked at the Orc General's dead body hanging above the ground. They were amazed and terrified at the same time by how strong Nero was. But they were glad that he came before things got worse, and people were saved because of him.

"22 Rankers died..." Nero counted the dead bodies that scattered on the ground. "Hmm? Were you here all long, Al?" Nero asked when he looked at Alseace among the other Candidates.

"Yes, I think I know why this happened because I was inside the portal before it happened," Alseace answered as he checked on Richard who was injured.

"Oh? Let's hear it once a representative from the Noble Guild and the Emissary arrived," Nero said.

Alseace nodded his head with understanding and then went to check everyone from his team from earlier. 4 of them died during the outbreak, and most of them were heavily injured after fighting with high orcs. They were quite lucky to be alive, and they felt guilty because the outbreak that happened was because of them.

Half an hour passed, and Ando came to the scene personally with his vice and the representative from the Emissary. Alseace and his team were summoned and asked for their explanation of how the outbreak happened.

They were surprised when they heard there was a second floor inside the dungeon. It was the first time they heard something like that happen and wondered what the second floor looked like.

"It's better if we seal this portal first and prevent anyone from entering. We need to investigate it further with the main team," Ando said to his vice with his arms crossed. "If an Orc General exists inside that dungeon, then an Orc Lord exists there as well," Ando continued with a serious expression.

"Then that dungeon is no longer a D-Rank, it has become an A-Rank portal and it's the first time ever to exist here," Nero looked at Ando with a concerned expression. "What if there's an Orc King inside as well, Ando?" Nero asked.

"I'm thinking about it. If Orc King is inside that dungeon, it's going to be an S-Rank dungeon. Looks like we are going to have a joint team again for this one. Let's inform the others about this," Ando looked at the portal that was still distorted.

They all nodded in agreement and then left after the Emissary and Ando's vice took over the scene. Alseace and his team decided to leave since they needed to appraise the Mana Crystal and sell it.

They went to Emissary headquarters and let the team leader deal with the process. It took half an hour until all the Mana Crystals had been verified by the Emissary. Although the Emissary offered to buy all the Mana Crystal from them, the team leader already knew someone who would pay high enough money for it.

"If my calculation is right, we can get around 400,000 with this many, and since there's only 16 of us left, everyone can get more than before," The team leader said, but his face was sour when he said that.

"Can I ask for my money in advance?" Alseace asked since he didn't want to waste his time following them to the buyer. He wanted to go home and take a shower.

"Even if you want it now, I don't have the money right now," The team leader said, and he looked confused.

"I don't need that much. I just need 5% of my share as per the deal that Richard said. If it's around 400,000 my share is 25,000 then I should get 1,250 from the total profit after deduction," Alseace answered.

They all looked at him with weird looks on their faces, but Richard told them it was how Alseace role every time. Since it was a good thing for them, they didn't complain and the team leader gave Alseace's share and transferred the money into his account.

Alseace thanked them for bringing him into the dungeon before he left the Emissary building. He then heard people making a commotion as soon as he went outside.

"Shit! Dude! That's Elenoir!" A man elbowed his friend as he looked at Elenoir getting out of her car.

Alseace looked at her and realized she was staring at him. The longer he looked at her, the more he realized that she was walking toward him.

"Miss Elenoir?" Alseace asked.

"You're free right?" Elenoir raised her right eyebrow. "Follow me," Elenoir turned around and walked away.

Alseace got up and became the center of attention because of Elenoir. He followed her from behind and ended up in her hypercar. Elenoir then drove the car and went past the Candidates that were watching him from earlier.

"You don't have to do this, Miss Elenoir. I'm honestly fine," Alseace smiled as he looked at the view.

"It's fine. I'm in a very bad mood right now and want to kill some monsters," Elenoir didn't show any expression, and focused on the road since she drove the car so fast.

Alseace didn't know what happened, but he had a hunch that it must have been because of the incident from earlier because he heard that there were Candidates from the Entity Guild that died during the outbreak. She also had been helping Alseace gain EXP in dungeons, and almost half the EXP he got was from her. Although Elenoir looked scary, she was actually just a person with a straightforward personality.

"We're here, let's go," Elenoir got out of the car as she sighed, and took her lightning sword that started sparkling.

"She's really pissed..." Alseace scratched the back of his hair as he got out of the car.
