
Chapter 9: Victory!

The crimson light of sunset faded from the land as Golgotha's shadows stretched long across the earth. Michael remained kneeling where he had witnessed redemption's bloody seals set in the living rock.

All lay silent now, but the breeze sighing through dry grasses and distant keening from the city. Michael bowed his head, processing awe and trauma that could never leave his soul. Though virtual, the cross's true meaning had seared into his being to transform all days hence.

As darkness gathered, calm footsteps drew near. Michael glanced up to see, in the deepening gloom, a grave, familiar figure regarding him with quiet empathy beyond words.

"Come," said Jesus gently. "Much remains to fulfill the scriptures this night."

Michael rose weakly and followed him down the hill. At its base, beloved disciples still lingered by the wooden corpses in stunned mourning. Jesus paused to comfort them tenderly before leading the way to a nearby garden beneath the weeping willows' veils.

Entering its verdant bowers, shadowy figures stirred from beneath boughs hanging low with grief. Mary Magdalene's anguished cries filled the air until Jesus drew near, laying a hand on her heaving shoulders. She peered up with streaming eyes and started back with a gasp.

Jesus gazed upon all assembled with compassion for their sorrow. "Peace be with you," he greeted them softly. "Why do doubts arise in your hearts? See, it is I in the flesh."

As he spoke, fresh wounds vanished before his astonished eyes. Mary reached out, trembling hands, to clasp his feet, overwhelmed. Jesus smiled and raised her gently. "Do not cling to me, but go tell my brothers to meet me in Galilee."

With those mysterious words, her tears turned to amazed joy. Jesus began departing as dawn's first rays filtered through the bowers. Michael hurried after, still reeling from the resurrected Lord appearing before mortal eyes once more. What more mysteries will be revealed this night?

Catching Michael's questioning gaze, Jesus lowered his voice. "Come, walk with me through the valley yet. Darkness endures there still within those who rejected the light, yet greater works shall they see tonight."

Renewed purpose lit his countenance as they stole from the garden toward the city. Whatever trials remained, the hour was here for a final victory over death and hell itself.

Dawn paled the eastern hills as two figures entered Jerusalem's walls. Many still mourned or slumbered within sheltering homes, unaware the world had altered in the black hours since sunset. Jesus and Michael wound through shadowy streets toward the dwelling where the Last Supper was shared.

Softly, Jesus pushed open the bolted door, and within, the disciples huddled fearfully amid bolted furniture. Their pale, drawn faces jerked up at the intrusion, hands flying to concealed daggers.

But recognition and wonder dawned as Jesus stood calmly before them. "Why do you shrink from me in fear?" he asked gently. "See, it is I. Touch and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see I have."

As he spoke, fresh scars vanished before his incredulous eyes. Joy, sorrow, and wonder gripped each soul there at once as Christ revealed His triumphal return among them. Doubts fell away like scales, revealing a reality too glorious for mortal minds to grasp alone.

Thomas sank to his knees, tears welling. "My Lord and my God!"

Jesus smiled graciously. "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

His work here was complete, and he made his way to their locked chamber. But turning at the threshold, Jesus laid a hand gently on Michael's shoulder. "Come, one task remains until we return to the Father. Through it, all authority shall be given in heaven and earth."

With those cryptic words, he walked out into the dawn, Michael following with renewed purpose. Whatever the hour demanded, through Christ, all things were made new under God's eternal skies.

“Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 2:15)

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