
The way it rained

They called her a dreamer ,she was a queen who reincarnated and lost memories of her past life meanwhile he is Lord of Blades who killed himself so that he can take rebirth and find her again , he remembered everything , he made her fall in love again if you are a person who likes fantasy with cheesiness,salt , spice and sugar than this is for you

Ash_5303 · ファンタジー
9 Chs



*She wasn't able to sleep as she wanted to see the stars so she decided to go see the stars from a telescope but then felt she doesn't have the energy to wear that gown again * * she thought for a while then quarrelled with her brain..... "Should I go? ... Mhm, I am not in the mood to wear a gown again... Then why not go in a night suit....? Hmm is it too sassy? Anyway, other people would be sleeping right now it's 00:30 "* * well she was wearing a long lace mesh nightgown which was white ( Just use Pinterest to search that drees)( it was a little bit transparent but don't worry parts weren't visible ) •-• anyway she was looking damn sassy..... * she at last thought " let's go " *she wore a long white long lace robe then She started putting knives in the pocket of her robe (pockets were located at the sides ) and took a notebook which had white fur lacing * * then she moved outside with a magical fire lantern *

*she entered the library and walked to the roof for seeing stars from the telescope

But she missed noticing someone in the dark, it was Lawliet waiting for her...

She got to the telescope, kept the lantern aside, sat, and opened her notebook which had beautiful paintings and sketches of planets, stars and constellations with full information, she then noticed the telescope had gold carvings of roses, and after it, she opened her robe as it was uncomfortable to wear and thought no one was there ^-^ *

*they didn't have phones but instead, they had magical letters in which you can post anything

*she was so lost in the stars that she didn't notice Lawliet coming from back... Until he stepped on a dry leaf * * Hairaeth quickly reacted by taking the knife from her robe pocket and moving back while keeping one foot on the seat for a second...knife was on his neck...

Now Lawliet was lost in her beauty, he was looking at her fair lean beauty, open dark brown hairs, chocolate-coloured eyes and Smooth skin... He said "It's me, Princess "

After she realised it was Lawliet she took her foot back and wore her white lace robe back.

" well you still look the same " answered him.... in a warm voice

She said, "What are you here for?"

"I guess the same thing you are here for "

"The Leonids? Meteor shower? Which occurs once in 33 years "

She asked, "So you know about it?"

"That should be my question " answered he

Hairaeth- "That's nice... You are the first person other than my dad who knows about it "

Lawliet - "And you are the person other than my teacher who is interested in this "

Hairaeth - "Why not? "

" it will start in half an hour "

Lawliet -" will you like to sleep under the stars? "

*Hairaeth starred at him and said if possible then yes *

Lawliet - " ok, then follow me "

*he took her to his other room... It was a galaxy-themed room..... There were crystals of pink and blue colour at the side..... The roof was magical (the glass can appear and vanish ) and the platform bed with Sloane headrest was having a warm galaxy-designed blanket, there was also a crystal shiny bed table on which the telescope was kept * then lawliet said "Open your robe " while giving her long faux fur coat of black colour then he turned his back towards her and said "tell me when you do it " he was still able to see her shadow as the candle was kept in the opposite direction

.... "

She answered "Done, well seems like someone has a Good fashion sense "

Then he turned back to her and answered "Seems like someone is impressed " * then moved his hands towards her stomach and had his hands behind her back... Wrapping her stomach... She also wrapped her hands around his shoulders... Their chests were touching so he was able to feel her fast heartbeats..... She lifted a bit upwards using her toes and then kissed him..... Then opened that wrap in a hurry and turned back ..... He held her left hand and then drew her back near him while opening her robe saying "Where do you think you are going, Princess? " *he grabbed her chin...lifted her face upwards, leaned down to her and kissed her on the neck ..... And bitted there softly at the side of the nightgown strap... She had a current pass through her body but also a relief feeling like she was in the arms of the person whom she knew from the past life..... Like the right arm... Like the person who will never try to hurt her... Then she automatically signed in a low voice" Haah..... "

Then she continued "Meteor shower has started "* he picked her up and laid her on the right side bed then got to the left side and laid down..... She said "The moon is beautiful. Isn't it?"

He answered "Not better than you... it still has spots "

She continued "Isn't it what makes you beautiful? " "Pain, suffering, struggle ?"

He looked towards her and said "Yes, capability to live in that pain "

Then she asked "

So why did the prince kill himself after the Queen of Hringkalla died? I have heard he was fearless. Then Why did he stop smiling? Why did he become cold? "

He was silent... She held his hands then he answered "Cause I think that would give him another chance to meet the princess" * he saw that she had fainted....he sat up.... held her close and saw the meteor shower saying " I don't care about past life but I will surely save you in this life... Even If I have to burn the whole kingdom for you then I will do it....*

*he then closed his eyes... Tucked her in a blanket and slept while holding her thinking how she could ask a question like this in the middle of the night?... Was it a coincidence or she remembered her past life?.... Well, my past life is nothing more than a memory to me... I will make sure I protect the ones I love in this life... *
