
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · ファンタジー
27 Chs


Your POV.

Black surrounds me. I can hear someone talking but i can't stop seeing black. Whats going on... I listen to what i think is the Doctors taking to Midoriya?

"Has she woken up yet? Or shown any signs of waking up" deku says panicked

"I'm afraid not Sir. Honestly we don't know if or when she'll wake up". The doctor tells him.

Wait i am awake!! I can hear everything your saying but i can't see. I try and say. But can't. It's like i'm frozen. No way of opening my eyes and stop seeing darkness. (Fun fact about y/n your terrified of the dark. When ever your faced with black you go into panic mode and have a panic attack.)  Not knowing when i'll wake up. Wait what day is it. I start thinking.

A few days go by, I am finally start to open my eyes..I start to wake up hearing muffled voices and a bright light above me. "Damnit not again" i say loud enough for Deku to hear me. He rushes over to my side and gives me a big bear hug and practically squeezes me to death.

"MIDORIYA!!! Y-YOUR CRUSHI- ME, CANT BREATH.!" you try and say

"Oh sorry y/n. You've just been passed out for four and a half days. We were so worried." he says panicked. So it's Sunday i question myself. I don't even know what day it was before i passed out.

"We??" i questioned him

"Mhm!! Me, Shoto, Mina, Flora, even bakugo. And after you battled Hawks he even flew you here!!" midoriya says amazed

"I blacked out....i don't even remembered what happen....the last thing i remember was going up to battle Hawks. And now i'm here."

As i say that someone walks in the room with food and (favorite flower). Oh it's Hawks.... "Oh hey kid. I brought you flowers and f/f (favorite food). I practically begged and begged Mina your friend Flora and Deku to tell me what to bring you. Lucky Flora knew what you liked. She said f/f and f/f (food and flower). So here ya go" he says all chipper

"Midoriya. Why is hawks here." i whispered to him As i stare at Hawks with a confused face. 'I literally have no idea what i've missed' i think to myself.

"Oh yea he would come whenever he wasn't doing hero work. He felt really bad that you passed out so he's been checking up on you" he whispers back

"Hey kid!" He says trying to get my attention. He starts to walk up to me and gives me the food and flowers as i thank him he gives me an a nice restasuring hug. I felt.....safe when he hugged me. What am i feeling. I feel my face redden up when he hugs me.

"Ow!! Yes i'm awake. Why does everyone seem surprised! It's normal to wake up. You guys are acting like you thought i was in a coma or some shit" I lied in hopes they didn't know i was listening to there conversation. I sorta felt bad for listing to everyone's convos while i was just laying here. Sleeping? i think i was doing. I heard all kinds of Gossip. From Mina cheatin on flora. To flora beating minas ass. Kinda wanted to see mot gonna lie... I also heard Katsuki come in every day and stay for a while. Just watching me. So did Hawks. I think they argued about something but i was actually half asleep so i didn't hear what it was about. All i heard was Katsuki yelling at hawks telling him he's doesn't need to be here everyday because im not his girlfriend... Well he didn't need to be here either. He wasn't my boyfriend anymore. I also heard we're doing out finallys soon soooo i really need to leave this place to go and study.

"Well that's what we thought happen. You had been knocked out for days kid. No one thought you would wake up. The doctors said they didn't know when or even if you would wake up." As Hawks says that someone else rushes in.

"Oi your awake dumbass. Didn't think you would wake up this early."Bakugo says walking in mocking me.

"You know i can kick you out any time i please. One stop being an ass two stop calling me names. Three STOP TALKING DOWN ON ME!! IM SOOO SORRY I WAS SUCH A BURDEN WHILE I WAS IN A SMALL KOMA. IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU DOING THIS TO ME" I yell on the break of tears "AND DO I NEED TO REMIND YOU, THAT IS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS WE BROKE UP!! I GET YOU WANT TO BE STRONGER THAN ME BUT NEWS FLASH OUR POWER IS ALMOST EVEN!" i continue yelling hoping to get threw to him. "So please unless your hear to apologize... Get out" i tell with tears in my eyes.

He comes up to me and hugs me. Which shocked the fuck out of me. I just stared at Midoriya. God sometimes he can be sweet. I hugged him back and cried in his shoulder. I don't know what gotten into me but i just cried and he just....hugged me. He finally lets me out of the hug as i stop crying as he says "I'm sorry i hurt you." with sadness in his voice and with that he left.

"What just happen? " i asked still trying to process what happen."I think Kachan said sorry." Midoriya says shocked like me

Hawks comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You know kid if your gonna miss our lunch date then you should at least tell me" he says with a cocky smirk

I look at Deku who was just standing there blushing like a madman. haha "Midoriya it was just because he felt bad for what happen with Bakugo. It's just a friendly date like for friends" I smile at him. Not showing it but my heart dropped when i said "friendly date". After i said that i remember the dream i had. I start to blush and i blushed hard. Just then Flora walks in and sees me blushing. She just started laughing at me. I don't know why it's not like she can read my mind. Though she is pretty good at reading me. I'm like an open book.

~couple hours skip~

"Ahhhhh feels good to be out of the hospital. So Hawks, Midoriya. Whatcha wanna do?"

"Oh well uh i actually have a d-date with shoto." He says blushing and acting shy.

"Ohhhhh Dekuuuu you have a date!! and didn't tell me.  Ugh now i'm upset *pouts*. You better tell me everything about it." I wink at him He starts waking away and i yell "DONT FORGET THE RUBBER!" I stick out my tongue.  

He turns around and blushes even harder and gives me that "i'm gonna kill you" look.  "Ahahahahaha im kidding go have fun tell me about it tomorrow at lunch ok!?" With that he left.

"Well chickadee i'm still here. Anything special ya wanna do?" he says in his cocky tone

I look at him "Yea actually but i can't do it right now so i'll just wait" I say walking away waving at him. I could tell that made him flustered. "He-hey kid wait up, why don't we go eat since you know you owe me now".

I stop dead in my tracks "Only if you're paying, not  like i have money"."Deal" He walks over to me and quickly picks me up bridal style and flys off. The sun started setting and you could see the sunset. Filled with orange pinks purple reds and yellows. It was beautiful

"DAMNIT HAWKS I TOLD YOU TO WORN ME NEXT TIME YOU DO THIS!!" i said putting my head in the crook of his neck (idk if i explained that right...) he just chucked and continued to fly. "Hey wait where are we going?" i questioned him.

"You'll see" he says with a evil smile. Suddenly i feel scared. (not literally like happy scared get it 😂)