
The water mistress (Pokemon fic)

quiet, yet talented, she only wishes to master the water type in it's entirety and travel the world to explore all it has to offer!

Ttrion · ゲーム
7 Chs

Chapter 3

Yes ,hello everyone! Lia here!

It's been two more years , which means I am 5 now and it's time for trainer research!

I am currently in my room and there is a computer in mom's room close by so if I just sneaks in there and open the computer then I can search up whatever info I need.

Me and Misty were given seperate rooms just a while ago so i don't need to worry about her and can just go.

I leave the room, go to the right and ... Almost immediately come face to face with a wild Misty who asks me, " hey! You are up, wanna play!"

I just continue on to my destination, it's probably rude of me but not much else I can do when I can't speak much, Misty is used to this so she just follows me to see what I am up to.

"Are you going to mama's room? Why though? Mama is at the gym you know" , i just open the door and point at the computer in the corner of the room.

She still looks confused at that, then I go stand on the chair and turn on the pc, she follows after me, i start searching stuff up without a word

The topics I search include things like how to become a trainer, feeding snorlax(if I know how to feed that then i know how to feed everything else) , gyms , regional starters, moves , evolution items , water type Pokemon and related things. Misty gets bored in the middle and leaves, understandable.

The conclusion of my search was, to become a trainer you need to undergo a region wide trainer test at minimum the age of 10, the top 3 are allowed to get a starter from the professor, everyone else gets the right to own any number of Pokemon but need to acquire said Pokemon on their own, usually given by their family. Everyone has the right to own Pokemon but only trainers can own more than 3 if it's not for a business.

The ones getting a regional started also have the option of being sponsored by the professor.

It's for 10 year olds so it shouldn't be too difficult but would mainly test knowledge on pokemon, i am not worried about that, but you can only give the test in your home region, in my case kanto and thus, only acquire the regional starters of that region outside of exceptional circumstances, so no swampert or empoleon or greninja for me.

That explains how ash passed the test despite being an utter moron in the start of the series, since it was easy, i don't think he would get top 3 though so why would oak show him the regional starters before giving him Pikachu? Was he messing with him? Fair enough I guess.

Next, moving between regions , it's possible to move between kanto and johto freely since they are officially United as indigo, to go to hoenn or sinnoh, for regular people they need to get through paperwork before entering the region, in case of trainers , their trainer card acts like a pass so no issues should be encountered there.

Since I am the daughter of one of the kanto gym leaders I can't participate in the kanto circuit, they didn't say anything about the johto circuit though.

Kanto, johto , hoenn and sinnoh seem to be relatively close by and in some sort of alliance but I didn't see any mentions of places like alola, kalos , paldea and so on, will they be 'discovered' later?

Pokemon are divided based on strength as follows- 0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8 badge level, ace level, leader level, elite level , champion level, for a total of 13 ranks.

Champions usually have a few champion level Pokemon and the rest of their team being elite level.

All 4 regions seems to have about 8 major gyms and 4 minor ones, the minor ones all can be challenged whenever no matter how many badges you have and usually give a 2-5 badge level challenge.

for the major gyms, they are divided into 2 blocks, the early and the late, the early gyms cater to 1-4 badge challenges and the late ones 5-8 badge challenges, so long as I follow the early-late division I can challenge the gyms in any order I want.

You can participate in the conference the conference by acquiring 8 badges from any combination of major and minor gyms but to be classified as an ace trainer you need to acquire all 8 major gyms badges, you can only challenge the elite 4 and champion if you are classified as a champion and come top 3 in the conference.

Being an ace trainer gives just a few benefits that regular trainers don't get, like regular trainers only get free stay in Pokemon centers for a week straight but ace trainers can stay for a month, i could ask to have my carry limit extended, and some other stuff, aside from this it's simply a point of prestige.

Food ... is not an issue, grass+ground type Pokemon= agricultural boom, who knew, miltanks for delicious milk, berries that naturally grow in weeks, this means most of the population are vegetarian, meat eaters do exist and there is a meat industry though it is small, tauros and magikarp meat is used.

This also makes food cheap which works for me.

Most importantly, I didn't look up all the evolutions I knew and realised that people didn't know how to make them!

People know slowing is a evolution of slowpoke but most don't know how to make it evolve into slowing!

Most people don't even know feebas and milotic are related and think that milotic is a super rare standalone Pokemon.

Some people are probably aware of it but are not publicizing it, this also means that I can't get myself a milotic for a starter, mom will probably give us the progeny of her own Pokemon and i doubt she has a milotic.

Well, I can get myself one later along with a gyarados! No biggie.

Anyway my research is done so time to super stealthily close the computer and leave the room.

I open the door and ... there is mom behind the door, I think I stayed in there for too long, curse my addic- interest I mean interest in the inte- pokenet!

"Hello there lia, what are you doing in my room? Misty said that you went and turned on the computer for some reason", she said while picking me up, so Misty is the reason for my failed stealth, the traitor, the audacity!

"Say something lia"

"Research", i replied plainly and mama tilted her head curiously at that

"About what?", she asked me to elaborate so i just added in a very descriptive manner," trainer"

"Was my lia searching up famous trainers? Like the elite 4 or champion? Or maybe you were searching up mama" , i shook my head to say no to all of that.

"What were you researching then? Oh whatever, I will just search it myself", she said that and went to the computer and placed me on her lap.

She turned on the computer then opened the history, damn so my stealth mission was doomed to failure from the beginning , i overlooked deleting my history!

"Oh, water Pokemon, Pokemon food prices, gym challenge rules... You sure did some detailed research didn't you lia? I didn't think any child your age would think of much in this regard beyond wanting to be a trainer's", she said that last part in a mutter though I still caught it thanks to being so close to her.

"Do you want to be the next cerulean gym leader lia?" , she asked that with something akin to expectation in her eyes but I would have to disappoint her here

"No, explore, travel", i quickly shook my head to say no while saying that, tying myself down to a gym when there is a while world for me to explore is a non option, I can't stop the trickle of guilt in my heart though when I see her looking a tad sad and melancholic at that.

"Maybe Misty?" , i say with a questioning tone, I think she was the one who was most into the whole gym thing in the anime, she looks curious at that, I can still help both of them...once i am old enough at least,"can help...if needed"

She hums in thought at that and we quietly stay as we are for a bit.


Mary waterflower pov


Lia has always been much more mature than Misty for some reason , I always put it up to her ability but never even expected said her to be doing proper research for what she wants to do in the future.

My illness is not getting better anytime soon, in fact, it's only been getting worse lately.

I have told Daisy about this about it and am thinking of telling violet and lily too despite them being younger, since it is Just that important.

First, my husband leaves us behind due to trying chart ways to new regions in his gyarados, we haven't heard from since a few days after he left and he is presumed dead, now I have to leave my daughters behind due to an illness.

This is likely what made Daisy stop going around the contests in hoenn and go for the major gym circuit in johto instead, we need to attend least an ace trainer at the head of the gym if we don't want to tarnish the name of the cerulean gym or even risk losing it, though the latter is rather unlikely unless we mess up really really bad.

Violet and lily are likely going for a combination of the major minor gyms.

My children's happiness is important to me but so is the gym, It has been in the family for a long time now after all, well if my children don't want the gym then that is fine I wish for them to prioritise their own happiness over a position.

I hoped that either of my 3 oldest would be as into training Pokemon as me but they enjoy performances instead, my youngest who does seem like she would like training Pokemon would rather be traveling the world instead, it's what they want though so it's fine.

Maybe Misty would be more interested in becoming gym leader?

Is she mature enough to decide what she wants for herself though?

I can probably hold out for 4-5 more years so I can ask her when they are seven.

Then depending on the answer, teach them, how to train , take care of and handle Pokemon.

I could probably start teaching lia right now but that would be unfair to Misty, not to mention they are a tad too young to be helping around the gym.


Pov over
