
8. Sasha and Ivy

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77, TALOS X Stryker, Gojirafan1954 for the comment.

Sasha walked into her home, after finishing school. As she entered the living room her parents were standing there arms folded, giving looks of disappointment and anger.

"What?," Sasha said going through her phone.

"Don't you give us that WHAT nonsense!" Her father glared, pointing towards the couch."Sit down!"

Sasha rolled her eyes, letting out an annoy long groan of frustration, as she threw herself down on the couch. "Happy!?"

"You watch your tone, girl!" Her mother glared. "So anything you want to tell us?"


"REALLY!?" her daughter, raised an eyebrow "So the call, we got about you, pulling water balloons in some kid's locket, was nothing."

"That wasn't me!" Sasha shot back, defensively. "That was Maggie. She framed me."

"Ohhh..." He replied with sarcasm, "It was Maggie? I'm sick of you lying to us. Every DAMN time, you blame someone else!"

"Okay! That was one time, one time I blame Anne. But I'm serious. I'm telling the truth." Sasha screamed, then mumble under her breath. "Not that you'll believe me anyway."

"What was that!"


"Hey, get up..." Sasha groaned, using a blanket to cover her face, waving at the noise to go away.

"Fi... Five... More minutes..." She mumbled under her breath, she felt the blanket being yanked away. A flash of the sun's light coming from the window shine directly into her eyes.

"Get up, you're burning daylight."

Sasha rubbed her eyes, yawning, stretching her arms and glared at who woke her up. "What's your problem?!"

Hop Pop groaned he wasn't ready for this. "It's 10:00." He folded his arms, "Everyone is up, and finished their chores, so get to it. A house is like a ship, it can only sail if everyone does there part." Sasha mumbled under her breath, Hop Pop raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"

"Nothing." She replied, rather rudely, as she looked around the room, "Where's Anne and Marcy?"

"Outside, playing with Sprig and Polly."

"What?!" Sasha stood up, her voice filled anger, her eye twitched in rage. "They left without me?"

"They finished up their chores hours ago." Hop Pop explained, confused by the girl's outbursted. "They waited around for an hour, but eventually they gave in to Sprig and Polly. Now get up your breakfast is getting cold."

Sasha groaned, and reluctantly made her way upstairs. She was having burning resentment towards her friends. How dare they have fun of their own and with the twerps no less. She forced herself to eat, the bitterness of Hop Pop cooking. She rolled her eyes, why can't Anne cook... She'll probably make this crap taste somewhat good. While she ate the old frog made himself some tea and sat down beside her.

"You're not use to waking up this early?" He asked, as he blew on his tea, and took a sip. "Those time work different in your world?"

"No," She said bitterly, she hated when adults do this... her parents, her teachers... This whole act of trying to get you, to talk, she hated it. She was still waking up, and didn't want to talk, especially not to this old fart. "I'm just no use to farm work. Kids don't go through any of this back home... Well most of us don't."

Hop Pop nodded, understandingly, although annoyed with the girl's tone. "I do appreciated the help. Extra hands gets the job done sooner...And gets more crops done."

"Yeah, whatever..." Sasha rolled her eyes, and walked towards the kitchen to wash her dish. "So... I can leave... Now?" She smiled and asked politely... Giving puppy dog eyes that worked on some adults back home.

"After, you finished with the windows. We may have the day off the farm, but there still work to be done" Hop Pop said, taking another sip. "Sasha, if there anything... I can do that will make your time here more comfortable, then I'll try to help. Although I can't offer much... We don't have any of that strange stuff on your magic talking box."

"It's called a phone." Sasha replied.

"However, I do want you to feel like this is a home, and not just a place to stay."

Sasha was working on the windows as the old frog talked, she was annoyed and found it pointless. She doesn't belong here, working like a slave, eating bugs. It was annoying that Anne and Marcy were having fun. Why bother she thought, they're just frogs, they don't matter. Plus why get attached to this place. When they would be hopefully going home soon.

"Sasha... I know this place... Isn't ideal... Strange even... But..."

"You're doing your best," Sasha gave a fake smile, as she cleaned the windows. She begrudgingly accepted that she was going to be here for awhile. She wanted to pretend to get on his good side. Just like Anne's parents, she saw some kindhearted person she could trick by pretending to be sweet and innocent. Plus, she thought just like her parents, she didn't believe he was genuine."But... this Isn't my home! I know you can't wait to have this waste of space gone."

Hop Pop was shocked by her sudden outburst, there was awkward silence for a few moments, before Hop Pop was the first to speak... "Sasha, I don't think of you like that." He walked over to her and touched her shoulder. "Sure there's times where you drive me crazy... But I will never think of you like that. I'm sure you're going through plenty of worried, about everything. So don't let this trouble you as well."

"Thanks... I guess," She rolled her eyes, as she finished cleaning the windows. "I'm done! Can I go out now? Please?"

"You may."

The young girl made her away into town, trying to find her friends. She was going to give them a piece of her mind. Also wants with the old man? She wasn't his kid. Or... Sasha smiled... She could take advantage of that. She was roaming around the small town for about half-hour, she walked pasted the town founder stage three times. But still she hasn't saw a glince of Anne or Marcy or even the twerps. Her attention was soon drawn to something nearby.

A group of amphibian walked by, starring at her. Her breathing was slowly calmed, but her thoughts were not. It was stares her parents would give, or teachers, or looks people gave when she acted out. She didn't like it at all. It felt like she was on stage and the whole world was watching her. She was already upset enough that Anne and Marcy were fall having fun with the brats.

"I... It's the monster..."

"I heard... It's eats pollywog."

"Well... I heard they suck out your soul.."

"You're both wrong, it's clearly a poor deformed frog. The poor sweet child."

"Mommy, I want to see the monster."

"They're monsters alright. Children of the Dark Lord The Night himself. Foolish Hopadiah, he'll get this entire town killed." Monroe said.

The panic rapidly crept itself back in again and seeing all the pointing fingers and whispering, Sasha did the first thing her mind thought of; she glared back. "I can hear, you!" Sasha exclaimed, all the frog immediately bolted out of there, running in different directions, screaming.

Sasha tried to calm herself down, she didn't like this at all. Everyone here thinks she a freak, on top of that, she hadn't shower in days, being reduce to using a lake to clean herself. Plus now her friends were having fun without her... How dare they. She walked into the forest and starred punching a tree in frustrating.

"That stupid boomer, and his cooking, and his smelly house! Stupid frog boy, thinks he can steal my friends away! How dare Anne, and Marcy, have fun without me!" Again and again she let her frustration out. Repeatedly striking the tree, and let out a scream.

"You know," Sasha turned around and saw a small yellow frog girl with two visible tufts of orange hair. Wearing a turquoise hat with ragged patches, frayed overalls. "You're just going to hurt your hand."

"Thanks... " Sasha returned to punching the tree. "For the advise twerp."

The frog girl's eyes lit up in amusement, "Oh, you must be one of those ugly creatures, that lives with Sprig. Names Ivy."

"Uhh... Thanks," Sasha said, not meeting the girl's eyes, as she picked up a rock and threw it in a nearby pond. "How, do you know about us?

"You're the talk of Wartwood." Ivy hopped, with a front flip for style, onto a snapped log.

"Great..." Sasha scoffed, throwing another rock in the stream. "Everyone talking about how weird we are?"

"Yeah," Ivy shrugged with a laugh, waving the thought away. "But I don't pay much attention to that."

"Really?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl with a puzzled looked. "Aren't you worried I'll eat you? Or steal your soul? Or drink your blood? Or whatever dumb thing you frogs think we do."

"Well... I know a thing or two... about fighting." Ivy said proudly, pointing a thumb in her face. "So I could proudly take you on. Even if you're a monster. So I either meet someone new or fight a monster. Either way sounds fun to me."

Sasha chuckled a little, "You seem pretty confident for a kid."

"Well I did get first place in track events, and I'm pretty good figher." Ivy folded her arms with pride. "Plus when the Flours came by the another day, Maddie was telling me all about this Mary girl... And I was like no way, and she was all yes way. And I want to befriend one of these 'monster' to." Ivy was hoping around, Sasha was reminded of Sprig with how annoy and hyper the kid is.

"I just want to be left alone."

"Well... That's cool to I guess," She shrugged, with a smiled. "Hey were are your other friends?"

"They ditch me and ran off to have fun without me!" Sasha didn't known why she was telling her this. "Can you believe that!" Ivy looked sad looking down at her feet. Great, Sasha didn't want sympathetic from a frog. How pathetic is that?

"Sorry..." Ivy said, but jumped up, "So why don't we go have fun together instead?"

Sasha looked puzzled, really this kid wanted to play with her. Perfect she could use another person to do what she wants. "Want kind of fun?"

"Tongue Tag!"

"Whats Ton..." Sasha found the answer to her question, as she suddenly knocked to the ground, by a tongue. Ivy was hoping away deep into the forest laughing. "What the heck!?" Sasha yelled, before she ran after her. She founded her surrounded by large trees that all looked the same.

"Urrggghh! Where are you, you little..." Sasha was knocked to the ground by Ivy, who let out a battle cry as she jumped out of a tree.

"Hahaha to slow?" Ivy and was leaping away, doing backflips. Sasha immediately ran to catch her, but she dodge out of the way ever time.

"WHAT!?" She attempted to make a grabbed again but Ivy just hopped out of the way with a small smile on her face. She leap again and landed on Sasha's head, poking her forehand.

"Got you again?" Ivy grinned.

Sasha reached up towards her head, grabbing Ivy around the belly with both hands. "Got you, HA!" Sasha was once again hit in the face by tongue. "Gross!" The girl exclaimed, and let go of Ivy. She looked up and saw Ivy giggling. "Ohhh... You asked for it!" She leap towards Ivy, only for the frog girl to jump out of the way, making Sasha land face first in dirt. She wiped away the dirt and try make another go at Ivy. Who just jump out of the way and into a tree, Sasha grinned a tossed a mud ball. Only for Ivy to jump out of the way, Sasha attempted again and again, but Ivy continuing jumping from breach to breach.

Sasha was getting more angry as she continuing missing, but for some reason. Seeing Ivy laugh everytime she missed, made her smile. "Alright, kid! I'm done playing around." She flashed a smile.

"Well... Bring it. Hahaha. Umm... wait!?" Something from nearby by brush caught the young frog girl's attention. Sasha didn't hear it, and was able to hit Ivy, making her loses her balance. Sasha immediately jumped forward and caught Ivy in her arms, and poke her forehand.

"Got you! HA!" Sasha smiled, then saw Ivy's concerned look. "What!" Ivy jumped out of Sasha's arms, picking up a nearby stick and starred at the shaking brushes.

"If I say, run. You run. Got it?"

"What?" Sasha looked at the shaking brush, taking a slight step back. She starred at the frog girl, there was no way she was sticking around if things were dangerous. They both starred intensity, Ivy was on guard. When suddenly a small blue poke a dot rabbit like creature jump out. They both look a breathe of relief and smile at the creature when it was immediately devour by purple wolf like creature with two tails.

"RUN!" They took off running back towards town, as the hungry animal began chasing after them as well. Sasha was really wishing she was frog right now, as Ivy was leaping further and further away. Sasha was running as fast as she could, she made a mistaken of looking behind her, causing her to stumble over a tree root.

"Ahhhhh!" Sasha cursed as she toppled over, looking behind her to see the creature's eyes were just inches away from her own. Sasha desperately felt around for anything and found a rock. Picking it up and hitting it across the nose. It did some damage, making the animal bleed. It roar, spilling spit over her.

"Ohh no!" Sasha frozen.

"Hey YOU!" Both Sasha and the creature looked up and saw Ivy standing in tree high above them. The frog girl let out a scream and leap out of tree, striking the wild beast in the head with stick. Breaking the jaw, and the beast fell down dead.

"That's what you get!?" Ivy waved the stick around, "When you mess with my friends!" The frog girl turned around to face Sasha, helping her up. "Are you alright?"

Sasha was still in shock over what happened, but took Ivy's hand to help her up. She just looked at dead animal and at the small frog, that monster had to weight at least 30 times her weight and was about same high as Sasha. She was shocked, surprised and was just getting over her near death experiences. "How?" Was all she could say.

"Like I said, I know a thing or two about fighting."

"Where... Where... Where... Did you learn... that...?"

"My Grandmother... and mostly by myself... My Grandmother gets it. I need to be tough... To make it in this world." She folded her arms, rolling her eyes. "Mom, thinks I should l learning to make tea. I don't want to do any of that boring, frilly garbage. It's so dumb!"

"Making Tea?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, "That's sound lame."

"It totally is!" Ivy was happily someone agreed with her.

Sasha awkwardly grabbed her wrist, "Umm... thanks for you... Know... Saving me." Sasha couldn't believe that this kid she just met today was willing to risk her own life to save her. She didn't know if things were different would she do the same... She would like to say she would, she didn't want to think she'll would leave someone behind like that. But she didn't know if she could truly answer that truthfully, and that kinda of scared her a little.

"Aww... It was nothing..." Ivy smile, "Up for another game of tag?"

"You're on kid," Sasha pointed at the kid." But lets stay away from the forest."

"That's fine with me... Argggh!" Sasha pulled down Ivy's hat over her eyes and ran towards town.


Ivy pulled her hat up, and laughed as she ran after Sasha.