
The Warrior's Musician [BL]

In the vast expanse of the celestial realm, a sacred mission was bestowed upon the five deities known as the Heavenly Order. Their purpose: to protect the mortal realm from the offspring of an ancient demon, whose birth was foretold to bring destruction upon their world. But what if that destruction already happened? and its existence was forgotten for someone brought everyone back to the beginning, that beginning of time where everything had started. Eventually, as the time turns counterclockwise, so does everyone’s memories. - “Your destiny cannot be undone” In a sudden gasp, Xing Ziao abruptly rose from his sleep, his body drenched in perspiration as he struggled for breath. A younger man with silvery-white hair, holding a bundle of fruits, swiftly approached, his steps filled with concern. "Ziao ge, are you unwell? You seem troubled," he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. Xing Ziao, still breathing heavily, shook his head in response. "It is merely another one of my troubled dreams," Xing Ziao sighed, his voice tinged with resignation. The younger man lowered himself to a crouching position beside his elder brother, offering the bundle of fruits he had just brought. "Can you recall the content of this unsettling dream, Ziao ge?" he inquired, his concern evident in his eyes. "No, but it feels familiar, like my previous dreams. Though the details are blurred, I sense a scene of warfare," Xing Ziao explained. The younger man nodded in understanding, taking a bite from one of the fruits he had brought. Xing Ziao rose to his feet and retrieved his iron spear, which had been resting against a nearby tree. "I am certain these dreams hold no significant meaning," he murmured to himself...

Baoyu_Loufu_Xia_Er · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Dance of Blades

Not all warriors are understanding and humble; there are those who cultivate and train for fame, those who seek strength to feel superior, and those who are short-tempered by nature.

The messenger, accompanied by a lone guard, walked back to the palace but found their path blocked by five disgruntled participants. Their expressions displayed displeasure at the announcement.

"How dare you command us to retreat, the celestial trial is the reason why we travelled! and not to defend your nation! What a trash! You refuse to enlighten us with the reasons behind the trial's cancellation! Not all of us possess the capacity to comprehend the foolishness of this plight that wastes our precious time!"

The commotion grew louder, attracting the attention of the surrounding crowd, who quickly gathered once more.


"Ziao ge, I will venture out and trail the messenger to uncover the truth behind the trial's cancellation," Kuai declared, his grip on his fan tightening as he prepared to leap out of the window with swift agility.

Xing Ziao, watching his brother's impulsive action, shook his head with a mix of concern and resignation. "That reckless brother of mine, I hope he won't stir up trouble."

With a sigh, Xing Ziao made up his mind. "I shall return to the harbor and investigate the issue that Captain spoke of," he decided.

Closing the windows and ensuring the room was secure, Xing Ziao took hold of his spear and left, his footsteps resolute as he made his way back to the harbor.


As Kuai weaved his way through the bustling streets, his curiosity was piqued by the sight of a gathering crowd up ahead. Eager to discover the cause of the commotion, he quickened his pace, navigating through the onlookers until he reached the center of the tumult. There, he came face-to-face with a group of agitated participants, their faces contorted with anger and hostility, encircling the king's messenger and the lone guard.

"It is the decree of the King that the reason for the cancellation of the Trial shall remain undisclosed," the messenger stated calmly, although his trembling hands betrayed his inner unease, discernible only to Kuai's perceptive gaze.

A swordsman, positioned at the center of the group, displayed clear annoyance and skepticism towards the messenger's words. With a decisive motion, he unsheathed his sword, prompting other disgruntled participants to follow suit. An angry cultivator emanated dark energy, while weapon masters revealed their weapons, contributing to the mounting tension.

Alerted by these confrontational actions, the guard promptly assumed a defensive stance, their spear pointed towards the agitated participants.

Kuai's eyes narrowed, his mind assessing the situation before him. It was clear that a confrontation was inevitable, and the potential for bloodshed loomed in the air. Determined to prevent further escalation, Kuai stepped forward, his voice carrying an air of authority.

"Cease this senseless hostility!" Kuai's words rang out, commanding attention from both participants and onlookers alike.

"and what are you gonna do about it kid? Stop us?" The Swordsman sneered, which made some people laugh.

Kuai who was not affected by the the swordsman's mockery just smirked in response, "Ofcourse, and please don't call a 17 years old a 'kid', old man,"

The crowd that is watching the commotion was then amused by the bravery that Kuai showed which made the swordsman red in anger.

"Alright then, since you are planning to 'stop us', then how about a one on one battle with me," The swordsman grinned

Kuai then unfold his fan, and fanned himself, already expecting what the swordsman had planned, "a battle with only you? I decline" Kuai answered smirking back, which made the swordsman grip his sword tightly, furious with the young man's blunt answer.

"You decline? Hah! Ofcourse, you are too scared to be defeated, after all you are just a mere child" The swordsman spoke back, the smug on his face unwavering.

"Oh, that's not the reason, old man," Kuai said, his voice firm as he stood up straight, the sound of his fan folding echoing with a loud thud.

"I don't want to battle ONLY with you, I want to fight all of you," he declared, pointing towards the five adversaries before him—the swordsman, two spear users, a dagger user, and a cultivator.

"And... if I win, you must let the king's messenger and his guard pass through," he continued, his words hanging in the air.

A stunned silence enveloped the surroundings, broken only by an outburst of laughter from the onlookers. It seemed absurd for a 17-year-old to challenge grown-ups, especially in such a perilous situation. But the laughter did not deter the silvery-white haired young man; instead, it only widened his smile.

'Of course, wouldn't it be strange for a 17-year-old to face such formidable opponents? We are often viewed as weaklings, not yet ready to confront the challenges of the world,' he thought to himself.

Unbeknownst to the crowd, including the angry participants, Kuai had already made his move. With a flick of his wrist, his fan unfolded, revealing a trace of blood. In an instant, the five adversaries noticed the bloodied fan and felt a sharp pain across their faces. They were scarred by the fan's unexpected power, leaving everyone surprised and in awe.

And so, the battle began, the clash of weapons and cultivation techniques filling the air with a fierce energy. Kuai, the seemingly youthful and underestimated warrior, displayed an astounding mastery of his fan, weaving between attacks with grace and precision. The crowd watched in astonishment as he faced his adversaries with unwavering determination and skill.

The swordsman lunged forward, his sword slashing through the air with deadly intent. But Kuai swiftly evaded the attack, his fan spinning with blinding speed, deflecting the blade with a resounding clang. He countered with a swift strike, sending a gust of wind towards his opponent, causing him to stagger backward.

The two spear users advanced, their weapons thrusting towards Kuai from both sides. With swift footwork and impeccable timing, he ducked, twisted, and parried their strikes, swiftly turning the tables. Using the fan as an extension of his arm, he unleashed a flurry of strikes, his movements blending seamlessly with the elegant dance of his weapon.

The dagger user darted forward, aiming for a quick and precise strike. But Kuai anticipated the attack, his senses honed from years of training. With a fluid motion, he deflected the dagger with his fan and countered with a powerful strike, sending his opponent sprawling to the ground.

The cultivator, sensing an opportunity, channeled dark energy, launching a devastating attack. But Kuai remained calm and focused, his inner energy surging forth. With a single breath, he unleashed a wave of energy that repelled the cultivator's dark power, leaving him momentarily stunned.

The crowd watched in awe as Kuai, the young warrior who defied expectations, effortlessly defeated his adversaries one by one. His movements were a symphony of skill and grace, his fan an extension of his very being. With each strike and parry, he showcased the strength that belied his age, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

As the battle came to its conclusion, the defeated participants swiftly fled, their anger extinguished by the skilled prowess of the young man. The crowd, including the King's messenger and his guard, erupted in astonishment, their applause filling the air.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the messenger expressed his thanks to Kuai repeatedly, eager to repay the young man for saving him. In response, Kuai smiled kindly and made a humble request—to have a direct audience with the king. The messenger readily agreed, offering to lead Kuai to the palace.

Unbeknownst to Kuai, a figure observed the battle from a distance, finding amusement in his actions. The figure, clad in robes of dark elegance, possessed an air of authority and power that commanded attention.


"My lord," spoke the young man with midnight hair, his voice respectful and composed. "I have located the two individuals you seek. They are both staying here in the Kingdom of Jianghu."

A slight smile curved the lips of the older young man with longer midnight hair and Mint green locks. His eyes, filled with intrigue and mystery, held secrets untold.

"Good job, Xiao Ling," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a sense of satisfaction. "Continue to keep a close watch on them. Their presence holds significance beyond what others may perceive."

Xiao Ling nodded, his loyalty unwavering, yet his curiosity still lingering. "My lord, I have been meaning to ask since our hasty departure from the South. Why are these two mortals of such importance that you search for them?"

The older man's enigmatic smile deepened, "There are forces at play, Xiao Ling, forces that intertwine their destinies with ours. They possess hidden potential and secrets yet to be unveiled. In due time, all shall be revealed."

With those cryptic words, the older man turned and gracefully departed, leaving Xiao Ling in deep thoughts.