
The War Within

They say the perfect partner exist in this world but yeah there's a catch. They could be a thousand miles away from you or way younger than you or could also be older. They would have been very near you yet you never get the chance to meet them and that sucks. Someone whose personality perfectly complements yours. Someone who truly understands and cares. Someone meant to be with you. As perfect it may sound, not everyone is given this opportunity to meet this perfect love in their lifetime. I am Paul and I'm one of those who were given a chance to collide with my perfect half. The only problem is that we are not meant for each other.

harshzephyr · 都市
2 Chs

When the Stars Sang their Song

"Hey, tell you something." Ric mumbled

I almost didn't hear those words as i am lost in this midsummer night dream's picturisque place. I was just staring blankly at the night sky and was lost in my own thoughts.

"Hey did you hear me?" He had to catch my attention while his eyes were fixated at the starry sky.

"Sorry didn't hear you the first time. I was enjoying the view." I replied

"So what was it?"

"Hmmm that's sad. I thought you'd enjoy my company more than this view." he whispered

I was startled with what i hear and for a brief moment, my focus shifted suddenly from the euphoric scene to his calm words. I turned my head slowly to look at him and i saw that he too was looking above. His eyes weren't blank. They reflect the heavens. He was staring as if looking for something. I saw him move his hands and clenched his fist. I don't know what's on his mind and that sucks. I at least want to know so i'd know too how to react. I think he noticed that i was looking at him so he shifted his gaze to me.

"Do you hear it?" he asked

"Hear what?"

"Listen carefully. You'll hear it."

"I just hear the ocean waves, the wind and hey I hear the crickets" I said while bursting myself into laughter

I heard him broke into laughter too.

"You still want to call me Cricket?" he asked

"If you'd allow me haha"

"I think it's nice so yes you can"

We both gazed back into the night sky. I laid on my back against the sleeping bag and put my arms under my head.

"I can stay like this forever." I blurted

"So do you hear it now?" He asked again

"What? I really can't."

"The song of the stars." he spoke so slowly almost poetic

"When i was young, my mother and I were walking on the fields going home. It was a boring walk since I can only see rice stalks. I complained to her and said I don't want to walk anymore. She looked at me with her very calm face and said we're almost there. Just listen to the song of the stars. I too for a while didn't get what she was saying but when she told me use your heat not your ears in listening I finally understood. It is when you don't use your eyes that you truly see what's in front of you. I chose to open my heart and yes i heard the song."

I was puzzled for a moment and amazed at the same time. I already knew he spoke trivial things but now I'm lost at what he wanted to say so I dared to ask:" What song do they play?"

He gently turned his gaze at me and said:

" The one for you and me"

I felt numb all over and felt like I'm floating somewhere dark and warm. I couldn't think clearly and was also lost for words.

I looked back at the stars and I don't know why but I just said "I don't want it to end."